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approximate date for 1.20?

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Hi vintarians leaders, do you have an approximate date for the future 1.20? because I hesitate to upgrade my server to 1.19 if 1.20 comes out soon?

In the meantime, do you know how I can update my 1.18 server to 1.19 while keeping my existing progression?

Ty for your answer ❤️

Edited by VYDE
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No statements have been made by the developers, IIRC.

Personally I wouldn't be surprised if it was somewhere in the July-August timeframe. Just based on past releases. It's really hard to judge though, because in contrast to 1.19, we're getting less in the way of regular dev updates this time. 1.120 will add a lot of new lore content, and they don't want to spoiler us with previews. So there's absolutely no telling if it's nearly done or only barely started.

In the meantime: yes, do upgrade to 1.19. You'll want to do that anyway if you want to go to 1.20 later. Worlds can generally be brought forward just fine, but the more major version steps you try to skip, the more likely you'll run into problems. So my recommendation here is: update to 1.19.0, start the server once and let it remap. Then update to 1.19.7. Then you should be good for an 1.20 update in the future.

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I have also question about this version, hope so it isn't intruding. I'm wondering if new version of creature animations will be used there (one shown on discord)? It's quite brilliant and can't wait to play with it 👍

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Previews on Discord, in the #devlog channel, are usually about features coming in the next version, yes.

Though not everything shown there is guaranteed to make it into the game. Sometimes Tyron is just experimenting with some new tech to see if it's feasible. For example, fully physics-simulated ropes were previewed several updates ago, but never made it into the game - it turned out to be too complex/time-consuming to implement.

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