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Looking for an Immersive RP experience.


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I've been trying out some servers for this game, specifically looking for modded RP. I've found a couple that are lovely, but the RP is never very immersive, it's usually just people on voice proximity being themselves and barely roleplaying. There's nothing wrong with this, but I'd really like to tell a story and explore character dynamics while also being involved in a community with trade, etc.

Let me know if you know of or have a server that's like this. I'd be very interested.

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I've been poking around looking at the options as well, though more of out curiosity as I've not yet decided to really jump into the multiplayer aspect of the game. Though I have seen a few roleplaying servers advertised, they didn't quite hit the right note of what I would be looking for.

Speaking from RP experience in other games--the easiest RP to find is generally walk-ups, which tends to be pretty casual and never really delves deep into character connections or stories. It can lead to deeper story arcs though, depending on the players involved. The main drawback I've found to walk-ups is that the quality tends to be rather random, and it's often easier to find RP opportunities if you're the one initiating interactions rather than waiting for someone to interact with your character(which is great for extroverted players/characters, but can be a little daunting to the introverts).

When it comes to more serious RP content, I think the main ingredient for success is to find a group that can play at the same time on a regular basis and has shared tastes and goals when it comes to overall storyline and characters. It can be more difficult to find the right group, of course, but the results are generally better.

Anyway, I wish you luck on your quest! The game seems ripe with roleplaying potential, it may just take some time to find the right group.

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If you are still looking I would be interested in discussing with you via DM, I am a lifelong RPG player/DM and have this brand new server that I would love to get an 'RPG group' together to play on. I am looking for serious role players who are mature in their RPG such as yourself, preferably with some TTRPG experience. As far as the server itself goes (mods, seed, etc.) I have a core set that I have running pretty stable that pushes the game towards more fantasy (fantasy creatures  & rustborn magic) but would want to tweak it to suite players. One idea for the 'campaign' I had was for us all to work together to find a large semi-standing ruins (I have better ruins mod installed) that we build up into a fortress and then found a central village (VSVillager Mod) together. Once we establish that we can see where the campaign takes us, maybe each of us then found a fortress/village, kinda repopulate the world so to speak. Another thought I had, maybe along with it, was for me to play a character that is in a position to send other players on adventures, quests, etc. for rewards or whatever, basically act as a Game Master. Anyhow, hit me up if interested.

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I'm Admin and founder of The Expansion. We are a  RP server with a very light mod list and a 200+ community and a heavy focus on Roleplay! If you want to check us out; here is our forum post:

Looking forward to seeing you around! And please do hit me up if you have ANY questions. :D

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