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Animal pathing regarding water

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I think animals are really too gung ho about getting in the water, I'm seeing a tremendous amount of wolves and rabbits and cows etc just swimming around the coast. But basically none in jungles and forests and plains where they belong, they all seem to just filter into the water and hop around the coast and stay there.

I think maybe animal pathing in general is a little too random they don't seem to move with much purpose and I think some decision weighting could go into having them move into comfortable cover to lay, stay near; but not in, watering holes when they can and roam when there's scarce food. I think it'd just enrich the animal experience in general for people travelling or hunting.

Right now as a hunter, I feel more like a spear and bow fisher and then have to swim to the bottom of the lake or whatever to harvest every animal.

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I think we all may be misunderstanding something.  I now believe all those land animals in the water are just attempting to evolve into water-based mammals like dolphins, orcas and whales since the newly created oceans are so devoid of life bigger than fish.  There's a huge evolutionary opportunity here and some of the bigger brained animals are capitalizing on it.

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