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what was the application i downloaded with vintage story?

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I recently purchased vintage story and I have been enjoying the game a lot, however some of the other games i like to play are now unable to launch. these games are known for having issues related to firewall stuff, and i remember the installer for vintage story made me download something firewall related. i was just wondering what the name of it was so i could go in and change some of its settings, Thank you!


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The only things I recall were Visual C++ Redistributables and .NET 7, if those were not already on your system. Both of which should be just additive, not removing any of your other installed versions.


To the best of my knowledge, neither has anything at all to do with a firewall. Certainly didn't affect any of my other games.

Be sure to post back when you figure out what happened.


Edited by Thorfinn
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I cant find .NET 7 anywhere on my computer, however I am able find Visual C++ so I'm assuming that's what I downloaded. Either way, the issue seems to resolved itself, so maybe it was unrelated. if it starts up again ill start trouble shooting with C++ and if that doesn't work ill return to this thread. thank you for the help :)

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