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What are the configs and mods that can make your base/farms/animals safe?

Go to solution Solved by LadyWYT,

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To keep drifts away from your base, you have to scatter lights in your base, which usually makes it ugly, and makes peacefully enjoying your backyard at a relatively dark environment impossible.

To keep hares away from your farms, you have to build tall fences and avoid grass blocks, which makes open fields and many farmland decorations impossible.

To keep wolfs and bears (and some others?) away from your animals and yourself, you have to build your base away from forests, another limitation for your base.

Maybe there are more that I missed, please help me complete them.

So are there configs and mods that can solve the above issues specifically for your base, without affecting places away from the base. 


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On 5/12/2024 at 1:21 AM, Herstoria said:

To keep drifts away from your base, you have to scatter lights in your base, which usually makes it ugly, and makes peacefully enjoying your backyard at a relatively dark environment impossible.

This mod should help with the drifter issue by making them only spawn underground. https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/9700

There are other similar mods if you search "drifter" in the database as well, should this one not work or not quite be the solution you're looking for.

On 5/12/2024 at 1:21 AM, Herstoria said:

To keep hares away from your farms, you have to build tall fences and avoid grass blocks, which makes open fields and many farmland decorations impossible.


This mod may solve the issue of hares eating crops that aren't fenced in. It's for version 1.18, but to my knowledge nothing regarding hares really changed in 1.19 so it should still work.

On 5/12/2024 at 1:21 AM, Herstoria said:

To keep wolfs and bears (and some others?) away from your animals and yourself, you have to build your base away from forests, another limitation for your base.

Turning the wildlife settings to "neutral" in the world config options should make bears and wolves(and other hostile wildlife) have a more peaceful disposition toward the player. I think they will still hunt prey animals though, and will likely still fight back should you attack them first. I'm not 100% certain though, as I play with hostile wildlife.

If setting them to neutral isn't quite enough, there are mods to prevent them from spawning, as well as mods that tweak them in other ways. Shopping around with the keywords "wolf", "bear", or "hostile" seemed to pull up some of the best results, though the mods also seemed to be for older versions. Which, older mods can be used on newer versions, but it's also a bigger dice roll on whether or not it will work properly.


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On 5/12/2024 at 1:21 AM, Herstoria said:

So are there configs and mods that can solve the above issues specifically for your base, without affecting places away from the base.

Because I forgot to answer this question in my original post, and can't figure out how to edit it in:

I don't think there's a way to achieve the desired results for a specific region, without attempting to make a mod yourself. Any world settings you change or mods you install will apply to the entire world itself.

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13 hours ago, LadyWYT said:

Because I forgot to answer this question in my original post, and can't figure out how to edit it in:

I don't think there's a way to achieve the desired results for a specific region, without attempting to make a mod yourself. Any world settings you change or mods you install will apply to the entire world itself.

Thank you very much for those information! They are very helpful!

I do have a possible solution to what I posted. Just to prevent any spawning around the base (e.g. add an item that prevents  any spawning in a relatively large or tunnable radius), then you can surround your base with fences. It only has to be done at the very boundary, and wouldn't affect too much how you can design your base.

This also sounds more realistic to me: wildlifes can still intrude your base if you missed some fences, but they cannot come out just from the void inside your base.

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