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Now I know that maple syrup is a popular suggestion for a spring food source (and I am down for it) However I would also like to put forth the suggestion that in the spring months ferns change to "fiddleheads" and then back to ferns once the temps hit a certain point. It would be a good early game food source for new worlds and something else to forage while traveling in the early spring.

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I almost replied to this in the wrong thread. Whoops! I didn't know fiddleheads were edible, but it'd certainly make for a nice forage option in the Cool climate zones. Maybe offering something like 40 vegetable saturation? Not so much that it lessens the survival difficulty for those areas, but not so little that it's not worth gathering either. And the vegetable nutrition bar is currently quite difficult to fill in that area as well, so it's not a pure emergency food like the cattail roots are.

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