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Can I import a player saves and world to a new account?

Go to solution Solved by Thorfinn,

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Hi, I tried the game recently in a friend pc and I loved it so much that when I had to return the pc I bought the game, the problem is that I want to keep my progress.

I copied all the saved data (bassically all the folder in roaming in case there was trouble) but when I start the world with my new account obviusly I don't have the same player.

Is there any way to get my friend's account inventory and map and put it in my new character?

Thanks in advance!

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14 minutes ago, Thorfinn said:

Does the world itself show up in Load Game or whatever it's called?

Yes, I can play in it but it makes me create a new character.
My friend's player data is in the PlayerData.json next to my new account data, so I guess the inventory and waypoints are somewhere related to my friend's player data saves

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I've never tried to migrate a save from someone else's username.

If you log into your friend's game [EDIT] on his machine [/EDIT] with your credentials, does it make you create a new character? Or do you see the old one?

Edited by Thorfinn
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25 minutes ago, Thorfinn said:

I've never tried to migrate a save from someone else's username.

If you log into your friend's game [EDIT] on his machine [/EDIT] with your credentials, does it make you create a new character? Or do you see the old one?

If I use my credentials it makes me create a character (the first time I log in), I could just make a new one and get my things but the waypoints would still be lost and that'd be quite annoying since I have like 100

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You could try one of the waypoint sharing mods. I don't use the map, so have no idea how any of them work. But if your friend opened his game up to MP, you could join, then, I guess at least in theory, get the waypoints into your name, too. 

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14 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

You could try one of the waypoint sharing mods. I don't use the map, so have no idea how any of them work. But if your friend opened his game up to MP, you could join, then, I guess at least in theory, get the waypoints into your name, too. 

Thank you so much! I hadn't thought of that and it worked beautifully, I could even update to the new version with no problems. I had to redo the character but it wasn't a big deal, I just left my things in a chest. Someone had made a mod for exporting waypoints so I just had to export and import them.

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