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Let them eat cake


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I like the balanced diet mechanic. How about adding one more "nutrient"? A "feeling fulfilled" kind of nutrient. "I can eat tasty foods, and that makes me happy" nutrient. And because life is sweet, the player get better stats. This could open up for more possibilities and realism to the game. Even primitive tribes had their guilty pleasures; just sayin. 

Imagine being rewarded with more than plain old saturation for going the extra mile by making a cake. Or, if a gamer can dream, wine perhaps?

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I'd be more inclined to attach small temporary buffs to fancier foods. Sugary desserts aren't particularly valuable when it comes to nutrition, and I would expect them to at least be a bit complicated to make(may just take some effort to acquire and refine ingredients, such as bees for honey, etc). Attaching something like a boost to attack strength for a couple hours, to a sugary pastry, would make it an attractive snack to eat if you intend to be fighting. The main drawback though(outside of a lack of nutrition/satiating food), is that most foods you can't eat unless you're hungry.

6 hours ago, foremastJack said:

I like the balanced diet mechanic. How about adding one more "nutrient"? A "feeling fulfilled" kind of nutrient. "I can eat tasty foods, and that makes me happy" nutrient. And because life is sweet, the player get better stats.

What I'd probably opt for instead, if I could...I'd go with this, but implement some fitness sliders to the player character(similar to what the Sims does). And similar to the Sims, those values could be set at character creation to add further customization options, with the choices the player makes after influencing whether or not the character continues to maintain that appearance. So a character that overindulges in sweets frequently or otherwise overloads on more calories than they need will eventually wind up as butterballs, whereas characters will more balanced diets will probably be more fit. I'd probably also expect a character's fitness to be primarily cosmetic, with only small benefits or drawbacks depending on their current state. Likewise, I'd also expect changes like those to be achieved much more gradually than they are in the Sims, so no wolfing down 20 pizzas in one sitting or running on a treadmill for a few hours to go from one extreme to the other.

All that being said...I'd be a little surprised if a system like what I just outlined did make it into Vintage Story, whether in an official update or through a mod. 🤣

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On 9/15/2024 at 7:10 AM, LadyWYT said:

Sugary desserts aren't particularly valuable when it comes to nutrition

True. It wouldn't be realistic to gain better health by munching cake. Haha. What about this instead: By filling up the "tasty food" nutrition, you'll loose some of the balance in your diet, making you eventually go down to zero, and by that lower health instead of obesity, if you only eat sugar. 

Happiness isn't nutrition. But happiness can give extra strength.

On 9/15/2024 at 7:10 AM, LadyWYT said:

I'd be more inclined to attach small temporary buffs to fancier foods

I like the idea to gaining buffs. However, that may create a dilemma with alcoholic beverages. I really don't like drunk buffs.

Edited by foremastJack
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Id like the idea of a buff called "sugar rush" when you can for example move faster :D But looking at my kid here when he eats sweets i guess after some in game time the buff should instead change to a debuff called "sugar withdrawl" or something when for a while you move slowly, cant sprint and cant use tools :D 

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