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Do you think it would be possible to 'complete' the game (full tech development basically) entirely "vegan"? No meat, obviously,  but also no fat, bones, pelt, leather, ...

Can't see why not, but leather would be difficult to do without!


[Not a vegan BTW,  just a thought experiment.]

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7 hours ago, Alluvium said:

Do you think it would be possible to 'complete' the game (full tech development basically) entirely "vegan"?

In its current state? Yes. It's going to be harder, of course, since you're going to be lacking at least one full bar of nutrition(dairy, protein can be acquired via peanuts/soy). The best armor you're going to be able to craft is gambeson, so fighting at range is probably recommended(although how you'd acquire arrows, I'm not sure). Lighting is going to end up being limited to torches, and preserving food is also going to be difficult since you have no way to seal your crocks. Keep in mind that vegan(as I understand it) avoids animal products entirely, which is going to end up ruling out beeswax in addition to leather, milk, cheese, etc. You should still be able to find and clear the Resonance Archive though.

Now in regards to "full tech development" as the primary goal for beating the game...that depends heavily on how you define that. Is it acquiring Jonas tech? Is it acquiring steel? Or is it building machinery like helve hammers and milling systems? I believe you should be able to craft the Jonas tech devices without the need for animal products, although I could be wrong. Steel should also be reachable without the need for animal product, provided acquiring steel armor isn't part of the goal(even if you find some in a ruin, it would still have used leather in its fabrication, which breaks the vegan rule). If the machinery is part of the goal though, then the answer is no, you're not going to be able to beat the game using vegan rules, unless you have mods that allow you to craft the necessary items without using animal products.

The easier gameplay challenge is probably just enforcing vegetarian rules, which is still going to mean no consumption of meat/fat and no harming animals except in self defense. So dairy nutrition would be an option, and eggs could help satisfy protein needs in addition to peanuts and soybeans. In regards to bones, fat, and hide...those would probably qualify as usable, provided you're salvaging a carcass instead of killing the creature yourself(though trader purchases might be an option here). Carcass salvage is also the way to go to get feathers for arrows.

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