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Missing chunks on initial world spawn

Tom Bombadil

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So the players on our server keep running across massive voids of missing chunks in the landscape, several chunks wide. Most of them I can do a /wgen regen 1 and they regenerate, but there are some I can't get back even with a forceload command. When I try to regen these chunks, it just removes more chunks.
I'm at a loss.

Anyone have any ideas how to get these missing chunks to show up?

This is on 1.19




Edited by Tom Bombadil
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oh, the skyblock setting!?  j/k

the one time I encountered this issue on a server had to do with the server not restarting over an extended period.  seems when I tried to enter new never before gen'd chunks, the game failed to create the map further.  (something filled up, buffer, memory, storage... something ran out of resources a restart reallocated, or scavenged back what was needed to continue.  wasn't my server, so i'm unaware of the finer details)

after the server restarted, all those new areas were accessible.  but, i did come across missing chunks much like the pictures above, though perhaps to a lesser degree

Edited by idiomcritter
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