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Auto-Filling for chiseling/clay molds


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Hi guys, fantastic game so far, got this a few days ago from a person in my chat while I was livestreaming on twitch.  I just had one suggestion and not sure if its been said before, but I thought to leave it here!

While building the molds/chiseling is very interesting and cool, I do find the whole 'pixel hunting' to click out little squares can be a option to just have a auto-fill feature.  For me, I understand the idea of showing the immersion, but at the same time making the player manually do it doesn't really add any game play value.  If a autofill was possible, I could enjoy watching building up the mold or chiseling away the tool without having to pixel hunt.  Even having this as a option would be fantastic, that way for people who want to do it manually can still do it.

Thanks and fantastic experience overall so far, pretty hooked and we are enjoying playing on a community server with lots of fun!

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+1, and same for knapping. The experience is fun for the first couple of hours of gameplay, but when you have to knap three chestfuls of flint axes every time you want to harvest your tree farm, it's just soul sapping. A few hundred hours playtime should be enough to unlock an automatic mode.

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While I don't mind it too much, I must admit it can get it tedious late game. Especially if your making shingles for a building. For clay, introducing a potters wheel to game might be good idea, as a way to semi automate the process. Select your form, and as long as you have clay in your hand it'll auto fill. This way you can keep it immersive and add a sense of progression with clay work.

For smiting, I think adding different hammer heads to the helve hammer could work. One head could be used to flatten an ingot out, like it is now, while another spreads it out into a narrower piece of stock for finalizing by the player.

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Later-game methods for clayforming such as a potters wheel have been suggested before. I would personally prefer to have an mid to end-game structure or device to allow easier clay forming than a half-assed "you get better at it" after some time of playing.

I think there's value in doing something the hard way for a while, to then unlock an easier way of doing it. This makes the progression better, you'll enjoy the upgrade more and feel like you've accomplished something by managing to unlock/make it.

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Clay forming is especially annoying when it needs a whole sheet of clay to be laid down - as in molds or some layers of the Storage Jar.   Your player knows how to lay down the first square of clay to form the base, so why can't he/she/they do that again?

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