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Wood chopping

Ender Riens

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Might slot into the "woodworking" part of the roadmap, but the current axe/crafting method of processing feels like a placeholder. Chopping block, etc., what-have-you would be tons more immersive and considerably more engaging if it involved manual labor, much like how knapping or clay forming currently functions. I'd assume they'll do something manual like such with hand saws at minimum, but I figure it'd be interesting to do similarly with making planks as well as firewood. Would personally love to see how such a system might function, as the systems (knapping, clay) so far are creative, engaging, and well-made.

Edited by Ender Riens
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for firewood i'm not sure, it doesn't take too much time in real life to chop wood into firewood, and the days in VS are way shorter, for boards on the other side i'm with you, crafting a somewhat straight board without automation takes quite some time, wouldn't mind having 2 qualities of boards in the end a rough one that just was sawed from the block and a smooth one for which you'd need to refine the rough board with a wood plane, i guess a chisel would do the trick too to not have too many tools. but i'd hope there'd be possible automation for both steps.

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These are also building blocks which most would mass produce to form any sort of decent base. If we did a voxel creator for wood boards, planks, ect... it would stifle builders to an egregious degree.  A tool one doesn't need to mass-produce, and it is useful many times after you spend time to craft it. However to spend a similar amount of time to craft building materials that you place rapidly and in large quantities wouldn't be very feasible. The only thing which I think could make it bearable was the promise of a sawmill operated by mechanical power to turn logs to boards in just as quick a fashion we can do now with a hand-saw. 

For example shingles use voxel crafting, and take ages to make even through they are a simple design. It's an explicit roofing material but the voxel crafting for a block you need mass amounts of leads many to choose another block altogether. Wood is used far more prolifically and slow voxel creation would hurt badly. 

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I wouldn't mind a chopping block where you can place a stack of wood and then you merely right-click with your axe equipped to chop the wood - preferably one click per block or something similar. I feel like this would be both immersive and pretty efficient compared to knapping

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