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How to suicide? Fell down hole and can't get out.

Yel ozing

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What am I supposed to do? I don't have a pickaxe to get out and the only dirt is super high up and I can't reach it. I can't break any of the stone to get out and I have no materials either and can't even light a torch. I can't see anything. Isn't there a console command for suiciding or something?

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Yes, there is: simply '/kill'.

But, as an alternative, consider '/gamemode creative', which lets you fly out of the hole. '/gamemode survival' switches you back.

Note: this only works if you are in singleplayer. All commands starting with a / are admin commands, and in singleplayer, you are always admin. But on a multiplayer server, you need to be specifically assigned the right to use them. There are client commands that start with a . which do not require any special permissions even on a server, but none of them kills you or changes your gamemode.


Edited by Streetwind
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