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world gen

  • Fixed world size - (This makes world generation a lot easier from a technical side)
  • Either eye ball generation where the edges are too cold to go and the center is hot and contains an acid lake. Or Deep oceans at map edges with world wrap east and west with the equator in the middle and pole at north and south edge- (Makes getting to the edge more difficult, makes it predictable, works with seasons, ties in with player mechanics, adds variation)
  • ore generation - ore generates in a variety of different snaking veins, clouds, and knots. Ore veins will not extend more than one chunk beyond the chunk they spawn in. Loose ores from soft ores can only be found in and along rivers if that river has crossed over one of those veins. Loose flint can only be found along rivers and near exposed deposits. (This makes it easier to find ore and delays metal. Metal being delayed stretches out the progression and makes things like flint ore useful. I have never purposefully mined flint ore because it's so common on the surface and because stone lasts for 6 or so tools. I want to extend progression by giving stone and bone tools tiers but not straight tiers like metal currently is, but some stone is better at certain tasks. This increases difficulty by giving different ways to improve.)
  • Only one type of sand on world generation. (simplifies recipes and world generation, is more realistic, helps solidify theme.)
  • the soil has different attributes that change the texture and color. Those attributes are loam(sand, clay, silt, balanced), fertility(high, medium, low, barren), ph(alkaline, neutral, semi-acidic, acidic). The attribute determines the texture used and fertility determines the color. Ph must be tested for. (This is aimed at adding more complexity into farming and variation to dirt)
  • No more clay deposits. Soils high in clay will form at local minimums, water banks, and not on the tops of hills anymore. Soil with the clay attribute can be used to make pottery. Pottery made from this soil is considered stoneware. The soil can be processed to produce higher quality clay. ( Makes looking for clay more predictable and farming more interesting)
  • Rivers start as streams and waterfalls in mountains and come together each adding potential energy used as part of determinate of where it ends. They have rocky, gravel, and mud bottoms depending on potential energy. (ties into mechanical power, is more visually pleasing, more predictable, ties into water erosion mechanics)
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player mechanics

  • hunger(saturation) - Depletes over time. When depleted, the player gets weakness and nutrition goes down but does not trigger damage. Is used to slowly replenish exhaustion. When overeating the player will puke lowering nutrition, saturation, thirst, and nausea debuff which makes it so you can't eat and are weakened. (is intuitive, provides early game difficulty)
  • thirst(hydration) - When depleted, the player starts taking damage and get dizzy causing the camera to wander. Environment greatly changes how rapidly this depletes depending on temperature and moisture. (is intuitive, early game difficulty, adds challenges to specific areas)
  • breath(oxygen) - When in an environment with little to no breathable oxygen it decreases until you get slowness, the screen fades to black, and you die a few seconds later. (easy to understand, limits exploration)
  • temperature - If too cold or hot max hp starts lowering till it reaches zero. How rapidly player takes damage depends on how extreme the temperature is. Lava kills you almost instantly. Clothes and heat sources can change your temperature. (intuitive, gives clothes a mechanic, ties in with agriculture, expands exploration)
  • energy, stamina(exhaustion) - doing work such as sprinting, swimming, jump, climbing, or using tools takes energy. When completely out of energy you can no longer perform activities that require energy. Requires saturation and a break from activities that cost energy, in the case of climbing that means getting off the ladder. Wearing armor does not require energy but does increase the cost of all energy activities. (adds limits to the player for engaging gameplay, ties in with other systems)
  • dodge - by double tapping left, right, or back the player can quickly maneuver to avoid an enemy attack. This comes at a high energy cost.
  • weight - All items and blocks have weight. Carrying over X amount of weight will start to cost energy. The more over X weight the quicker you'll burn through your energy. (ties a bunch of systems together)
  • nutrition - Different foods have different amounts of the various nutrition which is represented in elements. Each person has a different ideal nutrient level. You can think of nutrition as a bar with a small zone near the middle. If within that zone then the player gets a benefit. If close to the zone it grants no bonus. Too far outside of that zone either high or low grants a negative effect. Nutrition levels decrease over time.(adds a sense of progression, encourages variation in food, adds a balancing act)(nutrients: protein, fat, vitamins(A-D), minerals(Iron, calcium, salt, Iodine)  )
  • Conditional Ailments - when you go underground, spend too much time in the sun, get injured, eat uncooked meat, go for a swim, and other triggers you have a chance of contracting an ailment. Some of these ailments have simple fixes like getting some sun after being underground too long. Others require healing items, others will go away on their own but eating the right foods makes them go away faster. Ailments may have an incubation period before they appear so you may not know immediately when you contract an ailment. (Encourages a balanced playstyle to stop burn out from a single task. Adds variation to the day to day that keeps the player engaged.)
  • Your character will not eat or drink if they are not thirsty or hungry. (adds a limit causing players to seek more nutritious food)
  • Healing - players will heal over time at the cost of various nutrients. Various factors can slow the speed of healing such as hunger and injury debuffs. (keeps the danger in getting injured. Ties player mechanics together.)
  • Traumatic injury - being low on health for too long or receiving a large amount of damage very quickly will cause players to get a debuff that lasts for a very long time unless various items are used. (adds interesting mechanic. Opens up a need for medical goods. Creates non-combat danger.)
  • Fight or flight - The first instance of being low on health after sleeping gives the player a temporary buff that temporarily increases HP and stamina. When the buff wears off it takes away how much it added meaning if HP is lower than the temporary amount given, the player will die. If stamina is dipped below negative the player will pass out and be unable to move or see until stamina is restored to 0. 
  • https://www.vintagestory.at/forums/topic/727-perks/
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 leather processing

  • Kill an animal will drop unsalted raw hide.
  • unsalted raw hide will decay over time reducing quality unless salted.
  • using a knife on a pelt will flesh it. If done over a log it'll produce a fleshed fur. If done on a stretching rack it'll produce a uniform fleshed fur.
  • optionally the fleshed fur can be soaked in lime water to create a lime soaked fleshed fur which can be processed with a knife into either a fleshed pelt or uniform fleshed pelt.
  • uniform fleshed pelts left on the stretching rack left for four days will turn into vellum.
  • There are two tannings. Brain tanning using brain pulp or vegetable tanning using oak bark.
  • The fur and pelts can then be brained tanned for a day to produce brain tanned fur or pelt, then smoked over a firepit for soft fur or soft leather.
  • Pelts can be vegetable tanning by soaking it in tanning water(or a bog if that becomes a thing). This process takes a lot of bark and 8 days of soaking to produce soaked leather. If left for 10+ days it produces soaked tough leather.
  • soaked leather then must be stretched to dry.
  • Tough leather must be put into a mold to dry to turn into boiled leather armor, hard leather bags, etc. Tough leather takes much longer to dry.


  • All animals start out in generic wild form.
  • To tame an animal you must put food out for the animal to eat. Over time this will make the animal more trusting of the player. Then when the time is right the animal will accept food from the players hand. After feeding the animal by hand enough it will become familiarized and sometimes bond to a player. Animals will only bond to one player. To increase the speed at which this happens you can trap animals in an area so they are close to the food. Adults trust much more slowly than children and children without nearby adults trust much more rapidly. If the player feeds an adult by hand it increases the speed at which the children will trust that player. Tamed animals will be less aggressive and fearful towards players. If an animal is bonded to you it may follow you around and potentially be teachable. 
  • all animals have stats that can be increased through breeding. Animals do not need to be tamed to be breed together. Just keeping all other animals of the same species away from the breeding pair works. Certain animals will only breed at certain times of the year. 
  • animals with certain stats can produce genetically different offspring that produce additional products like wool and milk.

Animal training

  • Animals must be bonded to you before you can begin training.
  • Not all animals are trainable.
  • Nearly all animals must be bred to be docile before they will bond at a young enough age to be trainable.
  • Different animals species can learn different tricks. Do not expect a dog to learn to pull a plow.
  • Animal stats - these will change what tricks an animal can learn and how good they will be at that trick. Some of these stats vary widely from their parents and siblings while others will be nearly the same. Those that vary the most can also be changed the most through training. 
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  • All rubble, stones, sand, soil all must go into a suitable container or can't be dug up. (Does not include clay)
  • can make clay vessels for storage. (clay pots were a thing and right now the limited amount of storage containers is mainly due to the oversimplification of the storage system. The more simply the system the less need there is for different containers.)
  • carryable containers can also be set on the ground. (allows for quick switching of inventories)
  • There can be category specific slots that prevent all items outside of the specific category from being equipped in that slot. (adds diversity)
  • The bag slots are all specific category slots with three pouch slots and one back slot. Some things require being carried on the back. (Adds an interesting mechanic)
  • Bags act like chests in that instead of one inventory, each opens in its own window. (helps with keeping things organized)
  • items no longer take up multiple slots in a container, i.e no stack limit. (helps with inventory management)
  • all items have volume. (used in bag mechanic)
  • Instead of a set number of slots for non-specific item slots, there is always a slot open and the number grows until maximum volume has been reached at which point stacks can no longer grow and no new items can be placed in the container. (Helps out early game and prevents loading up an entire basket with two seeds. Used to limit the types of materials instead of the number of materials.)
  • all items have weight. (used in bag mechanic)
  • All containers have a weight limit. (used to limit bags and provide upgraded alternatives that cost more)
  • all containers have durability. Durability decreases when a container is over its weight limit and moved. At zero durability the bag drops to the ground and can't be picked up until repaired. (right now only bag progression is in the number of slots. This adds progression in the form of a maximum amount of weight carried.)


  • Remove durability - replace it with a chance to break which is contributed by each piece of the tool. (adds strategic uncertainty instead of a known count. It's the difference between a puzzle you already solved but haven't finished, and an event that you have to adapt to/prepare for.)
  • handles - different types of handles that have different chances of breaking and determine tool range. (Variety is the spice of life)
  • tool heads - each carries its own break chance determined by the material and also determines harvesting tier.
  • A handle requires some sort of binding to attach it to the tool head be it sinew, twine, glue, nail, copper pins, etc, each with its own break chance. (adds ability to customize tools and weapons)
  • breaking - When a tool is used both the handle and head roll the dice to determine if either chip or break tools chip before they break. When one of them break the tool is no longer usable. A broken handle can be replaced at a tool bench. A broken tool head must be reforged at a loss in metal units. A chipped tool loses much less weight can be reforged at significantly less metal lost than a broken tool. Can not recover handles.
  • weight - both tool heads and handles have weight. Determines swing speed, energy usage, and damage. 
  • sharpness - converts blunt damage to a higher amount of slashing/piercing damage. A completely dull sword is going to do some blunt damage but a sharp sword is going to do more blunt + slashing damage. When a blade is sharpened the tool loses a little weight. This increases swing speed but also reduces damage. As tools are used they lose sharpness.
  • hardness - all metals have a certain hardness. Harder metals have a greater chance of breaking than softer metals. Harder metals stay sharper longer. Tools can be work hardened to decrease the rate at which a tool becomes dull without increasing the chance of the tool breaking.
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mining and ore processing

  • soil behaves like sand and gravel.
  • sand and gravel behave like it does in TFC.
  • rock has different gradients (solid, fractured, rubble, cobble(size of hand), gravel, sand)
  • Ore comes in bars(1000 units), nuggets(10 units), flakes(1 unit), and powder(.1 unit).
  • Each time an ore-bearing rock is broken down into a smaller gradient it releases nuggets and flakes. 
  • Powder is mostly for recipes.
  • Depth - as you mine deeper air quality down, the chance for collapse increases, heat goes down and then back up around 50, and stone gets harder. 
  • collapse - increases around water and depth. The chance near the surface in dry conditions is zero.
  • Poor air quality increases energy costs and at bad enough air quality causes suffocation. Things that decrease air quality include fires, rock breaking, depth, can't see the sky, 
  • dust from breaking coal-bearing rock is explosive.
  • While mining you have a chance of running into pressurized water pockets. These will rapidly start filling the area with pressurized water and can not be destroyed. As the water expands it'll become unpressurized.
  • ore - not only has units but purity.
  • purity - is determined by the distance to nearest stone block and type of ore. This makes the inside of a vein higher purity than the outside. This is not shown on a tooltip. 
  • ore smashing - ore can be smashed as the first step in metal refinement and removes the most amount of impurities. This step alone removes most of the impurities. If this was the only thing you did it'd produce decent tools.
  • molten metal - when stuff is melted and mixed all the impurities are averaged out. 
  • measuring purity - by placing ingots on a scale you can compare the weight of two ingots. If you know the purity of one of the ingots, that'll tell the purity of the other. (ingots assumed to be of the same volume.)
  • refining metal - varies. skimming, smelting, roasting, cupellation. All techniques and developed during the bronze age and well understood by the Romans. Add more stuff to do in game and more types of furnaces to make. This refining of metals can be ignored but a superior tool starts with superior metal. Each step is removing a very small amount of the impurities but results in more uses on average for a tool before it breaks.
  • Bloomery creates blooms.
  • Blooms must be heated to work into iron tool.
  • Blooms may be smashed resulting in a slight loss of material but results in a few bits of steel and the rest iron bits.


Alchymia, alchymy, alchemy, chymistry, chemistry - chematria, alcohol, alloys, pigments, perfumes, cleaning products -alkahest is a universal solvent (lime, alcohol, carbonated pot ash)

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  • Farmland no longer seeks nearby water to hydrate.
  • Water next to farmland turns it into mud.
  • Mud hydrates farmland around it.
  • When tilled farmland increase in height rather than decreases. When walking on the tilled soil it compacts it, inhibiting plant nutrient intake. Walking on it also has a small chance of turning it into barren soil, killing the plant.
  • farmland retains the fertility, loam, and ph of the soil from which it was made. The loam can be seen by the texture and fertility seen by the color. Ph must be tested to know what it is.
  • ph in farmland can be lowered with sulfur and raised with lime.
  • There will be four seasons, (spring, summer, fall, winter)
  • Different seasons will change the temperature and weather between the extreme north, south, and equator.
  • Raining will water farmland.
  • Different crops like different temperature ranges, soil types, ph, light ranges, and soil moistures levels. Some will be highly sensitive to some of these conditions.
  • Drainage changes how long farmland will remain watered. Drainage is determined by the block under the farmland. 
  • Most crops do not enjoy being in wet farmland all the time.
  • Players can manually water farmland using various methods such as buckets and watering cans.
  • Crops have stress levels. These go up when not in ideal growing conditions. Stress levels change crop yields and nutrients. Too much stress will kill a plant. Plants maximum stress tolerance increases as they mature.
  • Farmland does not regenerate nutrients and if dug up it will turn into barren soil. Farmland nutrients can be restored using fertilizer, certain crops, or allowing grass to turn it back into grassy soil over time.
  • Crops that die start their growth cycle over again.
  • in-game days crops stay mature (144 default, configurable) before dying.
  • Reeds and rice must be planted in mud or shallow water, do not require watering and uses no nutrients. Lilypad increase rice yields.
  • Can make a compost pile and fill it with food, dry grass, bony soil, and other stuff to make compost. Adding compost to your farmland increases nutrients and fertility.
  • Crops have stats that can be improved but selective sowing.
  • Crops mix stats with nearby crops.
  • Crops with certain stats can diversify producing genetically different seeds.


cooking/medicine - because in ancient times everywhere diet and medicine were the same.

  • cooking involves, (cutting, grinding, boiling, frying, deep frying, mixing, searing, baking) all done at the appropriate station.
    • cutting - done by hand with a knife or at a chopping station. Thinks can be chopped multiple times for finer products. (ex: sliced, diced, minced)
    • grinding - done by hand with mortar and pestle or at a quern.
    • boiling - done with a pot/cauldron filled with water over firepit.
    • frying - done on a metal pan with oil over a firepit.
    • deep frying - done with a pot/cauldron filled with oil over a firepit.
    • mixing - done in a bowl.
    • searing - done over a grill or flat rock
    • baking - done in a clay baking dish in the firepit or in an oven.
  • cooking combines the nutrition of all the ingredients.
  • cutting and grinding increases the nutrition.
  • all forms of heating decrease the overall nutrients but increases saturation.
  • Foods with protein give you a buff that makes your hunger decrease slower.
  • Foods high in sugar give you a buff that increases stamina regeneration.
  • The firepit can be modified by right clicking the firepit with various items such as the cruible, cauldron, and others to turn it into a specialized cooking area.




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tree felling and wood processing

  • More advanced woodworking tools produce products cheaper than more primitive woodworking tools.
  • Trees are multiblock structures. (When cut down the axe no longer needs to guess what belongs to that tree.)
  • If a tree is taken out with an explosion or fire, the logs fall to the ground and must be chopped up individually.
  • Wood processing will be done at various crafting stations. Each station will have an associated type of storage. The crafting stations will pull from nearby associated storage when crafting. Each storage can be expanded by adding more of the associated storage container next to it.
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