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Stroam last won the day on August 23 2022

Stroam had the most liked content!


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Steel Worker

Steel Worker (8/9)




Community Answers

  1. Insects! Let's go!
  2. The difficulty is that land generation in VS is based on noise, rather than geology models. This means the terrain produced is more unpredictable and doesn't have the patterns you find in nature that lead to natural and predictable terrain which would allow for easy river mapping.
  3. To all future people who check this thread. Please go ask on the discord in the #wiki channel and request access.
  4. These are quite detailed. Wish more suggestions were like this.
  5. In leu of a demo we just have that old version and a fantastic refund policy.
  6. Read it. It isn't a new suggestion. Kinda of have this already for some things. For instance learn how the code for fences works.
  7. While we are always striving for performance improvements, if it ever supports 200 players, it'll be a happy coincidence of improvements over time and not something pushed for.
  8. You said this is in windows 11? I'll have to see if that's something that interest Tyron. Right now we are rather swamped with bug fixes so it may be awhile before we can get someone from the team to help but please create a support ticket so we don't forget about this.
  9. Waiting for similar reports to come in before looking into the issue.
  10. I didn't answer that as succinctly as I should have. Steam technology is really cool. Just like copper is a gate to more advanced tools, steam will only get added as a gate to the most advance endgame content and as a replacement for windmills. When I hear people advocate for steam technology it is usually for automation purposes and automation isn't a focus for Vintage Story as much as it is a solution used by Vintage Story for grindy tasks for which a mechanical means of processing makes sense.
  11. Stroam


    Lets just say this has been a subject brought up in the past and so is unlikely to change much.
  12. Stroam


    Beautiful! Ruins are lore specific things so are restricted to what fits within that context.
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