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Where is the clay ?


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Clay spawns in grassy, low-lying areas with moderate to heavy rainfall. Look on the map for oval patches of grass that are just a bit more blue (blue clay) or pink (fire clay) compared to the surrounding grass. Once you have found some, open the map and look at the color difference so you will recognize it more easily next time.

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I don't often play with a map, but as of the 1.16 (stable) release it looks to me as if you can't really distinguish clay or peat from the map anymore. At least I can't see the difference. It just comes down to wandering around the map, looking for regions like @Philtre describes. The clay is there. I usually encounter at least one of them on the first day. It's just not as easy to do as it used to be.

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53 minutes ago, Thorfinn said:

I don't often play with a map, but as of the 1.16 (stable) release it looks to me as if you can't really distinguish clay or peat from the map anymore.

It depends on the grass color (which varies with location and time of year), but most of the time you can still spot clay and peat. It's definitely harder than it used to be, though.

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Subtle? According to GIMP's color picker, the difference is non-existent. There are lots of pixels with identical colors which are not peat.

Please post your seed, and we can discuss.



See, on your first screenshot, if clay were a uniform color, there are a couple tile right west of you that would be the same, with maybe one just north of it reflecting the color of clay with grass growing on it. And yet, not so much.

On the second screenshot, one would expect the low-fertility soil, having the same cover, would be the same color. Nope. Not so much.

Check it and see. See if GIMP agrees with you.



Edited by Thorfinn
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I dunno. The color difference does look less visible in the screenshot - but the image gets compressed/downsampled to make the png file, and colors get simplified as part of that. But I found those areas on the map while still a few minutes' walk away, put down the markers I'm standing next to in the screenshots, and went to the marked spots. And they had the clay/peat. And I don't think it was just wild luck, since I've been using the map to find stuff just as much since 1.16 as before. It's definitely harder, and you're much more likely to miss stuff, but it's still doable (except in autumn - the browner grass just masks everything colorwise for some reason).

Edit: the clay (and peat, for that matter) is indeed not "a uniform color". But it varies relative to the colors around it in a way that doesn't correspond to the shading caused by the topology; there's a roughly oval area that has a overall slightly bluer shade, despite the various shadows and highlights. Similarly, the peat is a roundish area that is consistently slightly more brown/red than the surrounding areas.

Seed: 875844952


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  "playstyle": "surviveandbuild"

Edited by Philtre
Explain what the color difference looks like in more detail
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On review, I'm going to agree, @Philtre. I stared at a couple zoomed in maps and correctly identified 11 locations, 6 peat, 2 fireclay and 3 blue clay. No false positives.

There were also 6 deposits of all three types that I stumbled across checking out my suspected deposits, and even when I knew exactly where to look, could not tell it from looking at the map.

I think probably what happened is that when I first installed 1.16, the deposits I first found were the stealth ones. I could not distinguish them at all, and just assumed none were detectable.

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