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Simple Add Block Mod Not Working - Confused as to Why


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Hello, I started dipping into modding and have successfully followed the instructions in this tutorial to create a simple block you can grab in Creative.

When I decided however to create my own mod, the block does not seem to appear in the Creative Inventory Menu and I just can't seem to figure out why.

I have checked my code against working mods and they appear to be identical, I have also carefully re-written all of the json files from scratch with the same result. Obviously I am making some mistake

Could someone turn me on to what I might be doing wrong?

Attached is the mod. It is supposed to add a very rudimentary block called "Statue of Test"


Statue Mod.zip

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5 hours ago, AgentKay said:

Hello, I started dipping into modding and have successfully followed the instructions in this tutorial to create a simple block you can grab in Creative.

When I decided however to create my own mod, the block does not seem to appear in the Creative Inventory Menu and I just can't seem to figure out why.

I have checked my code against working mods and they appear to be identical, I have also carefully re-written all of the json files from scratch with the same result. Obviously I am making some mistake

Could someone turn me on to what I might be doing wrong?

Attached is the mod. It is supposed to add a very rudimentary block called "Statue of Test"


Statue Mod.zip 6.49 kB · 2 downloads

You just need to change a couple of folder names:

1. Since your modid (in modinfo.json) is "teststatue", the folder inside of assets should be the same.  assets\teststatue
2. inside that teststatue folder, change blocktype to blocktypes.  Naming of folders at that level must match an "AssetCategory" in the table listed here

FYI Inside of those base folders (i.e. blocktypes) there are no rules per se.



Edited by Spear and Fang
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