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how is the cheese merchant coming along?


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i noticed you guys are still adding new food, will it all be sold at the MERCHANT cart spawn area?


it seems like there are some caves where some of the scary monsters are spawning too, will there also be ruins? (or maybe a city, that is sort of, friendly?)


still seems like a very artistic, and solid Game, with a lot of different ways to customize the SEED (weather patterns)

good luck making it even more Fun, with some of those spicy character models, but i don't think we need to put a lot of work into making the fishing a fluid masterpiece on it's own XD

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  • 2 months later...

no one knows about the MERCHANT?


he added bears and deer to the SEED, but where is the cheese???

i don't want to get kicked out of my village for not having good food to eat, that is a technical failure, if my friends don't have it :(

i guess i'll have to crawl all the way to the JUNGLE Biome, to see if there are wandering cattle lost there

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