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Posts posted by DArkHekRoMaNT

  1. v1.4.2

    - Allow adding slabs to mining bag
    - Slabs have a maximum stack size depending on their size (12 for small, 1 for giant)
    - Rubble storage has a maximum stack size of 1
    - Fixed a typo in the name of the tin bronze chisel
    - Updated to 1.16.0-pre.8 (still works on 1.15.10 and below)

  2. 15 hours ago, theChudaki said:

    No-no-no-no. Look further and notice the dates of crashes. First ones - yes. Latest ones? Well, it is from 1.4.1.

    09.11.2021 15:04:19: Very old version crash
    09.11.2021 20:59:25: Zeekea crash
    09.11.2021 21:02:41: Zeekea crash
    05.12.2021 21:35:46: Vanilla crash if blockid is greater than int16, fixed in 1.15.10 (other players crash after your interaction)
    06.12.2021 23:20:35 and after: Unknown engine crash in map, most likely not related to SQ? 

    System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientWorldMap.MarkChunkDirty(Int32 cx, Int32 cy, Int32 cz, Boolean priority, Boolean sunRelight, Action OnRetesselated, Boolean fireEvent, Boolean edgeOnly)
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientWorldMap.loadChunkMT(_vuqORdiworbpFGCEOtzIKpyYFng p, ClientChunk chunk)
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientWorldMap.<>c__DisplayClass102_0.<LoadChunkFromPacket>b__0()
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime)
       в _iZ5rVmV6HXdQR8IP3qeaCA7PDqb._T9YfRFmW6X4ZcWzG7vSwet0Rgrs(Single )
       в _2hFm1B1DwOk1Z7yF6DtBdLeBFKaA._5soGXezAcR5oyhhq2pmELCuEn2M(Single )
       в _2hFm1B1DwOk1Z7yF6DtBdLeBFKaA._ZzmaNk5IGbtvQ61ssCzCszyBw2n(Single )
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
       в System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       в OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
       в OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
       в OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
       в _LiN8p156auXcqjjOW5aVAZ0QkUc._fwMbTl3XHB2eqbxoLfc3FpMIE00(_CFodeVozKjT5VhVV66Wv4Bd7r3c , String[] )
       в _qBF2AKwdIhCkNZsjxBA24g20vlH._fwMbTl3XHB2eqbxoLfc3FpMIE00(ThreadStart )


  3. 2 hours ago, theChudaki said:

    After i update mod - plugs was nonfunctional block, and the it fixed itself after 2-3 days. When i was hosting local MP and i used anything from this mod - another players kicked from server or crashed. When another playes try to use this mod - whole save corrupted. But then i see people play with this mod and its working fine. 
    I hope this log will help prevent something similar.

    client-crash.txt 15.09 kB · 0 downloads

    You are playing with a extremely old version of the mod, as far as I can see from the logs.
    I think this is one of the first unofficial versions of Quarry Works from the old version of the DirtyBeauty modpack by ZigTheHedge...

  4. 0_logo.thumb.png.f5ccd134d781987ce3420a030913ac0f.png 

    Do you love making things out of stone, but hate the process of mining it? This mod is for you!

    - Ability to create quarries to collect stone slabs.
    - Slabs can be processed into rock, stones, bricks or polished rock.
    - Break stone into gravel and gravel into sand inside the rubble storage.
    - Store and transport stone, gravel and sand.
    - A way to produce muddy gravel! No more having to go grab it from far away lakes!

    A practical guide can be found in the handbook

    Config file (since 1.5.0):
    - PlugSizes - max size for different plugs (default: 3 - copper, 4 - any bronze, 5 - any iron, 6 - steel)
    - RubbleStorageMaxSize - max total amount of sand, gravel and stones that can be stored in one rubble storage (default: 512)
    - SlabInteractionTime - time of interaction with slabs to obtain stone in seconds (default: 0.2, it is desirable that this be a multiple of 0.2)
    - PlugWorkModifier - modifier of the difficulty (hits number) of hammering plugs (default: 1)

    Download: ModDB

    This is the new version (fork) of Quarry Works! for 1.15+

     Known issues for 2.0.0-pre:


    2.0.0-pre.1 known issues:
    - Stone slabs looks like andesite in inventory always (and name too)  (fixed in pre.2)
    - Plug network preview remains after collection and incorrectly switches to another network (fixed in pre.5)
    - Drops, particles are redirected to BE and created relative to BE (rubble storage, stone slabs) (fixed in pre.4)

    IMultiBlockMonolithicSmall known issues:
    - Particles on the subblock are black/transparent (when you hit)
    - The breaking texture on the sub-block is missing
    - emitSideAO doesn't work on subblock
    - Celboxes are always hidden on the subblock

    Planned before release 2.0.0:


    == Rubble Storage ==
    - Dynamicaly getting rock texture in rubble storage (like in stone slabs) (pre.5)

    == Stone Slabs ==
    - Maybe other multi-rock visualization (now just has texture most quantity rock) (pre.2)
    - Remove rock-based name for stone slabs (pre.2), make dynamic (how?)

    == Plugs ==
    - Checking reinforcement
    - Reworking the visual component of plugs (divided into several selboxes, processed separately)
    - Rework the stage system so that it is possible to score several stages at once. Dynamic stages instead of codes, more stages (?)
    - Levelof hammers with different impact force + inverse relationship with plugs
    - More expensive hammer hit (+ config option).

    == Other ==
    - Move AllowedCodes into a separate system instead of block attributes (pre.4)
    - Update models (pre.5)
    - Few optimizations (for example, fix rubble storage colbox live-time calc 🙃 )
    - Fix bugs
    - Fix more bugs 👀 


    • Like 1
    • Amazing! 1
  5. I suggest to split structures.json into 1 file - 1 structure or subarray of structures. Now the generation system is not very flexible, especially in terms of deleting / disabling structures. You can only delete a specific id of the array without checking. 

    In addition, if you use a folder, this will also allow mods to simply put the desired structure in assets/modid/worldgen/structures/mystructure.json without any patches at all.

    • Like 4
  6. On 11/14/2021 at 2:05 AM, Hal13 said:

    that iron chainmail was really tedious to craft after all

    By default, you do not drop armor and clothing. Also, as far as I remember, you can customize the individual categories of saved items. For example, you can save everything except the hotbar.

  7. On 8/27/2021 at 10:03 PM, Thomas said:

    Nice Mod, but buggy, The teleporters are mostly unevenly distributed and there is usually an area with 40 to 100 teleporters next to each other.

    I got simular problem on the 1.15.7 server with more teleports too. It is strange and very difficult to track down bug. I think I will rewrite the mod with a custom spawn system instead of a vanilla one soon.

  8. @Vintagebob if you upload the sources to github, you usually upload the files themselves, not the zip archive. This also allows you (and other people) to track changes, use search, etc. For the completed mod file, you can use releases, or just upload it only on moddb

  9. Collecting honey and bushes does not work. Do you add items to diet but don't process it? Raccoons have the AI task:

      code: "seekfoodandeat",
      movespeed: 0.010,
      priority: 1.6,
      animationSpeed: 1.75,
      eatTime: 2,
      eatLooseItems: true,
      eatItemCategories: ["Fruit"],
      eatItemCodes: ["honeycomb"],
      animation: "Walk",
      eatAnimation: "gather",
      eatAnimationLooseItems: "eat",
      mincooldownHours: 6,
      maxcooldownHours: 12,


  10. In order for the mod to work normally in zip form, you need to compress not the folder itself, but go into it, select all the files and compress. Otherwise, you have a folder with the name of the mod inside the mod zip file, and the mod itself is already in it, this should not be

  11. 14 hours ago, jakecool19 said:

    Do they permanently lose the owner, or just visually do not display the owner if they are not online? The locust stores the playeruid in their WatchedAttributes and gets the player object from entity.World.PlayerByUID.

    Only while the player is offline. My PlayerCorpse had such a problem, so I now additionally store the player name for output, not just the UID.
    PlayerByUID also returns only online players on client side, since this is a wrapper over api.World.AllPlayers.

  12. I like the division of mods by subject and the Quark method (config for everything). But I also find it important to split the mod into vanilla extensions / new content, if applicable.

    I think many players may opt out of mod with additional content (new mobs), because they adhere to the principle of minimally expanding the game through mods (or they just don't like these mobs).

    Generally speaking, splited mod has its pros and cons:
    + It is easier for players to find the right mods
    + Each mod individually is more stable
    - Many mods are harder to maintain
    - Mods are easier to lose / forget, etc.

    On the other hand, utilitarian (kitchen sink) mods also have their pros and cons:
    + No need to look for a bunch of mods, great recognition
    + You can make a configuration for fine tuning (but keep in mind that most players will not use this)
    + Easier to maintain
    - One part of the mod can break the whole mod when updating the game
    - It can alienate players due to unnecessary / unwanted content (new mobs), but the same Quark partially solves this with controversial parts such as pipes turned off by default

    There are also thematically mods, they are devoid of some of the shortcomings of utilitarian mods and they use a config much more often, because removing 1 in 10 things is more attractive than cutting the mod to remove 9 out of 10 (elevators from OpenBlocks).


    TL;DR: Hard to find the perfect option - to split mod or not? But specifically on the account of improving drifters + new mobs - I would split it 🙃

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