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  1. Bumber's post in Will water in a bucket cool hot metal items like water source blocks? was marked as the answer   
    No. Neither buckets nor barrels work. The basic solution is to use chiseled blocks around a source block to create a fake container. (Bonus tip: Watering cans cool down hot ingot and item molds.)
    There's a mod that makes barrels work. You have to place the item in the barrel slot instead of just tossing it in, though.
  2. Bumber's post in Does the in-game time continue even if the server is empty? was marked as the answer   
    Not by default. There's a setting "PassTimeWhenEmpty" in serverconfig.json.
  3. Bumber's post in Switching from "normal" version to the Net.7 one does affect savefile ? was marked as the answer   
    Save file should be fine. Some mods will work, but others won't.
  4. Bumber's post in Do wolf pups spawned in creative mode grow up? was marked as the answer   
    They take 336 hours (14 days) to grow up after spawning. The natural pup must have been around for a while before you caged it.
  5. Bumber's post in How do you edit/fix a player inventory without loading save? was marked as the answer   
    Figured out a solution. The gist of it was to use sqlite3 to select the "data" column from "playerdata" and output that to a file I could open in a hex editor. There was some data that included slashes ('/') followed by the word "hotbar", which I guessed was info about where to find the player's hotbar data in the save.
    I opened the save file in a large hex editor and did a search for the data with slashes, which gave only 1 result. The hotbar data was a number 0-9 followed by some bytes until the next number. Empty slots aren't listed. I identified the slot with the bad item as the one right before the first empty slot (i.e., where a number is skipped.) I copied the previous slot's bytes over the one with the bad item. (I didn't delete the slot data in case doing so would have messed up other data.)
    The save loaded successfully and I had two hotbar slots containing an identical stack of 2 firewood, confirming that the bad item had been overwritten by it. Hopefully this can be of use to someone else.
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