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Everything posted by Farkin

  1. Hmm, maybe this is just me but I personally don't really like how the classes are balanced. I think it makes more sense in a game like this, rather than reducing damage capabilities, to focus on other effects that may influence gameplay. For me, it just feels obnoxious to be nerfed and essentially trapped doing a particular playstyle. In my mind a hunter is someone who knows how to track and kill animals, using a bow is good and all but I think instead of nerfing its melee damage, simply giving it more damage to animal entities makes much more sense. Our ancestors didn't always use the bow and javelin to kill prey, and the Neanderthals were fairly successful with either wrestling or stabbing them to death. The same goes for Blackguard. From what I know the lore says they were soldiers who fought against drifters? Maybe give them bonus damage against drifters. Minecraft is a game you can play however you want in, and although I am aware of the commoner class, I feel like how the current classes are implemented takes maybe a little bit too much freedom away from a player, ie. too much incentivization into a particular type of combat (take the hunter, 30% ranged damage increase is massive and 15% melee damage just makes it so much more undesirable to use a melee weapon). Malefactor imho is one of the worst of the classes simply due to how much you are neutered in terms of your combat capabilities, which forms an integral part of the game. The sling is good but why would you use it when there are alternatives? Especially for midgame, it seems to lose all relevance outside of the commonality of rocks. The -33% detection is nice but I would argue that if there was a stealth attack gameplay mechanic implemented this would be much more useful than what it currently is. The Tailor might be my least favorite class in the game, it only gives mild cosmetic recipes and a marginal durability upgrade at numerous downsides to combat and survival. I suspect the balancing has been done more in mind toward multiplayer.
  2. They are a common building material for sod houses. Particularly in the viking age. There are circumstances even in colonial America of peat brick houses being used. I see no reason why this shouldn't already be in the game, it has an irl use and peat bogs are already ingame alongside bricks. Irl peat bricks are an extremely effective insulation material, ingame I would assume it would rank in between wood/stone for cellar insulation. On top of this, I think adding in bog iron is a good idea. The vikings commonly used peat bogs not only for fuel but also for iron, infact bog iron was one of the primary forms of iron derived from their surroundings. I don't think adding bog iron to every peat bog is necessarily a good idea but I think going about it in a way similar to copper bits, whereby there is a surface "bog iron bits" as an indicator. How iron is obtained atm via mining, is a fairly technologically advanced method that humans who, after just emerging from the bronze age, would not have engaged in. I think this is a balanced way of allowing players more freedom in obtaining iron while also pushing for players to explore their surroundings. Bog Iron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bog_iron
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