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Posts posted by Rhyagelle

  1. It does feel a bit...slow. I mean even if it just operates as a no fall damage item it's a great addition, but if it's intent was to just operate like that, they could have just made you get Link's bunny slippers or something. 😅 I think it would be great if they not only increased the speed, but the distance it can carry you. It would be really interesting to have a tower set up on a nearby mountain, for example, and another tower in your base that you can glide down to. 

    • Like 1

    14 hours ago, Copperman said:

    Personally I have found the world I generated at random pretty bad in terms of mountains. I like the idea of mountain ranges but it seems often that every little area of flat grass is surrounded by enormous tight waves of mountains that shoot up to the build limit and then plumet straight down to like y level 100 abd then straight back up. It makes exploration in those environments really nasty

    I think I know exactly what you mean. Sort of like this in generation, right? If so, 100% agreed. You could find a beautiful place, flat or even slightly bumpy, and then it's almost entirely walled in by steep, flat sided mountains and that makes traversing through or about the area hideously annoying.


    1 hour ago, imperialwaltz said:

    NGL I've seen you on Steam doing the exact same kind of pocket moderating and it's fairly annoying trying to share one's experience when someone else is constantly crowing in the background how great theirs' is with multiple comments. It's a weird form of one-up-manship that I'm not fond of, especially when the thread itself is simply about what people are disappointed with, with the current generator, in an Early-access game, where the developers ask for this kind of feedback.

    Being annoyed isn't being upset as well, not everyone is a "u mad?" troll. We're real people with real money and real opinions.

    Having said that I was able to find the setting after fiddling around with the "uplift" option in the customize world and I found that 10-20% seems so much better than the default 40%, though I found 0% to be very flat with unnatural formations.


    Pocket moderating? What are you talking about? So I'm not allowed to state my opinions anywhere—not even on Steam where you apparently stalked me to—because it disagrees with someone else's? Sharing an opinion, even if you don't like it, isn't in any shape or form, "pocket moderation". How is it my fault that you're taking my opinions, which I'm freely allowed to share even if you hate it, as me "trying" to shush you or somehow discrediting you and your experiences? Look, it's a public forum. If someone posts a thread in a public space, expect other people to pop in and state their own opinions, and expect not all of them to reflect whatever it is that you believe/like/dislike/etc etc. Or are you trying to discourage me from talking because of your behavior? Are your publically shared experiences an attempt to discredit MY experiences? No, and I certainly wouldn't accuse you of it if I didn't like what you were saying or because it disagreed with me or my experiences. In fact, nothing I ever even said even remotely implied that my experiences made yours less of an experience. You just took it that way and for absolutely no reason.

    No, but reacting to someone initially in the matter that you did, certainly defines being upset. I also never accused you of being a "u mad" troll or that you weren't a real person, what are you even going on about? I didn't even say anything wrong, and in fact, I even agreed about the hill problem. You got so caught up in my explaining why there's a hill problem (and that I found some flat grounds in 1.18?), that you actually convinced yourself that I was (am?) trying to "discourage" you and others from talking about your experiences. I'm sorry that you took it this way, it wasn't even close to any intention. I'm excited about Vintage Story, I love it, and I like to engage in discussions about it—even those that may not align 100% with my own opinions. I didn't come into this thead to shut you or anyone else up about their (terrible) experiences with hills, especially since I actually agree with the problem. I wish you would have just asked me if that was my intention or something, instead of reacting the way you did and doing the things you did, because clearly there has been a massive misunderstanding and this was all not necessary whatsoever.

    And might I just add; I've never seen someone stalk another person to another platform and complain about them sharing their opinions before on a different platform. Talk about creepy behavior. And yet despite this, you expect me to not believe that you were upset earlier? It sounds more like you have a problem with me in general, not that I actually did anything wrong here or to you, and you've used this thread as an excuse to act on it. I don't even know what to say about this all. It's such an overaction to a harmless comment... lesson learned though. Block and enable privacy mode, because someone angry about your game opinions will, no doubt, stalk you across sites. 


  3. At the moment with all of the hills and mountains and the pretty much non-existent flat ground, implementing a mount system or a travel system like this wouldn't do much. I know you mentioned roads, of course, but I see that being a reason why this mechanic may not enter the game—at least for a good while. I do love the idea of a wagon you can store resources in. That would be really, really cool!

  4. 57 minutes ago, Stealthkibbler said:

    I've found the terrain to be pretty samey and demonstrate a lot of the issues already mentioned, however when I took a teleporter that flung me 20k blocks south on the border of where desert and tropical climates meet I was met with beautiful mesas towering into the sky and rolling tropical hills, I'm wondering if this might be an issue particular to the central part of the hemisphere where the player is first spawned.

    I really wish rivers were a thing rather than these chaotic pools of water and inland seas we have, i know theres an ocean setting now but you still end up with these parts of the map that are filled with pseudo beaches despite the terrain in the area being well above sea level.

    Rivers would be a fantastic addition to the generation. It could also help with the hilly parts of the world, too, because you could just take your raft through them rather than jumping and jumping, oh and climbing for 5+hrs. Also, it would just be a lot cooler and definitely make the maps look nicer without 10 trillion variously sized random lakes/pools. 

  5. 17 hours ago, imperialwaltz said:

    I'm not sure if you're just trying to discourage anyone pointing out what they dislike about the terrain generator but I don't play on multiplayer and from the sounds of it you were on some kind of map that I assume was modified in some way.
    What would be helpful though is if you or others would instead try to help the newer players navigate how to 'enable' such great sounding features in a map rather than understating our experience.
    Attached is another screenshot, I've tried again today to create a world that seems plausible and I've been unable to.

    It feels extremely game-breaking when considering the stamina usage constantly having to jump all the time.

    Worse is the constant hits to HP because everywhere is a falling death trap

    If you think me sharing my impressions and opinions of the hill problem in the new generation is "discouraging you" from stating your own dislike of the terraine generator (re-read what I said, as I pointed out it does seem to favor hills), that is entirely on you. So take a chill pill and relax, there's no need for you to get this upset over a simple and unproblematic post. 

    And there is not option to "enable" and I never stated that there was. It's randomly generated. You may find a seed that is 90% hills. Another might find a seed that is varied in its generation more comfortably. The seed of the MP world I was playing on had a few continents that had pretty nice spread in variation of terraine. That was all I said. And the only way to alter the generation is through mods that target that or continously making a stink out of it until the developers take another crack at the generation.


    10 hours ago, Arith said:

    I'm a new player. I bought the game a few days ago, so I haven't played other versions, but yeah, something that bothers me is the lack of flat ground. Every time I find some flat ground, I'm in an unstable place, or I keep hearing wolves (aren't they supposed to spawn mostly in forests?). I've made more than 10 maps so far. And also, I get so tired of trying to find a map that I search for ways to go creative to try to find a place to settle, and I still haven't found one. I don't know if I've been unlucky or what, but I don't know what to do; I want to play! I only have time to play for an hour or so a day, so it is really annoying to spend all that time walking nonstop to find a flat place that is unstable or has wolves.

    As someone who also does the same thing, spending hours walking looking for places that aren't hilly or swampy, I feel that pain. Hopefully the developers take another chance at changing the code, maybe make it favor hills a lot less. 

    • Like 1
  6. I have no idea why it refuses to work for me, then. I have my shortcut saved correctly, I presume, given that it worked after all your help before (thanks again by the way!). I've also tried running as admin, but that didn't seem to work either. Just gets stuck on preparing the install. I'll try a few other things, hopefully it works.


    Even manual updating gets stuck on preparing to install, and not just for my secondary install. I don't think the issue is on my end, after all.  

    EDIT 2

    Okay, so only the install version worked for me, so yeah, definitely think it was a problem with the update versions of rc.6. If it helps to know, I'm on the very latest version of Windows 11.

  7. 8 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    The integrated update worked fine for me. Went from rc2 to rc6 without issues.

    On a dual install? Hmm. I can run the installer normal just fine, but it updates my "default" install instead of the 1.18 install. Guess I'll try running as admin, might force it. 

  8. If you're certain that lightning strikes could not have hit the chickens/animals, then maybe something else happened to them, or perhaps even a bug. But I think that if the lightning hit the roof of dirt, the chickens would have been hit. I've been hit in dirt huts while I wait out storms before. Not a lot, but enough to know they aren't fool proof. I'm not sure if that's intended, though. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Thorfinn said:


    The first one you posted was

    That's missing a double quote right after the space after --dataPath and right before the pathname. Indeed, it's actually missing 3 double quotes.

    What you want is

    Or at least that's what works in Windows 10.


    If you really had another path you want to pull mods from, you would use

    Note there are quotes around each pathname.

    I do agree that it would have been easier for an end user if there had been a gameConfig.json in the executable directory. But then you could not have multiple sets of modConfigs and clientSettings.json and serverConfig.json for the various gamestyles you might like to play without maintaining separate installs. This way, all you have to do is copy/paste the shortcut, change the target, and you can create a new modlist/config without changing the settings on all your other games in progress. The more I think on the options that gives, the more impressed I am with the choice @Tyron made.


    I'm sorry, I just realized how confusingly I worded myself there. I didn't mean it was the same command that was giving me problems, only that it was giving me the same problems as the command I tried before. I'll try copying and pasting yours directly, hopefully it's just acting funky. Thanks so much for being patient with my problems! xD


    OMG! It seems to be working! I can even toggle options now and there's no greyed out options in the mods directory! Thank you guys so much! :)

    • Cookie time 2
  10. That causes the first set of issues I was having from before, though. Which prevents me from toggling, adding or remove mods or changing settings because, I guess, it's now trying to read for the second install. I also get the broken/greyed out information in settings etc again as seen above.

    2 hours ago, dakko said:

    Another approach (until you can get your command line working) is to rename the folder of the version you will not be playing. This prevents those mods from loading.

    When you want to play the other version, simply rename the folder(s) again (correcting the one that you want to play, and making an incorrect name for the one you will not be playing).

    If that works, I'll have to do that, because it's just not working at all for me. I wish the devs would just make this a possibility without the headaches... :(

  11. So, I tried to make the new command and remove the old double " that was there, but with one at the start and one at the end, I get the following "error".



    It accepts it with the extra " there though. I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong. lmao Using Windows 11, by the way. 

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