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Everything posted by ifoz

  1. ifoz

    v1.19.5-rc.1 - YABATP

    The mining speed revert and reindeer herder fur set warmth buff are amazing, this bugfix is going to be awesome!
  2. My bad, I'll change the post to accommodate this. Thank you for letting me know!
  3. We have sheep, we have shears, we have woollen clothing, but these three things are not interlinked! I propose the idea of being able to shear sheep for their wool, and then being able to use it for special wool clothes. EDIT: I have been told that bighorn sheep are not able to produce much wool. Perhaps wool could be sold by clothing traders instead. The already existing woollen clothes could be craftable, but the tailor class would also be able to make some special woollen clothes that are 0.5 degrees warmer than the fur set. (Since the fur set is craftable by everyone and still excels the warmth of most tailor clothes.) Sheep would be shearable after the third generation to incentivise breeding and domestication, as well as reasoning why these new woollen clothes would be better than the fur set as this would make them considerably harder to get. There's also the chance to add some more mostly cosmetic woollen clothing too with this whole new material to work with, though here I am just proposing woollen coats and such as if I were to propose that you could simply "add more clothes" I would prefer to provide designs as it is too broad and vague of a statement. --------------------------------------- To accommodate for the fact that bighorn sheep do not produce much wool, perhaps the Tailor could instead create restored versions of all those "tattered" and "dirty" types of clothes. I think this would be a fun way to further incentivise exploration, and give the Tailor some cool options for warm winter clothes. (I do not mean 'tattered' in terms of condition, rather in name. Clothes like the tattered crimson tunic that are permanently and visibly tattered no matter the condition stat.) What does everyone else think of this? I just thought it was a cool idea.
  4. I'd still prefer if the mining animation was made faster or the sounds were made slower (especially considering that many people did not like the slower mining idea and that I'm pretty sure it de-syncs Tailor anyway because of the innate -10% mining speed) but aside from that this is a really cool update! I love the hides and barrels, and have already had much luck finding clutter in chests, so I think that this update is looking great as always!
  5. It could be cool if perhaps each type had a colour of seed bag that corresponded to the crop, I think that could maybe help to fix this problem.
  6. I originally wrote a post purely on the opacity issues regarding the Barber Surgeon Hand Wraps. I have since realised that opacity issues are present in most clothing in the game due to the way the game layers clothing. Currently, when one piece of clothing is placed over the top of another (such as wearing a shirt with a robe on top of it) the game will apply a faint opaque texture around the edges of the objects in order to blend them together better. (Or perhaps clothes have these textures inbuilt and it only shows when you layer them). However, there is a bug that makes this opaque texture affect the player themselves and not just the clothes, making certain parts of the player see-through. Attached are two screenshots of this happening, though I have had it happen with many other clothing items and combinations. I'm just making this post to bring light to the problem, because I have never seen anybody else talk about this, and would love to see it fixed.
  7. I love the idea of glue, but being forced to carry it around purely to get decorative, non-functional blocks for building sounds like a bit of a burden. I love clutter blocks so much and use them so often, and don't really want to grind out a bunch of resin purely to get them. I think it could be better if it was so that clutter had a 50% drop chance, but glue could be used to increase that up to 100%, though perhaps clutter being found more commonly in chests could potentially alleviate this problem a bit. I think it just depends on how common it is and how easy glue is to obtain. Also that mining nerf is quite the setback. Tailor has a 10% nerf to mining anyway, would this de-sync the animations despite this change? I think the animations could just be faster to match the current speed. All the other changes are super cool, I love the being able to place hides idea and the new barrel models.
  8. The way shields work and why drifters can attack through it is a result of bad luck. Holding a shield gives it a low chance of blocking, and crouching while holding one gives it a very high chance of blocking. Also armour goes a long way during combat. You definitely want to get some decent armour. I agree that in the future combat could be reworked to be more in-depth, but as it currently is, you can just pillar up 2 blocks and/or equip a shield and drifters become much less of a threat.
  9. I think the durability shredding is a cool idea! I do realise now that having to pull out the pick and then grab a wall would make it quite hectic in the heat of the moment. What if the picks also had 'passive' uses like shields? So the fall damage reduced would be less, but still noticeable even if the pick wasn't in your hand, and instead in your hotbar? Or perhaps the picks could be a thing you generally carry around in your offhand while exploring, offering a way to save yourself at the cost of an offhand slot and a 20% hunger increase? Just some other ideas I had after reading your comment, thanks for the feedback!!
  10. C:\Users\YOURNAME\Pictures\Vintagestory
  11. As far as I know, the devs do not currently consider the game 'finished' and so only plan to consider a Steam release when it is in what they would consider a 'finished' state. As for an Android release, I see this being even less likely in the foreseeable future, as this would be a pretty tricky game to get working on a mobile device in my opinion, as well as the aforementioned reasons. Sorry for being a bit of a downer, but as far as I know, it's just how it is, sorry.
  12. I mean meteoric iron doesn't have blooms so it is basically this.
  13. Does anyone know if it is possible to get the king set (not the rotten version) in regular survival? I was looking at the loot table items in creative and it is not listed there, so I am now confused as to if this is obtainable in survival. The same goes for the deep noble set, which does not appear in the listed loot table items either. (The forgotten noble set does). Thanks!
  14. I just noticed that the barber surgeon hand wraps make your entire arm slightly opaque. I'm assuming this is because the hand wraps themselves are supposed to be transparent, but due to a bug, they make whatever else you are wearing and your arm itself opaque and you can see through it. (See attached photos).
  15. I have had this kind of issue before, and I don't know if you have tried this already, but.. Make sure you are both on the same wi-fi network. Make sure your firewall allows vintagestory.exe through. Make sure that the player joining the server has entered in the correct IP address. I don't know if this will help the problem, but personally the firewall one fixed my problems with the same issue. I hope this helps!
  16. I think it would be cool if you could melt tools back into molten metal by using them with a chisel to turn them into bits of metal, but the amount of bits that you get back is dependant on the amount of durability the tool has left.
  17. Yeah, I've been exploring a lot of caves lately, and it led me to the idea of crawling as I was tired of having to awkwardly mine through 1-tall gaps. I thought it would also make caving feel even more tense and claustrophobic than it already is. Thanks for the feedback!!
  18. This would be very cool, I imagine you being able to eat pizzas in slices, so it's essentially a way to carry around eight or so individual rations in one inventory slot.
  19. This is true, but in my mind the climbing pick would be faster to use as it would be held in a hand and would not require being placed, and would be a much more instinctive way to clutch a fall than having to quickly place a ladder on a wall as you fall and then clutch on it. With the amount of vertical holes in the ground that VS' current world gen has, I think that this could be a very useful ability. But yes, ladders do indeed exist for this type of task too, this was just an idea for an alternative way to traverse the world.
  20. Traversing mountains and caves when you don't have enough blocks to pillar up is rather annoying. This is where climbing and the climbing pick come in! Through the use of a special type of item, the climbing pick, the player would be able to scale 2 tall walls with ease, and 3 tall walls with a few seconds delay. Climbing picks also allow the player to negate some fall damage if they can grab onto a wall and slide down it with the pick, with each tier reducing fall damage by a better percentage. Copper: -15% fall damage Bronze: -20% fall damage Iron: -30% fall damage Steel: -50% fall damage This would offer a potential way to save yourself from falling if you can react fast enough and there is a flat wall nearby, much like the old wall sliding bug. Also, crawling! As they say about crawling drifters, 'if you can't beat them, join them!' Crawling would allow you to move through 1-block gaps by pressing crouch twice to enter into crawling mode. This would just make traversal of caves that little bit easier. These were just some ideas I had that I thought could be cool to see implemented into the game. What does everyone else think?
  21. I came up with some descriptions for clothing sets that currently have none for some fun. I also might be editing this to occasionally add more. I hope you all enjoy! First up, the Rotwalker set! Rotwalker Mask: 'Shaped like a skull to blend in with the bodies that littered the world and to avoid the gaze of the beasts.' Rotwalker Hood: 'Dirty cloth hood worn by the Rotwalkers. Under the hood, they all looked the same - tired and defeated.' Rotwalker Cape: 'Tattered cloth cape worn by the Rotwalkers. Offered a slight shelter from the elements.' Rotwalker Coat: 'Ragged coat worn by the Rotwalkers. They used to be common folk, like you and I, before the scourge came.' Rotwalker Leggings: 'Those who were claustrophobic or simply unfortunate had to brave the rot-stricken world in search of supplies.' Rotwalker Boots: 'Covered in dirt and grime, they endlessly trudged through the blackened and decaying landscape.' Next, the Survivor set! Survivor Mask: 'Offered what small protection it could against the sickness.' Survivor Cloak: 'Warm cloak worn by the survivors of the apocalypse. Made for travelling overland.' Survivor Shirt: 'Crafty shirt worn by survivors of the apocalypse, patched together from many different fabrics.' Survivor Gloves: 'Heavy cloth gloves repaired many times, yet lovingly cared for. The thin veil that separated them from the rot.' Survivor Pants: 'Endlessly repaired with many types of cloth, the survivors were from a multitude of backgrounds.' Survivor Boots: 'Tough, improvised boots worn by the survivors. Patched up many times.' Next up is the Scribe set! Scribe Hood: 'Simple hood worn by scribes. Faces obscured by hoods and bent over to write, they all looked alike.' Scribe Tunic: 'Simple tunic worn by scribes. Covered in ink stains from chronicling the last annals of history.' Scribe Gloves: 'Preserving the old world for those in the future. But who would ever see their work?' Scribe Belt: 'Belt worn by the scribes of old. The faint musty smell of the archives yet lingers on it.' Scribe Pants: 'Simple pants worn by scribes. Coated in faint ink stains.' Scribe Shoes: 'Small and comfortable, the scribes did not often leave the archives.' Here's an interesting one. I noticed that the sheep skull mask and malefactor mask are both white with red tallies on the same side. Sheep Skull Mask: 'From the mark carved into it's side, it was most likely worn by a scavenger. They would carve tallies into their masks for each successful trip home. Looks like this one only made it back once.'
  22. I think that there should be an option, maybe in the character status screen, to toggle between showing hair while wearing headwear and hiding it or flattening it. (I currently like to wear the Corroded Helmet but I would like an option to show what the whole helmet looks like on my character, as it is usually covered mostly by my hair).
  23. I think this is a cool idea but VS is in my opinion not the right game for it, or it would have to be a separate game mode. As someone who loves to build, I would hate it if every ten days creatures would spawn that could break blocks.
  24. I'm pretty sure 1.19 changed it so that pigs are now extremely aggressive and protective of their piglets. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure this behaviour disappears after the third generation.
  25. For anyone reading this wondering the same question, I just found a hunter poncho in some ruins so I definitely can confirm that you can find class themed clothing in ruins.
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