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Everything posted by Venusgate

  1. Venusgate


    I like the pottery wheel mod, but i think it should be a little faster. Wooden casting for clay is a neat take
  2. Iirc, rain and snowfall also affect the soaking wet debuff, but not instantly as swimming does
  3. +1 I wish I could set 3rd person view cycle and map key to mouse rather than reach over while holding w.
  4. I played a game where my starting area was strictly malachite, and yes there were surface deposits. I assume it's just random, but maybe more random than native copper
  5. Make being intoxicated reduce temporal decay rate, but never make it positive. Ex 1: Mead gives -25% temporal decay, so when you are standing under a rift, with a decay of 1%/sec, you now have a decay of 0.75%/sec Ex 2: Distilled alcohol gives -50% temporal decay so when you are diggy dwarfing -40 under the mountain, with a decay rate of 0.1%/sec, you now have a decay rate of 0.05%/sec. I know there might be against the perception of the lore a little, but I've always considered temporal stability as half external, half internal.t
  6. My idea for this was a retool of the campfire: Burnables overflow into a new slot for "embers." Embers decay heat like the clay oven, and average their heat with newly made embers like food spoilage. The decay will eventually average to a non-funtionally low temp (<200°C) if not cleared out. to simulate a fire choking itself out Embers left to cool completely will convert the whole stack into ashes, a new resource. This can be manually tended by removing embers with a clay container like a pot or bowl, and allowing them to cool separately and more quickly. (maybe have the shovel go into offhand or player is burned) Benefits: - New resource. - Having at least two cooking spots if you want to make use of all your ashes (multiple spot station utility) - Sustained immersive room heat that isn't logging a whole glade for a week of heat.
  7. I could see it being "one click per block," even if the block takes 5 strikes to break. Same with panning. Or, each block has a randomized, high chance, visible "weakspot" that allows for one-strike breaks.
  8. We'll see how metrology goes. For me, a lot of the charm of VS is the tactility. So anything that is an item over a UI element is a plus in my book, even if I use it once and then put it on a shelf in a workshop; the knowledge that all the "stuff" in the workshop DO things gives the warm and fuzzies.
  9. @redram That's great to hear. I don't remember hte name and I've since nuked the save and started a 1.18.15, but it was a male and female of the 3rd adult from the left. The brown with white spots filled trough with 64 hay and they never touched it. I eventually gave up when I noticed the tooltip didn't mention anything about "ready to mate" Granted, it was a modded save that eventually went tits up as my regular ewe didnt seem to do anything but get angry when I milked it.
  10. We can hope - I just know as of 1.19.7, the trough stayed full :<
  11. My big disappointment only after an hour of wrangling was: goats are not domesticatable (i.e. breedable/milkable). Sheep milk but no goat milk? What fresh hell hast we entered?
  12. Re:(1) That's a fair matter of opinion on feature creep. I mention it in that format because even this concept could be taken more immersive, and some might find it more purist to not have it. As a matter of immersiveness "just don't do the thing you are allowed to do" is not immersive, so I never really consider it a solution. If it shows up when you search parchment recipes, it reminds you that you are putting yourself through hell for nothing, and I need my illusion of self inflicted pain to be complete, damnit! And taking that to servers - I would hold the server staff to the standard of knowing what changing the config does to their guests. Re:(2) Thank you. I threw out chunk, but it might as well be whatever units the map squares are revealed in, if they aren't chunks. It doesn't really matter which units - whichever is easiest to program for.
  13. I like playing without the map, mostly because with it turned on, it feels more like a metagame than an immersive one. But to pretend maps only existed after we invented GPS is also not immersive. So: - Using the current map system, add an immersive map option (no map, immersive map, coordinate tracking map) - Immersive "[Material] Map" is a craftable, wieldable item made from parchment, leather, or pelt that has a capacity for pigment. (parchment = colored map, leather = medieval map, pelt = waypoint-only map) - As you move through the world, each 64x64 generated consumes pigment until the pigment is gone. It will not generate more map while you are out of pigment. - You can view what has been generated by "using" the map item in the hotbar, and that will open the worldmap, but it is only centered on where you consumed your first pigment - it never autocenters on the player, or shows the player pin. - Adding waypoints consumes pigment. - Use with a compass - I use Compass2 mod without maps at the moment, and that would basically be the full functionality required. -Map only generates when there is nothing between the player's head or the sky. -Map only overwrites if kept in off-hand. -Map copy by placing map and using a second map on placed map, for as long as pigment remains (making this purposefully slow should be just as well a matter of optimized generation) - Extensions of this: --Sextants to determine coordinates. --Advanced mapmaker tools item that gives a draggable prop overlay of protractors to the map overlay for more exact waypoint placing. --Resizeable waypoints to make larger or smaller notations based on importance.
  14. I can imagine if you know ore depth ranges, it would be useful to know vertical height even with the map turned on. Horizontal distances could be used for surveying to estimate material costs of build plans (like perimeter fence). For implementation, I imagine just holding a metered rope and being able to deploy it while walking backwards like ropeladders. Then just hold RC at either end to spool it back up into a stack of 128
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