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Everything posted by Relthen

  1. Relthen


    I believe trapdoors are modded and not vanilla, but no, there is no way to automate trapdoor opening. Not unless someone made a redstone-like mod already.
  2. For admins I would assume using /op again would remove their admin role or even /deop, if not /role [rolename] privilege [grant|revoke] [privelegename] should work as well. (I am not well versed in server commands take this with a grain of salt.) As for the error it's a null reference exception meaning you used that command that then pointed to nothing and it backfired the server. If you aren't updated to the latest version of the game please do so. If you already are and still have this then scroll up, click need help? and make a ticket under vintagehosting or wait until someone that is more technical with code than I am to come by.
  3. It seems logical that the seed would update as the game does, if you can't find all the new stuff in that seed then more than likely it hasn't updated. I recommend restarting the world with the same seed if you can find the new stuff.
  4. Relthen


    Bonjour monsieur. Ce que vous voyez, c'est que vous n'avez pas d'Internet ou que les serveurs étaient en panne pour maintenance, attendez simplement quelques heures que votre Internet ou les serveurs reviennent en ligne.
  5. Différentes zones ont naturellement différents niveaux de stabilité. Si vous vous êtes installé dans une zone peu stable et que cela vous inquiète, vous devriez simplement explorer et trouver une parcelle de terrain plus stable sur laquelle vous installer.
  6. Si ya tienes animales encerrados, entonces debes esperar algunas generaciones antes de que les gustes. Aquí hay una guía sobre la cría de animales y qué etapa significa qué, tal vez tenga que traducirla al español. https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php/Animal_husbandry
  7. If you have no light sources at all down there more than likely it's a bug and you should report it or you increased the gamma and forgot about it.
  8. Relthen


    Scroll up and click on need help?, select account and input your issue, if you are banned and it was for no reason it should get cleared up.
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