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Posts posted by Hastsezini

  1. 15 hours ago, Ives said:

    Eives worked pretty good for me. There's lots of reeds near spawn and I settled near a lake that probably took 1-2 minutes to walk to if I died. Later in the game I settled in the west in a prairie once I farmed like hundreds of drifters for a Temporal Gear.

    Thanks for the recommendation. I might check it out.

  2. 1 hour ago, Fredrik Blomquist said:

    Would like to try multiplayer sometime, but i pretty busy with family and work and never know how much time i have to play. It wouldn't be nice waiting for spring only to find next time i get a chance to play again it's back to winter. I constantly needs to leave the game when im called for, so interactions with others will be pretty limited. But sure, i think i might try sometime in the future when i have more time.

    But besides that, i think crops should be the thing stockpiling food - after all - that's the reason why people left hunter/gathering. It should be hard to stockpile food just from berry bushes.

    I'm pretty busy too. Just got to find a server that matches your lifestyle/playstyle with others that are in similar situations. No one is going to expect you to play 12+ hours a day. I usually am only able to log 1-2 hours on my MP server with no issues. Keep in mind that if you are wanting to advance at a similar rate as other players, this will take you logging more hours. As long as you are okay with slow progression, than MP may be the right choice for you.

  3. I recommend that each of you try a multiplayer server as it requires you to have a larger food storage/cooking setup as time doesn't stop when you log off the game. Also makes for more interesting interactions/builds and sight seeing. Always awesome to travel 1km or so to another player's setup to see how they tackled survival.

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  4. On 11/22/2020 at 9:36 AM, Yvette Forty said:

    Is it normal to spawn in water and an large area that in temporally unstable?

    Yes this happens to me all the time. You just got an unfortunate spawn point in your game. Highly recommend moving to an area that is temporally stable.

  5. @ozBillo Any way you can change the mod so that when two ends and two middles are side by side it makes a double wide bridge? For code reference, wooden doors (or fence gates) when placed correctly next to each other make a double door/gate that both open together.

    Hoping to build a wider bridge than the single wide one. Regardless, thanks again for the amazing mod.

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  6. I personally like not having it on Steam but that's me. I like being able to only go to the vintagestory.at website for updates and everything. I like having only one place for devlog updates and forums. And the price is pretty perfect to say the least.

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