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DimitrisZar's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. Hello everyone! Yesterday I realised that I can no longer create thatch roofing from my dry grass stocks since the recipe changed in 1.19 to require tule instead. My world was created in v1.18 and as such there's no tule close to my homebase at all. The only way to find some would be to travel quite far from my home. Is there a way to generate tule in its natural spawn locations, akin to generating the Resonance Archive via commands in worlds older than 1.18? Otherwise, I'd guess my only option would be to go in creative and plant tule around lakes and ponds myself.
  2. Had this happen to me the other day. I lit up a charcoal pit and it went on for days. Turns out I had an empty block block on one of the sides of the pit. After I filled it in with dirt it worked fine. From what I read elsewhere I would expect it to either not light up at all or have the firewood burn out instead of turning into charcoal though
  3. Hello everyone! I've started playing VS on a windows pc and I've added a couple of mods there, both UI utils and content (spyglass, guns for example) mods and they worked fine. Recently, after the devs have fixed the mac version of the game, I've transferred my Vintage story data folder to my mac to continue playing my original world, but I can't get most mods to work, even though some UI utils mods work (like the Simple HUD Clock) . I wonder whether this has to do with the mac version of the game not loading mods properly, or if there's any misconfiguration in my json files as they were setup in Windows. For the latter, I've changed the file paths to point to my mac's filesystem correctly and I figured that they are correct since some mods are being loading. I am attaching my clientsettings.json { "keyMapping": { "togglemousecontrol": { "KeyCode": 7, "SecondKeyCode": null, "Ctrl": false, "Alt": false, "Shift": false } }, "dialogPositions": { "inventory-backpack": { "X": 522, "Y": 185 } }, "stringSettings": { "settingsVersion": "1.12", "language": "en", "defaultFontName": "sans-serif", "decorativeFontName": "Lora", "recordingCodec": "rawv", "glContextVersion": "3.3", "mptoken": null, "sessionkey": "scjx5na3vSnKmjrzBj8jHzz4cDf2TAr+kViz4tAi3BQ=", "sessionsignature": "{{sessionsignature}}", "useremail": "{{email}}", "entitlements": null, "masterserverUrl": "https://masterserver.vintagestory.at/api/v1/servers/", "modDbUrl": "https://mods.vintagestory.at/", "audioDevice": null, "playeruid": "{{id}}", "playername": "{{name}}", "currentHandbookCategoryCode": "guide", "lastSkinSelection": "baseskin:skin7,eyecolor:goldenrod,underwear:breeches,voicetype:altoflute,voicepitch:verylow,hairbase:dreadlocks,hairextra:sidebuns,facialexpression:angry,mustache:none,beard:none,haircolor:steelblue" }, "intSettings": { "mipmapLevel": 3, "musicFrequency": 2, "graphicsPresetId": 11, "webRequestTimeout": 10, "maxAnimatedElements": 46, "shadowMapQuality": 1, "optimizeRamMode": 1, "ssaoQuality": 1, "viewDistance": 288, "fieldOfView": 72, "maxFps": 152, "particleLevel": 66, "maxDynamicLights": 25, "weirdMacOSMouseYOffset": 5, "screenshotExifDataMode": 0, "chunkVerticesUploadRateLimiter": 3, "soundLevel": 100, "entitySoundLevel": 100, "ambientSoundLevel": 100, "weatherSoundLevel": 3, "musicLevel": 3, "screenWidth": 3440, "screenHeight": 1415, "gameWindowMode": 1, "rightDialogMargin": 0, "leftDialogMargin": 0, "maxQuadParticles": 8000, "maxCubeParticles": 4000, "maxAsyncQuadParticles": 80000, "maxAsyncCubeParticles": 80000, "itemCollectMode": 0, "mouseSmoothing": 30, "mouseSensivity": 50, "modelDataPoolMaxVertexSize": 500000, "modelDataPoolMaxIndexSize": 750000, "modelDataPoolMaxParts": 1500, "maxTextureAtlasWidth": 4096, "maxTextureAtlasHeight": 4096, "ambientBloomLevel": 0, "godRays": 1, "chatWindowWidth": 700, "chatWindowHeight": 200, "recordingBufferSize": 60, "vsyncMode": 1, "windowBorder": 0, "fpHandsFoV": 75, "guiColorsPreset": 1, "schematicMaxUploadSizeKb": 200 }, "boolSettings": { "selectedBlockOutline": true, "showMoreGfxOptions": true, "multipleInstances": false, "showSurvivalHelpDialog": true, "showCreativeHelpDialog": true, "smoothShadows": true, "flipScreenshot": true, "renderClouds": true, "renderParticles": true, "transparentRenderPass": true, "extendedDebugInfo": false, "showentitydebuginfo": false, "showBlockInfoHud": true, "showBlockInteractionHelp": false, "showCoordinateHud": true, "wavingStuff": true, "renderMetaBlocks": false, "ambientParticles": true, "pauseGameOnLostFocus": false, "viewBobbing": true, "invertMouseYAxis": false, "highQualityAnimations": true, "occlusionculling": true, "developerMode": false, "glDebugMode": false, "showWhitelistedServers": true, "showModdedServers": true, "showPasswordProtectedServers": true, "showOpenForAllServers": true, "liquidFoamAndShinyEffect": true, "testGlExtensions": true, "offThreadMipMaps": false, "toggleSprint": false, "separateCtrlKeyForMouse": false, "allowSettingHRTFaudio": true, "useHRTFaudio": false, "force48khzHRTFaudio": true, "fxaa": false, "autoChat": true, "bloom": true, "skipNvidiaProfileCheck": false, "scaleScreenshot": false, "immersiveMouseMode": true, "startupErrorDialog": false, "alwaysOnTop": false, "newSeraphVoices": true, "hasGameServer": false, "showMinimapHud": true, "noHandbookPause": true, "chatdialogvisible": true, "immersiveFpMode": false, "directMouseMode": false }, "floatSettings": { "guiScale": 1.375, "fontSize": 1.0, "lodBias": 0.33, "lodBiasFar": 0.67, "blockAtlasSubPixelPadding": 0.01, "itemAtlasSubPixelPadding": 0.0, "gammaLevel": 2.2, "extraGammaLevel": 1.0, "brightnessLevel": 1.0, "sepiaLevel": 0.15, "cameraShakeStrength": 1.0, "wireframethickness": 1.0, "previewTransparency": 0.3, "fpHandsYOffset": -0.01, "mouseWheelSensivity": 1.0, "recordingFrameRate": 30.0, "gameTickFrameRate": -1.0, "instabilityWavingStrength": 1.0, "ssaa": 0.75, "megaScreenshotSizeMul": 2.0, "minbrightness": 0.0 }, "stringListSettings": { "multiplayerservers": [], "disabledMods": [ "carryon@1.6.1", "configlib@0.4.3", "maltiezfirearms@0.4.0-pre.8", "animationmanagerlib@0.6.0", "fsmlib@0.2.9", "vsimgui@0.3.5" ], "dialogPositions": [], "modPaths": [ "Mods", "/Users/{{user}}/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods" ], "customPlayStyles": [] } }% The disabled mods are there intentionally as they were breaking my game last time I've tried to load them. Any pointers would be highly appreciated
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