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Posts posted by l33tmaan

  1. 3 hours ago, Exletalis08 said:

    So what is the optimal way to dry dehydrated berries? They get a .25x drying rate in a container in the cellar and can't be placed on shelves.

    For now, just keep it in your inventory until it dries.

  2. It's intended that aged meat and sausages provide a massive nutrition boost for undergoing the aging process. Like EreticKB said, it's already been somewhat fermented and there's little reason for it to last longer than regular meat. The nutrition boost is huge, so you should be utilizing aged food as quickly as possible. 

  3. I always suspected that the number of mods has more impact on your game performance than the mods themselves. Yes, some mods do cause more of a performance hit than others, but just by adding a bunch of tiny mods you can easily bloat your game into eating up 12 GB of RAM. I tried figuring out if a specific mod was the issue for me, but that never seemed to be the case.

  4. 15 hours ago, Karagryphon said:

    Not sure if this is a server issue, or a mod issue, Buuut...


    6.7.2023 01:38:06 [Server Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code aculinaryartillery:eggshell i
    n troughcontentconfig
    Game Version: v1.18.6 (Stable)
    7/6/2023 1:38:06 AM: Critical error occurred
    Loaded Mods:
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockTroughBase.init() in VSSurvivalMod\Block\BlockTrough.cs:line 56
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemBlockSimulation.OnBeginModsAndConfigReady() in VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\Blo
    ckSimulation.cs:line 297
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.EnterRunPhase(EnumServerRunPhase runPhase) in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Launch() in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 507
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerProgram.Main2()
       at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\
    CrashReporter.cs:line 93
    Crash written to file at "Logs\server-crash.txt"

    That's interesting. I broke some eggshells but I didn't try putting them in a trough in 1.18. That worked previously, though.

    11 hours ago, ToastedKnees said:

    The Official Pie Update is finally upon us!? ❤️

    Yes, I guess it's been re-introduced. Sorry it took so long to get that fixed (say thanks to Radfast the next time you see him).

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  5. I've released another RC version since it's been ages since the last update. There's a bit of new 1.18 content and a few bugs were fixed, but one visual issue with the expanded foods has popped up if you place them on shelves/ovens/display cases. If it wasn't for that, this would probably be a full release.

    Anyway, this latest version (and all future updates) will only work on .NET7 builds of the game. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience for now.

  6. I think I've got ACA mostly ready for the .NET7 releases. Just as a warning, any future updates will not be compatible with the current .Net releases - but that shouldn't matter after 1.19 anyway.

    Only problem keeping me from releasing it is a fun new visual bug. I'll get it sorted out!

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  7. Aw, don't be like that. Everyone comes to Vintage Story with a different idea of what it should be. Some want uber-realism, some want a cozy homesteading 'experience'.

    Not to get too off-topic, but the discrepancy between most item stacks being a multiplier of 4 while interface items like barrels and ingots being a multiplier of 10 is odd. Probably not a huge deal, but it does get annoying to work with sometimes.

  8. What I do is start my attack, move in during the strike, connect, then immediately start backpedalling.

    Or I just hold the sprint button and run right through things and hope for the best. I recommend making a spear and jumping into the nearest body of water.

  9. Ooh, I should put that into the handbook. Good catch!

    On 6/7/2023 at 9:46 AM, Blaiyze said:

    I'm wondering if this may be a bug, since I don't think this mod was updated for the most recent release. So far, most everything with this mod seems to work, except the mixing bowl. I'm assuming the bowl functions similarily like the quern of sorts - put items in, hold right click to activate the stirring. Except, that doesn't work. I put the items in to mix, hold right click, and nothing happens. I've tried shift click holding, tried everything I could think of - I see that some mixing recipes require a pot, I've placed the pot and still. Nothing. no mixing occurs.

    I feel like the handbook needs to be further updated with explicit instructions as lots of things really aren't well explained and recipes aren't shown.

    If you have a valid recipe in the mixing bowl, it should say so. Can you post a screenshot of what you're attempting to make?

  10. 2 hours ago, Kathrine Hardman said:

    I'm having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to mix rye dough with ginseng from wildcraft in the mixing bowl, and I can't seem to make herbal bread from it. I think I'm doing it right, is this a glitch?

    Thanks for any help ❤️

    Ginseng is not one of the valid herbs for consumption in this way. If that's a new herb, I still need to update Expanded Foods with all the new Wildcraft stuff and I'll take care of it.

    3 minutes ago, ToastedKnees said:

    Hi, playing with Expanded Foods! Was mildly interested by the Expanded Pies stub dubbed in the forums page for it, but despite having Expanded Foods installed, it still comes up with the same vanilla message, browsed through forums and saw that you had issues with disappearing pies, was this ever able to get resolved, and am I doing something wrong to mix pies? Does it require the custom bread dough instead of vanilla dough?


    Thanks and kind regards, ToastedKnees

    Hello! This was working in 1.17, but the 1.18 update broke a patch that causes Expanded Pies to work. This will be corrected in the next update of A Culinary Artillery.

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