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Posts posted by l33tmaan

  1. Another thing crawling could do is reduce the detection radius of other entities, like wolves, rabbits, and drifters. Perhaps you actually could sneak up on a bunny and stab it with your spear? If that becomes an option then that could allow for sneak attacks, AKA melee attacks that could actually kill an animal in one or two shots. I have heard complaints about stabbing goats a dozen times before they die, but we're starting to get outside of the scope of the thread...

    • Like 1
  2. I've thought of a few suggestions to make getting around in the world a bit smoother, feel free to add ideas of your own. I guess this stuff could be part of the combat update, or just whenever, really.

    • Autorun - Pretty straightfoward and hopefully easy to implement. You just press Z or X or whatever button to walk without having to hold down W. Sometimes I'm walking down a really long road and holding a button down for 3 minutes is tedious.
    • Mantling - I can't think of a better name for it, but it's annoying to have to jump over every single block that naturally spawns. Individual blocks only come up to the player's waist, so it would be pretty easy to just climb over it. The idea is that the player automatically climbs up to 1 block if they're moving into it, so you could just... walk up a gently curving hill. If something is 2 blocks tall, then you could jump at it and climb on top of it. This is good because now I don't have to mash space bar just to climb a hill. I also think the speed at which players walk up stairs could be sped up a bit and you could have mantling take slightly longer than how long it takes to walk up stairs now. If you want to go the extra mile, you can give it a snazzy animation so it looks like the player is clamoring up a hill or actually jumping up and climbing things. This wouldn't require any special input from the player's end, you just walk at something waist-height and climb it. Could lead to minor parkour, I dunno.
    • Crawling - I saw a visual bug in multiplayer where someone could move around while laying down, and it got my noggin joggin'. Sneaking already makes the player shorter, so if you could just press the sneak key twice to start crawling on the ground and be able to fit into 1 block tall holes, that would make cave exploration a bit closer to real life and could potentially let players sneak through grass relatively undetected. While you're crawling, you just press the sneak key to go back into your normal, non-sneaking stance. Maybe your hunger goes down slower when you're crawling, I dunno.

    Thoughts? These all seem fairly simple but useful to me.

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  3. Terraria? The super popular video game? People call it 2D minecraft? Basically the way it works in that is you have a bucket of paint - let's say red in this instance - and another bucket with the same color in it. This red might be a similar shade to the one your stairs have. If you were to mix both reds together, you get a less dim, more vibrant version of red - more like your original colors.

    I think there can be a place for really garish colors, they're just limited compared to the more muted ones you have now. You could probably get away with having both.
    Now if you wanted to get really crazy, you could have white + red = light red, or black + red = dark red. This way each base color has 3 variants: a dark version, a light version, and a supercolored version.

  4. I just went and checked and it was definitely something from Carpenter's Blocks, AKA one of the best minecraft mods ever that I always had in my mod list. No wonder I thought it was vanilla.

    • Thanks 1
  5. BERRY BREAD! (Outdated)
    Go download Expanded Foods instead, it includes this mod!


    Looking for a new use for all those berries rotting in your storage? Got more flour than you know what to do with? Do bright spots make you happy? This is the mod for you! It's pretty simple - just put some berries into your dough recipe and make berry bread! Berry breads come in 2 main types: Fruity, and Really Fruity


    Fruity breads require less berries, but still count as grains.


    Really fruity breads need more berries, but give massive amounts of fruit saturation!


    Compatible with the Acorns mod for SUPERBREAD!


    Berry Breads v 1.1
    BerryBread 1.1.zip

    Berry Breads (Acorns compatible) v1.1
    BerryBread 1.1 (Acorns).zip

    Old versions:

    Berry Breads v 1.0

    Berry Breads (Acorns compatible) v1.0

    Let me know if you find any bugs.

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    • Thanks 1
  6. You're right my shapes were broken! I figured out what the issue was - I needed to create my own .jsons under the shapes folder and assign the new shapes my new textures. I was referring to the vanilla shapes which seem to only be able to pull in textures related to that specific bread. I'll probably need to create a .json for each bread-fruit combination, but I think I can get it working now!

  7. You mean changing the file path to something like assets/breadberry/itemtypes or lang or textures or whatever? I just tried that and this happened.

    So uh... I guess that's progress, actually? Let me mess around a bit and see if I can get things looking right. Here's the updated file, if it helps.



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