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Posts posted by Novocain

  1. On 5/29/2021 at 1:06 PM, Kyle Stemen said:

    I installed VSHUD version v2.0.51 (non-compat), and my client hangs when I try to connect to the RabbitTech server. The message on the screen says "Data received, launching client instance." If I edit the vshud.json file and set "FDShow" to false, then I can join the server without problems.


    There are no problems in single player mode (with the same mods installed). I'm running Fedora Linux 33.

    Yes, it seems to be a problem with the raycasting, I think putting a limit it could fix it.

  2. 10 hours ago, DArkHekRoMaNT said:

    Conflicts with block preview from VSHUD @Novocain

    Any block which references a BlockEntity in a position that it's not spawned in yet during the placement of the block is broken with block previews right now

  3. 8 hours ago, Onipsi said:

    I really like this mod, I just wish it had better documentation. I can't gather from the command syntaxes provided here how everything is supposed to work.

    Could the author or anyone else provide more info on the following commands, with examples, if possible?

    • .measure - I think I know what's manhattan and euclidean distance, but what is 'block' when compared to those? How about 'manhattanhorizontal'? (btw, the parameters for this command are not included in the first post)
    • .lightutil - especially the farmland-related functionality, as I don't know how to use it and what are the colours supposed to tell me (the parameters are also not included in the first post)
    • .shape - what is 'extrude'? How should it be used? How about 'attach'? What exactly should be used to save/load shapes? I tried, but it didn't work, I assume it's because I'm not entering the parameters the right way, the syntax provided has many unrelated options altogether and there's no feedback message other than the whole syntax line


    I agree, I'm not very good at explaining things so my documentation will be limited if not there at all sorry.

  4. A mod which replaces the UnstableFalling block behavior with a custom one which allows blocks to fall in more than one direction than down, also enables suffocation and drowning for all entities including the player.

    Caves can now collapse and leave behind gravel in their wake so either reinforce those blocks or use support beams

    Also be careful where you step as dirt gravel and sand can be triggered to fall just by idling too long on them 😈






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  5. 11 hours ago, Ultimaheart4 (Allen) said:

    can you add in auto button for waypoint adding? so i dont have to type in "/waypoint add color name" and maybe a quick access location to see a list of these waypoints and closest/cords/color etc of them 

    There's a GUI in the mod that you can open with (default keybinding) 'p', which will allow you to type a name and press enter, there is not list of colors there yet but that is a planned feature.

  6. 1vshud.thumb.png.52a27e692961cb25595e2706e01513c4.png


    A mod that adds a few more things to the client side of the game, a few main features right now are: Floaty damage UIs, .obj Caching/Creation, Auto Death Waypoints, Floaty Waypoints, a measuring tool under .measure, .lightutil, a construction planner under .shape, and block placement previews so you know what those slabs are going to look like before you place them.

    There are a few default keybindings which can be changed in settings:
    U to show floating waypoints.

    O to cull automatic death waypoints.

    P to open Waypoint Utils GUI

    L to open Claims GUI

    Pressing R over a floaty waypoint will bring up the edit dialog.

    This mod can be used by the player on any server since it's a client exclusive mod.

    .wpcfg [dotrange|titlerange|perblockwaypoints|purge|waypointprefix|waypointid|enableall|import|export|pillars] General Config and import/export commands (from/to a waypoints.json file in the game data directory)

    .measure Lets you use a measuring tool.

    .lightutil Has some stuff relating to showing light level of blocks.

    .pconfig [enabled|tinted] For block placement preview config.

    .clockconfig [Calendar|Season|Temperature|Rainfall|WindVelocity|LocalTemporalStability|PlayerTemporalStability|TemporalStormInfo] true/false [Offset] x/y Clock UI Configuration

    .shape [sphere|cube|circle|dome|path|clear|extrude|save|load] [radius (shape id for saving/loading) (from waypoint id for path)] [thickness (to waypoint id for path)] [attach (true/false)] For making outlines to aid in construction.

    .obj Exports an obj mesh file of the block or entity the player is currently looking at.

    .objworld Enables/Disables the caching of chunks as .obj parts during chunk tesselation.

    .fdcfg state [true/false] Toggles floaty damage UI creation.

    Known Issues:

    The color list under the GUI gets misaligned when scrolled down.

    Lag on repopulation of floaty waypoint dialogues, this has mostly to do with the upload of icons to the GPU via opengl since there is only one context and cannot be threaded.

    Download: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/21

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