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Posts posted by Bastez

  1. 9 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    This. If you are playing with map, have some key near at hand set to a macro to mark your map with whatever you find interesting. One game quite a while ago, I stumbled across tin when running in an early storm, and I did not mark it, and never did find it again. It was probably only 500 from my house or so, and I thought I would recognize the landmarks later, but no...

    Veering off topic but...  we can set macro keys?! Or is this a mod?

    EDIT I mean to replicate map commands, I know about chat macros.


  2. 14 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    But even if your world has no copper at all, and you have to pan for everything, you should be able to have a chisel by 10 days in.

    Of course getting a chisel is possible, but it seems silly having to chisel the entire floor,  use a nerd pole, use paths or half slabs everywhere or have inconveniently low ceilings - they all seem like unrealistic strategies to mitigate something that shouldn't be happening (in my opinion). If death was utterly inconsequential (unlimited respawns, no loss of gear or stats etc) then the 'spawn anywhere' mechanic would be fine - although we'd be playing a 3D shooter then -  but it seems to completely negate the purpose of building a house/base.

    I'd even be happy if drifters were able to damage blocks and beat their way in; at least we could try to repair/replace blocks or build traps but having them spawn inside seems unfair to me if playing permadeath. Anyway, I've ranted about this in several threads and can't ever see it changing so I'll continue to play with storms turned off but enjoy the game a little less. TBH the area I've settled in at the minute seems to have thunder and lightning every five minutes so that's enough storms to be going on with :D



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  3. 4 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    I don't know about 1.18 but I know that before I would chisel every block on the floor because drifters would not spawn on a chiseled block. It really helped during temporal storms

    Good to know but hardly a valid early game valid strategy. And why should that be necessary anyway? It doesn't make any sense that drifters will spawn on a normal block but not on one that's had a bit chiselled off!

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  4. 2 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    LOVE that Tyron makes the game so customizable and always advocate for customizing the game for fun.  Here's how I handle early game storms (but do what is fun for you!)

    Turtling isn't necessary to enjoy storms early game.  I, too, was recently caught under-equipped for the first storm of the world.  I pillared up about 20 blocks and spent some time knapping 8 spear heads and then descended for the fight.  Almost bagged me a double headed drifter.  I would have if I hadn't been dumb going after a spear that was too close to him.

    If you have a base just run around the perimeter and pick off drifters with spears.  When they get close to you run away some more, turn and plug some more drifters.  Run out of spears?  Just run keep running the perimeter until you get back to where the spear are.

    I know, I get it but... what if you don't have anything for knapping or anything else constructive to do for the duration of the storm or even blocks to create a nerd pole?

    Also, if what I read is right, you could just be unlucky and have a drifter spawn on your head, then what? I agree, the customisation options are great but 'spawn only in low light levels/spawn anywhere' for temporal storm drifters is the one option that's really missing for me.

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  5. I think this is the worst feature of the entire game.

    I like the jeopardy of having to get home quick when a storm approaches and not being able to go outside without risk while a storm is happening. I also like the temporal stability mechanic in general and the risk of going deeper underground but having to wall yourself into a tiny space and just wait for hours is rubbish, especially early game when you might not have been fortunate enough to get tooled up to fight drifters. It seems especially unfair if playing in a true permadeath survival mode when time is always at a premium. I know you have the 'sleep through storms' option but again that's eating up time and doesn't make any sense - if I go to sleep drifters won't spawn in my base but if I stay awake and 'keep guard' they will!

    The perfect solution for me would be an option for drifters in temporal storms to respect spawn rules based solely on light level ie they wouldn't spawn in an enclosed area provided it was sufficiently well lit. This would work if you were far from home and had to dig a quick underground shelter and light it. Yes you'd still be deprived of useful hours but that in that case it would make sense as you've been caught away from home and are in an emergency shelter.

    This business of putting down half slabs and/or walling yourself up just seems a bad idea so I always play with temporal storms turned off now - a shame as it does make the game somewhat tamer.

    Everyone has their own preferences and opinions but the temporal storm spawning mechanic knocks a whole chunk of enjoyment off the game for me.


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  6. On 2/20/2022 at 2:33 AM, baba said:

    I used to hate temporal storms and hid during them

    but now I arm myself and try to kill those double headed drifter things since they drop a lot of gears

    I look forward to temporal storms now

    Yeah, but the fact that they can spawn literally on top of you doesn't make for fair play if you're in permadeath mode, especially given the rudimentary combat.

    • Wolf Bait 1
  7. I usually cut down lots of cooper's reeds to begin with and plant some of them next to my base. By the time I need more baskets, they're ready to harvest. The journey to planks is a bit daunting at the beginning as you need a fair bit of copper to make a pick, an anvil and a saw blade as well as the charcoal for smelting.

  8. 5 hours ago, Philtre said:

    I'd settle for a way to reassign the default color to something other than black. It's really hard to see on most terrain....

    My thoughts exactly - red would be a better default as there's nothing in the map that colour (unlike say, white).

    @AledarkThe problem with using macros is that you'd run out of keys pretty quickly given the number of possible permutations and you'd have to remember them.

    An alternative to drop-downs would be to columns (or rows), one with icons, one with colours - ie a palette for each. You make a selection from each row and you're done. Advantages: you can see all the icons and colours at once, program logic is easy. Disadvantages: You'd have a more limited set of colours... but does anyone use more than a dozen?  If I was designing the UI for that window that's what I'd do.






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  9. Rifts kept appearing near my small house (sometimes two or three nearby) so I dug a two-block deep trench across the front of the house so the drifters fall in but I can jump over it to leave. It felt a bit janky but I could put up with it. What I didn't like was the fact that I couldn't sleep through a temporal storm (maybe I had to start sleeping before it arrived but I didn't get home quick enough!).

    A tainted drifter spawned inside the house even though it was very well lit and the floor covered with (lower) slabs and took me down to 0.5 health which pretty much ruined the next day's plans. I decided to restart and disable temporal storms but that also disabled rifts. Personally I'd like to keep temporal storms (and I don't mind the rifts) so there's always the thrill of getting back to base in time and could put up with not being able to sleep through them - the problem is having drifters spawn inside my house: it almost makes building a house completely pointless.

    I used to play in permadeath mode but this mechanic is so unfair I've stopped doing that... 'dying' and respawning is a complete immersion breaker in a survival game IMO. In short, in its present form I don't think there's a happy middle ground - you either put up with dying and respawning or turn off temporal stuff making the game an awful lot easier. I've seen this complaint mentioned many times on the forum but the developers don't seem to take any notice (or maybe they do and choose to ignore it)..

  10. I think there should be a better way to choose map icon colours - having to type (or mistype!) the name of a colour, especially when time is limited or you're in a dangerous situation, is painful. Why not have say 16 colours that can be selected via a dropdown in the same way as the icons themselves? Surely that would give enough permutations....?

  11. Thanks both for the prompt replies!

    I've spent a few hours in this area and haven't seen any malachite on the surface in the form of 'stones' (or in any of the cliff faces, I haven't ventured underground yet!). This is markedly different from my usual early game experience where copper 'stones' can be found easily. I guess my question should have been: are surface stones of malachite in limestone areas as common as those of copper in other areas?

  12. I've started a new game and luckily (possibly!) begun in a limestone area. The problem is I can't find any malachite which is supposed to be the alternative to copper for this area if I understand the wiki correctly. Am I right in thinking it appears as small 'stones' on the surface like copper or is it only found as an ore within rock? If the latter I can see a lot of boring panning for regular copper will be needed!

  13. 4 hours ago, Philtre said:

    Yes, temporal storms are even more of a pain now. You do have the option of turning them off, although I think that also disables rifts (?), and thus essentially disables surface drifters.

    I discovered this myself earlier so I started a new game... I'm only a few minutes in so can't say if rifts are also disabled but I hope not.

  14. Thanks for the replies even if it makes me like the temporal storm idea even less than I do at present. I think the new rifts are good and I don't mind stronger enemies appearing underground or in 'bad' areas but the regular 'invasion' that can't be protected against (apart from the silly idea of encasing yourself in a 2x1 cube or sleeping through it) is for me a big minus in an otherwise great game. You can't even do the equally silly 'standing on a nerd pole' now unless it's very high and even then there are no guarantees.

    In this play-through the first storm came just as I was getting back to base which is why I couldn't sleep. I have no proper armor and only spears as weapons. A tainted drifter almost immediately spawned in my base (with slab floor and well lit). I managed to kill it with about half a bar of health left myself. I entombed myself for fear of another appearing and had to waste time in that state until the storm ended. Safe to say it ruined the entire night's plans and those of the next day since regen is so slow.


    • Cookie time 1
  15. 3 hours ago, junawood said:

    You found borax bits, so I guess you know where you could mine some. So if you haven't found any or enough ore (16 tin nuggets would be enough for exactly one bronze pickaxe and an anvil) to make your own bronze pickaxe, try to find the right traders to make some money/gears and buy either some ore or directly a bronze pickaxe. That way I sometimes have a bronze pickaxe before I even started with copper. ;)

    I've not tried looking for tin as it's described as rare. I've only found three traders so far and one of them isn't home (!) but no bronze picks :(

  16. Being unable to mine borax and unable to find limestone for miles around, leather working has ground to a halt in my 40+ hours game. I used all the borax bits and ground up all the shells I could find but now I'm completely out.

    I suggest shells should be found underwater (perhaps they are already but I've been unable to find any in the massive lake on my doorstep!) and more commonly than they are on ground for realism. Also, or maybe alternatively, they should be one of the drops when panning sand.

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