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  1. Please ignore my question, I just found this: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php/List_of_server_commands#/waypoint Fantastic!
  2. Veering off topic but... we can set macro keys?! Or is this a mod? EDIT I mean to replicate map commands, I know about chat macros.
  3. I'd just prefer to tackle drifters when I'm ready ie better equipped to go outside and start fighting them rather than have them turn up in my house unannounced!
  4. Of course getting a chisel is possible, but it seems silly having to chisel the entire floor, use a nerd pole, use paths or half slabs everywhere or have inconveniently low ceilings - they all seem like unrealistic strategies to mitigate something that shouldn't be happening (in my opinion). If death was utterly inconsequential (unlimited respawns, no loss of gear or stats etc) then the 'spawn anywhere' mechanic would be fine - although we'd be playing a 3D shooter then - but it seems to completely negate the purpose of building a house/base. I'd even be happy if drifters were able to damage blocks and beat their way in; at least we could try to repair/replace blocks or build traps but having them spawn inside seems unfair to me if playing permadeath. Anyway, I've ranted about this in several threads and can't ever see it changing so I'll continue to play with storms turned off but enjoy the game a little less. TBH the area I've settled in at the minute seems to have thunder and lightning every five minutes so that's enough storms to be going on with
  5. Good to know but hardly a valid early game valid strategy. And why should that be necessary anyway? It doesn't make any sense that drifters will spawn on a normal block but not on one that's had a bit chiselled off!
  6. I know, I get it but... what if you don't have anything for knapping or anything else constructive to do for the duration of the storm or even blocks to create a nerd pole? Also, if what I read is right, you could just be unlucky and have a drifter spawn on your head, then what? I agree, the customisation options are great but 'spawn only in low light levels/spawn anywhere' for temporal storm drifters is the one option that's really missing for me.
  7. I think this is the worst feature of the entire game. I like the jeopardy of having to get home quick when a storm approaches and not being able to go outside without risk while a storm is happening. I also like the temporal stability mechanic in general and the risk of going deeper underground but having to wall yourself into a tiny space and just wait for hours is rubbish, especially early game when you might not have been fortunate enough to get tooled up to fight drifters. It seems especially unfair if playing in a true permadeath survival mode when time is always at a premium. I know you have the 'sleep through storms' option but again that's eating up time and doesn't make any sense - if I go to sleep drifters won't spawn in my base but if I stay awake and 'keep guard' they will! The perfect solution for me would be an option for drifters in temporal storms to respect spawn rules based solely on light level ie they wouldn't spawn in an enclosed area provided it was sufficiently well lit. This would work if you were far from home and had to dig a quick underground shelter and light it. Yes you'd still be deprived of useful hours but that in that case it would make sense as you've been caught away from home and are in an emergency shelter. This business of putting down half slabs and/or walling yourself up just seems a bad idea so I always play with temporal storms turned off now - a shame as it does make the game somewhat tamer. Everyone has their own preferences and opinions but the temporal storm spawning mechanic knocks a whole chunk of enjoyment off the game for me.
  8. mesa_glthread=true mono Vintagestory.exe This starts the game and loads the main menu but it appears to be frozen. I'm on MX Linux with an AMD Ryzen 5 CPU and Ryzen 570X graphics card and 16gb RAM. The only issue I've experienced is a little stuttering when lots of vegetation is being drawn which is why I thought this might be worth a try.
  9. Yeah, but the fact that they can spawn literally on top of you doesn't make for fair play if you're in permadeath mode, especially given the rudimentary combat.
  10. @junawoodThe problem is that also turns off the rifts. I wouldn't mind not being able to sleep through a storm provided that drifters spawned in reasonable places ie not inside buildings provided they were well lit.
  11. Having to employ 'cheats' or 'gaming' the game to survive in a survival game destroys immersion and makes temporal storms a bit silly. I can't play it any more in permadeath mode which is a great shame.
  12. I usually cut down lots of cooper's reeds to begin with and plant some of them next to my base. By the time I need more baskets, they're ready to harvest. The journey to planks is a bit daunting at the beginning as you need a fair bit of copper to make a pick, an anvil and a saw blade as well as the charcoal for smelting.
  13. My thoughts exactly - red would be a better default as there's nothing in the map that colour (unlike say, white). @AledarkThe problem with using macros is that you'd run out of keys pretty quickly given the number of possible permutations and you'd have to remember them. An alternative to drop-downs would be to columns (or rows), one with icons, one with colours - ie a palette for each. You make a selection from each row and you're done. Advantages: you can see all the icons and colours at once, program logic is easy. Disadvantages: You'd have a more limited set of colours... but does anyone use more than a dozen? If I was designing the UI for that window that's what I'd do.
  14. Rifts kept appearing near my small house (sometimes two or three nearby) so I dug a two-block deep trench across the front of the house so the drifters fall in but I can jump over it to leave. It felt a bit janky but I could put up with it. What I didn't like was the fact that I couldn't sleep through a temporal storm (maybe I had to start sleeping before it arrived but I didn't get home quick enough!). A tainted drifter spawned inside the house even though it was very well lit and the floor covered with (lower) slabs and took me down to 0.5 health which pretty much ruined the next day's plans. I decided to restart and disable temporal storms but that also disabled rifts. Personally I'd like to keep temporal storms (and I don't mind the rifts) so there's always the thrill of getting back to base in time and could put up with not being able to sleep through them - the problem is having drifters spawn inside my house: it almost makes building a house completely pointless. I used to play in permadeath mode but this mechanic is so unfair I've stopped doing that... 'dying' and respawning is a complete immersion breaker in a survival game IMO. In short, in its present form I don't think there's a happy middle ground - you either put up with dying and respawning or turn off temporal stuff making the game an awful lot easier. I've seen this complaint mentioned many times on the forum but the developers don't seem to take any notice (or maybe they do and choose to ignore it)..
  15. I think there should be a better way to choose map icon colours - having to type (or mistype!) the name of a colour, especially when time is limited or you're in a dangerous situation, is painful. Why not have say 16 colours that can be selected via a dropdown in the same way as the icons themselves? Surely that would give enough permutations....?
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