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Veritas's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. Apparently there is an unimplemented fat system, so they at least thought about it. Dunno what their official stance is on it now. BehaviorHunger.cs if (Saturation <= 0) { // Let's say a fat reserve of 1000 is depleted in 3 ingame days using the default game speed of 1/60th // => 72 ingame hours / 60 = 1.2 irl hours = 4320 irl seconds // => 1 irl seconds substracts 1/4.32 fat reserves //float sprintLoss = sprintCounter / (15f * 6); //FatReserves = Math.Max(0, FatReserves - dt / 4.32f - sprintLoss / 4.32f); //if (FatReserves <= 0) { entity.ReceiveDamage(new DamageSource() { Source = EnumDamageSource.Internal, Type = EnumDamageType.Hunger }, 0.125f); } sprintCounter = 0; } /*if (Saturation >= 0.85 * MaxSaturation) { // Fat recovery is 6 times slower FatReserves = Math.Min(MaxFatReserves, FatReserves + dt / (6 * 4.32f)); } float max = MaxFatReserves; float cur = FatReserves / max; if (cur <= 0.8 || lastFatReserves <= 0.8) { float diff = cur - lastFatReserves; if (Math.Abs(diff) >= 0.1) { HealthLocked += diff > 0 ? -1 : 1; if (diff > 0 || Health > 0) { entity.ReceiveDamage(new DamageSource() { source = EnumDamageSource.Internal, type = (diff > 0) ? EnumDamageType.Heal : EnumDamageType.Hunger }, 1); } lastFatReserves = cur; } } else { lastFatReserves = cur; } */
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