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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. Apparently there is an unimplemented fat system, so they at least thought about it. Dunno what their official stance is on it now. BehaviorHunger.cs if (Saturation <= 0) { // Let's say a fat reserve of 1000 is depleted in 3 ingame days using the default game speed of 1/60th // => 72 ingame hours / 60 = 1.2 irl hours = 4320 irl seconds // => 1 irl seconds substracts 1/4.32 fat reserves //float sprintLoss = sprintCounter / (15f * 6); //FatReserves = Math.Max(0, FatReserves - dt / 4.32f - sprintLoss / 4.32f); //if (FatReserves <= 0) { entity.ReceiveDamage(new DamageSource() { Source = EnumDamageSource.Internal, Type = EnumDamageType.Hunger }, 0.125f); } sprintCounter = 0; } /*if (Saturation >= 0.85 * MaxSaturation) { // Fat recovery is 6 times slower FatReserves = Math.Min(MaxFatReserves, FatReserves + dt / (6 * 4.32f)); } float max = MaxFatReserves; float cur = FatReserves / max; if (cur <= 0.8 || lastFatReserves <= 0.8) { float diff = cur - lastFatReserves; if (Math.Abs(diff) >= 0.1) { HealthLocked += diff > 0 ? -1 : 1; if (diff > 0 || Health > 0) { entity.ReceiveDamage(new DamageSource() { source = EnumDamageSource.Internal, type = (diff > 0) ? EnumDamageType.Heal : EnumDamageType.Hunger }, 1); } lastFatReserves = cur; } } else { lastFatReserves = cur; } */
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