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Posts posted by Maelstrom

  1. You may want to check out the Expanded Foods mod.  I don't know if jerky is in there or not.  If you play vanilla, the closest thing to jerky is throwing meat on a firepit and cook.  This is the only option for bush meat in vanilla.

  2. 4 hours ago, Ariven said:

    This might not be quite the answer that you're going for, but I created a 32x32 world, Smallsville, and found my resources a bit slim. Early game is a li'l tough without cattails.

    I had a false start on a full sized world where I had enough reeds to craft 1 or 2 baskets for inventory expansion before nightfall.  Quit that world and rerolled a new one.

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  3. Wondering what's the worst start you've seen?  I just started my second play through and got a seemingly pretty lousy start.  Full disclosure: my first world was customized to nerf more challenging aspects of the game (passive mobs, no temporal issues) as a primer in learning the necessary survival skills so this is my first "legit" play through.  

    So this apparent lousy start - Spawned in a warm climate and there was almost no flint (3 pieces and tons of shale, granite, andesite).  By the time I founded my dirt shack close to sunset on day 2 I had a whopping 25 flint to my name.  Made knives and an axe which was broken chopping brush for sticks (which wasn't plentiful) and chopping a modest tree for 4 or 5 logs (couldn't even chop firewood due to broken axe).  Nothing but low fertility soil for hundreds of blocks radius, almost no food the first day (only found 3 berry bushes with 1 yielding berries to eat); thankfully I harvested a handful of reed roots and cooked them that night when I was starving.  By the time I found medium fertility soil, I had seen a couple of chickens and rabbits, no pigs and no sheep/goats.  Found plenty of flax, rice and other grains, but only two spots of turnips yielding 5 edible tubers.

    Want to hear how good I have it by how hard you've had it.

    • Like 1
  4. While we're on the topic of astronomy, I would like to see  unusual events occur, such as comets appearing for a week or two at time rarely or meteor showers on an annual schedule.  But those are fluff items that can be added after devs have mostly finished the major content (oceans and boats please?)

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Erik said:

    I heard a similar rift idea before, although a long time ago, before temporal storms existed, shortly after Drifters were first added to the game in 2017, from Saraty (VS Lead Modeling and Texturing Artist). It was originally planned for Drifters to eventually not spawn randomly based on lighting anymore, but appear out of warped portals that occasionally appear on the surface. Since the spawning mechanism still hasn't changed, it could be that this idea was scrapped.

    Or that the 1.5 coders working on the game haven't gotten to that one on the to-do list yet. 

    That sounds like a more advanced feature than some of the basics they're still working on (boats?)

  6. 43 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

    Jam is a funny thing. I've wanted to utilize it in Expanded Foods, but since it's a meal and not an item or even a block... that makes it a lot harder to take advantage of. 😟

    Maybe make a jam recipe that overrides the base game recipe?  Or make a crafting recipe using same amount of honey and berries that yields a jam item?


    I'm sure you thought of that already?  😋

  7. 11 hours ago, ahueonao said:

    You can also fence-in pigs and longhorns this way, but since you can't scare them, you should build the pens right next to where the wild animals are, and you can scoot the fenced area closer to you little by little after that.

    Alternately, you can build a goat pen leave one end unfenced, an open gate on the opposite end and if possible a feed trough w/ food.  Pitch a rock at local nearby male goat and run like the dickens.  Male and nearby ewes will chase you down quiet a long distance.  Run through the open end, through the gate and close the gate.  Wait for the goats to calm down and then finish their pen.  The open end needs to be at least 2 fence sections wide, but I've had goats get hung up trying to navigate through the opening.  I'd recommend four section wide gap.


    This might work for pigs (I haven't tried it yet, lack of local pigs) but watching utubers pigs may run away when struck.

  8. Well, if you build a drifter proof wall around you and a block of water you can sift gravel/sand all night long without fear of drifter interference (other than their raucous chorus serenading you).

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 6/19/2021 at 11:32 AM, Michaloid said:

    Also i'm done with my world, it barely has any copper.

    If all else fails you can pan for copper.  Stand in a block of water, place a sand or gravel block next to you and right click on the sand/gravel while holding your wooden pan.  It will take a while (good night time activity) to get the copper you need and you'll get a bunch of other stuff, so you may want a storage vessel nearby.

  10. That's what I was referring to.  I'll be sure to specify the coding bottleneck in future calls for player patience. 


    It would be wonderful if more coders would step up and help.  If my C++ education wasn't 20+ years old I'd offer my assistance with more basic aspects to writing code.

    But the point is that we players need to exercise patience while the game continues to include features yet to be implemented.

  11. I concur with goaliemagics.  Make the game enjoyable for you.  It's not cheating if you select the customization options that make the game fun.  I have keep inventory on, passive monsters (wolves and drifters), higher rates of surface copper and tin and no temporal storms and loving the game (even the grind).  It's my first play through while I get accustomed to the grind and intend on turning on some of those options (namely temporal storms and monster agro).   The point is customize the game to suit your enjoyment level and disregard what other's might say about it.

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