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Everything posted by RobinHood

  1. Hi, i know - I can build armor and backpacks, but my chests are full with fur, any further suggestions what should I do? And what can I made with small furs from rabbits/foxes? Any idea? Or should I put in trash? btw. I have a cloth trader, I will visit him in the summer or spring (I have vintage End-Winter / March) ... will he buy it (maybe)?
  2. yes, you are right. Scary also e.g. thunderstorm, with lightnings -. I didnt see that here yet in VS. maybe one a day? there is an opensource minecraft clone, minetest - and its mods (game in game) mineclone-mod has scary thunderstorms, esp. in the night, scary also there the silverfishes in Exile, they are very often and they attacks you with small but ugly hits. worth a try, but VS for me still the best sandbox game
  3. What about radish as food? this are a spacial food too, not for you, but for the soil, radish doesn't need lot /K/N/P/ consumption, but radish also very low carb - it shouldn't kill the hunger a lot (less or max 60 satiety-points), the soil will restore with radish. Tagetes and marigold for soil restauration also good. And if Marigold and Tagetes in nearby other fruits, they will profit a bit more (faster growing). And cornflowers, will have nice color contrast for tagetes & marigold. cornflower => just decoration.
  4. But the problem is, if you have too much dogs, or a strong dog - he will protect you too much. In MC you can craete so much much dogs, you lost fear for skeleteons. A dog would be nice, but only if the balance is keeping. I have an idea, maybe a dog can caught rabies desease and you are in danger - it means also, he never will stopp a fight (he feels only agression and no pain, and have not fear to die), fight until player or dog die. But rabies can also hit wolfes and foxes that should increase danger too - e.g, more bite force, and fighting like Berserker. The good news, they will die after some days.
  5. oh man, and I was panning copper again, because I was sure that I have been lost my copper
  6. okay, sorry -I was waiting for the yellow Crucible, like in the first time - but I used the white inked crucible and I could use it. Its only an optical bug. right from the arrow.
  7. see pictures below, why I cant use the rest of my copper?! thats weird :( Or did I made something wrong?
  8. Maybe Drifters like Morlocks (Timemaschine, H.G. Wells) - and they like eat humanoid flesh, but we miss Elois (villagers) here ...
  9. scary music also sometimes in battle for wesnoth, and thats not a scary game - this would fit also in dungeons/caves in VS
  10. yes, east west would be sweet, if possible north/south also, it would be super sweeet. east/west - the map gen should calculate these borders seamless. north/south could be calculate also seamless, but you would walk from north too south-pole without passing subpolar tundra ... taiga ... temperate zone ... subtropic ...equator ... subtropic .... and so on, that would be impossible (in a real round world) ...
  11. this would be nice, especially in east/west direction, like in Civilization. 100%round would be very nice, but its not possible I think!? Cubes would be distorted and they would very small in the near of the poles and very huge at the equator. And instead of 4-sided cubic-voxels - VS must generate triangles or n-gons and (ecxtruded one) for the South Pole and North Pole.
  12. okay, maybe sleeping should have only one or two positive aspects, bit faster healing restoration or/and bit less calories-cosnumption.
  13. I find wolves here in VS scary enough - I but wish me bit more the same thrill. Okay, I still wasn't in caves a lot. sry I played also a bit Minetest and Exile, silverfishes there are scary, and a good starting meal. But Exile is a one man project.Minetest (Exile is a nice Mod / Mineclone too), after this I buyed Minecraft, now I fall in love with Vintage Story, its very cool - and here a link to minetest/exile - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=24334
  14. Good idea, even in a hard winter I stand in the water and made panning (even with worst clothes). But it is important to have a save place with camp-fire in the near, for upwarming ... Btw. I love the winter, beacuse in the snow I found lot lot lot of seeds, much more than in the summer, because green is green, but Parsnips, carrots, flax and rye stand out as green dots in the snow. In the whole summer I found zero Parsnips, but during hunting I earned 18 Parsnips and 12 seeds in two wonderful winterdays only by the way (my mainjob in these 2 days were sheep hunting).
  15. Neulinge wie mich auch willkommen? Hab das Spiel erst seit einer Woche.
  16. yes, you are right, but I have seen that drifters running out of caves (at evening) and into (caves in morning), since I have closed these exits, I dont have so much drifters like before. And some nights are without drifters in my near or not so much. In the beginning of game / with weak weapons, I have much more fear about wolves. Especially if they are in a group. And for (heavy) temporal storms, I have a small "panic room" - inside my base building 2x2 blocks small.
  17. I close also dangerous caves with extra soil, since I have done that I have less drifters, I even have some nights without drifters*, and I cant fall into a deep hole (accident), but if I fall into a hole I have a ladder in my backpacks. But I mark on map every cave/deep hole, for future expeditions. But I wish, I can kill one a day drifters bit more again, for extra flax and temporal gears. Maybe I should open soon a cave again build a trap for drifters I have near my home grassland (with lot of sheeps) also sealed (marked) - so that I can run and hunt more safely. I use also extra soil for building flat landmaking, in a flat sea, here I will build more buildings in the future. I also fill holes after digging with the pan with earth. In future, I have a big lake that blocks my way to a dealer, maybe I'll build a land bridge, depending on the depth of the lake.
  18. Hm, sorry, why confused, this would be very scary, if the strongest drifter or other monster can made telecinetic with you, so you have to fight - during temporal storm, to go in small panic room or 2-3 blocks high small tower woild be very to easy telecinetic, not teleportation, sry like here in 2:27
  19. But did yo have seen Heinrich in the Endepisode of RTCW, he is like a Bossmonster in a fight, and if you think you are safe - wrong - he use a bit Teleportation Magic so you have fight and win, no fighting = no option. And in this end game, there are also kind of black shadows, they can fly through walls. look for RTCW, Heinrich, EndGame in youtube mybe we will see such similar Monsters here? sorry, fact is RTCW was for me the most scariest game of all time for me
  20. Ruins should be (not all) but with a 50% (or adjustable rate) scary, scary with dungeons / catacaombs and other mobs, maybe like in RETURN OF CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN I real miss such sitiutions - like this - But without heavy guns, just with VS / weapons
  21. What about a flying maschine with a mediaval touch - some inspiration examples from "Leonardo Da Vinci" Flying https://www.google.com/search?q=Leonardo+da+Vinci+Flying&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLsK2GksbvAhXOCOwKHSUwD_kQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=949 but I see, that in VS we have only Westwind? It would be very nice to have winds also from all 4 or better from all 8 other directions or even from all possible 360° directions. I have also second idea, what about Gryphons, they should be dangerous, and they are large enough to transport a person, gryphons are living only in very high mountain-bioms, but if can steel an egg, you can tamming a small gryphon and after 1-3 years you can fly and hunt with him, it would be better than a horse or minecart or a boat - https://www.google.com/search?q=Gryphons&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjO4-jL-crvAhWjgM4BHZt2ABkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Gryphons&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6BggAEAcQHjoGCAAQChAYOgQIABAYUOQmWIYpYIM5aABwAHgAgAFwiAHFAZIBAzEuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=mT9cYI6zN6OBur4Pm-2ByAE&bih=949&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-d or instead of a gryphon a dragon or both...
  22. What about some enemys like in Wolfenstein. For me RTCW the most scariest game of all time. Also nice cool sounds & music. This sounds I would have to ike in TEMPORAL STORMS - okay, not a shooting game will be Vintage, but some scarie atmosphere here in Temproal Storm, or in some caves, Ruines etc. but the most scariest part was this episode in my eyes. Dumb, this we could have in Ruins & Catacombs a bit - not only drifters.
  23. I'm sure later I will do less sleep maybe too, I'm playing VS since a week but working more than 48 without sleep, this should be negative for health
  24. I like that , what hal13 says I think also that lack of sleep, e.g. 48 should be made negative conditions and so on ... I have post somth for sleeping also here, and good/les sleep bit less hunger, if you sleep your body dont need use much calories, and more health restore. And temperature, daytime and light should also have an influence of sleep quality. E.g. best time to sleep, REM sleep 1am-2am. Best temperature 16°C. To much sunlight, light, noise bad also.
  25. I allways take a temporal ladder for the tree-trunk 3-9 pcs., and take a knife, so I get more sapplings, If I cut a tree without knife-job I get 0 or maximum 1 sappling, if I take the knife so I get more sapplings (mostly 2 sapplings, and sometimes even 3 or 4) and more sticks. It takes longer, but if you don't have much trees, a forrest in your near - thats nice. Oh, it would be nice, if we could in VS, stack the sticks. If we will have one a day small animals (snakes, rats e.g.) - it would be also a refugium for them. Or for a huge, but fast burning fire.
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