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Sofia Q.F.

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  1. It is indeed the version for 1.16.5, as I don't even know how to get the pre-release : p Indeed that's what I ended up doing, unloaded the mod, loaded in the game, saved, loaded the mod back up, reload the save. Hopefully what I found is helpful for the future!
  2. hi, sorry to bother, I was messing around in my world and ran into an olivine crystal cluster, not knowing what it does, I decided to attack, taking out the locusts, and was then presented with the crystal heart... I attacked it a few times, didn't notice anything happening beside it spinning around, then decided to break the base of the crystal... which dropped a crystal heart, but also completely froze my world. No entity moves anymore, no block update happens, I couldn't even eat, just move around in a frozen world. I decided to close and reopen, except it doesn't open at all, it hangs up. Now I'm no VS expert, I don't even know what the correct logs are, but I found this line repeated ad infinitum in the server-event file: 19.8.2022 22:35:47 [Fatal] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at OreCrystals.EntityCrystalHeart.OnEntityDespawn(EntityDespawnReason despawn) in C:\Projects\vsmods\mods\orecrystals\src\entities\EntityCrystalHeart.cs:line 169 at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.DespawnEntity(Entity entity, EntityDespawnReason reason) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemEntitySimulation.TickEntities(Single dt) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemEntitySimulation.OnServerTick(Single dt) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Process() What could be causing all of this? Is there a way to recover the world?
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