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Everything posted by Khornet

  1. I noticed that skeps marked as "harvestable" (that you can destroy for honeycombs) lack the "Will swarm in X days" tooltip info - does that mean they will never populate nearby empty skeps? If you run non-harvestable skeps is your honey train gone? According to the wiki, swarming takes 3 in-game hours if there's 100 flowers around... and my skeps are still empty after a day... Is the amount of times a single skep can swarm limited to 1 maybe? This would mean some serious micromanagement for beekeeping and ultimately a permanent reliance on wild bee hives, which is extremely annoying. Just give us permanent, re-harvestable bee houses already. EDIT: I managed to circumvent the issue by picking up a harvestable skep and placing it down again - this resets it as merely "populated" again (no honeycombs), but, sure enough, it showed the "Will swarm in less than a day" tooltip soon enough, unlike all the other skeps around it, still harvestable. This must be a freshly introduced bug, since I found a recent YouTube tutorial video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d01g6FoHjJc) where the tooltip in the harvestable skep clearly says "Will swarm in 6 days". OR this is related somehow to me updating the game between builds 1.16.4-rc.1 and 1.16.4-rc.2, which somehow broke all my already planted skeps... EDIT 2: Nope, the swarm tooltip on that one skep just disappeared. And it didn't populate nearby empty skeps. I absolutely do not know what is happening anymore.
  2. Khornet

    Fruit trees

    Most recent patch notes for 1.16.4-rc.2 say: "Fixed: Some derp with fruit tree branches not regrowing after being cut" No idea if it fixes the issue of planted cuttings not growing, honestly doesn't seem like it.
  3. Trees still seem to be bugged, I also made a thread describing how my cutting refuses to grow (or die):
  4. Khornet

    Fruit Tree's

    Hi, if you have direct contact with developers, could you confirm a couple of things regarding fruit trees? I would love to update the Wiki with it, as of right now it's only possible to find these things out through datamining the game, which I don't know how to do. First of all, you're probably aware that fruit trees are (were?) bugged as of 1.16.4-rc.1 - the planted (in soil) grafts reset their growth process every time the chunk us unloaded, so they effectively don't grow or die if you wander away from them... or so I saw somewhere, in my case the graft just didn't grow/die at all in 24 in-game days. I didn't see any patch notes regarding that in 1.16.4-rc.2, although I did see this "Fixed: Some derp with fruit tree branches not regrowing after being cut" - I have no idea if this is the same bug...since tree branches are probably not the same as planted grafts? Second of all: what is the exact time it takes for a fruit tree to successfully "take root" or die? How many days? Third: greenhouse interaction with fruit trees: the Wiki states the +5°C bonus from a greenhouse ONLY applies to the vernalization process (cold temperature required to trigger flowering and bearing fruit) - is that still the case? One of the 1.16.1 notes read: "Fixed: Fruit tree not fully respecting greenhouse benefits" - does "fully respecting" mean the temperature bonus applies to the trees' dying/dormant temperature thresholds? This is a VERY important detail for temperate climates, as some trees (peach/cherry) would only be growable in greenhouses. Fourth: do wild fruit trees behave the same way as wild crops, as in their branches will (supposedly as of the freshest 1.16.4-rc.2 build) regrow only when they are in the player's loaded chunks area? Fifth: any chance to update the tree stem in-game tooltips (block descriptions) with the above info? Like +5°C greenhouse bonus similar to farmland? Sixth: what is the amount of space required for fruit trees to grow? I know their branches/leaves can grow out to 2-block distances away from the cutting/stem/trunk, but can you effectively grow them on a single soil block, surround by other blocks, even farmland (asking this in light of optimizing the usage of greenhouse space)?
  5. +1 on the notion of making corked jugs similar to how sealed crocks work.
  6. No, I haven't noticed anything unusual other than the visual bug. It's not visible in the screenshots, but the issue seems to be related to wind, it's "pushing" the snowflakes through the single-block-thick walls. The wall/roof in question is facing the direction the wind is coming from.
  7. Khornet


    This thread's old but I stumbled upon it and I absolutely cannot fathom this notion. Steam is practically a heap of trash, there's an unfathomable amount of unfinished/early access titles on it, not to mention all the extremely poor quality games, most of which are "games" in name only. It's not like it's some kind of high pedigree gaming platform with strict greenlight procedures. IMO VS needs as much publicity as it can get, because it's one of the most hidden gems kind of games I've ever played. Steam is a good way to do that because of its store algorithm recommendations and sales.
  8. Planted a tree inside a greenhouse. The greenhouse is correct, as tilled soil displays the +5C bonus. It is also 7 blocks high (the highest possible) to make room for the tree growing. However, the tree does NOT grow. After 24 in-game days, absolutely nothing is happening to it. It's stuck at the "establishing tree cutting" phase, as seen in the screenshot. Is this an "eventually" matter, or is planting cuttings bugged? I know that the wild tree fruit stems don't seem to regrow anything, though I don't know if that's subject to change...
  9. I've had hordes of drifters accumulate through high rift activity around my house only to chase me in the mornings. Literally 15-20 drifters running after me, in broad daylight. They do despawn during the day - only if you run away from them a certain distance. Seems to be the only reliable way to get rid of them. As for their behavior of "running" during daylight, it also seems inconsistent or buggy since 1.16. I'm guessing it's because their rock-throwing behavior overrides their running behavior.
  10. If it works for reeds, it can work for other blocks.
  11. Hi, my wiki account name is Khornet. I'd like to request access to editing the wiki, it lacks detailed information about certain things that I'd like to add once I confirm them on the forum.
  12. Trees (non fruit ones), need a rework in general, they should have a sapling stage before full maturity where they are indeed way thinner, similarly to fruit tree stems.
  13. Why this I can't make fancy wooden piers like that...
  14. I read the wiki page. It lacks information about how long it takes you to find out whether the 25% planting was succesful, and how quickly do trees die when they reach their low temperature thresholds. Which is why I am asking here. EDIT: And while we're at it, I'd also like to confirm what this part of patch notes means: Does this mean that the +5°C bonus applies for all temperature calculations, not just the vernalization one? As in, is it going to "boost" the temperature at all times for the purpose of calculating the tree's death/dormancy?
  15. But can you still plant them during the winter season? Specifically at its end, when temperatures are around 0°C ? Also, there's still the threat of them just dying due to low temperatures anyways... is there any specific data how long it takes them to die, or is it instant, as in, the tree detects a temperature threshold and dies immediately? Also, how long does it take for you to find out whether the tree grows after planting or fails (the 25% chance thing)?
  16. Drifters and wolves are way too sneaky - they make absolutely NO sound other than moaning and growling. Moaning is usually not very indicative of the drifters' position though, as the audio doesn't align properly with them - it's extremely annoying hearing the zombie moans through 6-block thick walls. The game also doesn't seem to support any kind of surround system, and the moans seem to come from random directions rather than the one the drifter is in. Growling for wolves sometimes doesn't trigger at all. Sometimes it triggers repeatedly (same wolf growls twice at the same time). Either way, for a creature that kills you in 3 hits when you have no armor, wolves need to be less stealthy. I don't know if there is some kind of audio rework in the plans (to fix the aforementioned issues, also wind howling inside buildings etc.), but it NEEDS to involve footstep sounds for things other than the player. I know this would need a lot of tweaking, to avoid a cacophony of noises when a horde of drifters is chasing you, for example. As a side note: animals are way too quiet as well. Pretty much only the young animal versions make noises (and the chickens) - I feel like they need an occasional idle sound to play, not too often, of course.
  17. Upon winter time I discovered that snowflakes (the falling snow weather effect, not stacking snow blocks themselves) "leak" through one of the wall sections into my house - the one that the wind hits, if that's maybe relevant. I'm not sure what the problem here is - is it the fact I used logs as part of the wall? Roof not low enough? Snow is "spawning" inside of the house already?
  18. I've yet to get into planting a fruit tree orchard, but it's on my to-do list, so I read about it on the wiki, and I got a bit discouraged about the effort it takes to grow them, and also the info about their dying temperature. -20°C is enough for a cherry tree to die? -22°C for a yellow apple tree? And this isn't dormancy, but death - if I understand correctly, that means your meticulously grown tree is now firewood. This seems a bit extreme to me, considering these temperatures are normal for a temperate climate area during winter nights. Wouldn't it make far more sense for the trees to die when they're exposed to such temperatures for a long duration - say, a couple of days at least? And what is UP with the entire process of vernalization? If I understand it correctly, you basically have a narrow window during late winter/early spring (which means - planting trees only once an in-game year!) to plant your cuttings (25% survival of each by the way, sucks to be you if you want an organized/symmetrical orchard) so that they acclimatize during very specific temperatures? This all seems far too tedious - especially considering berry bushes do not require such meticulous management.
  19. Khornet

    fruit trees

    According to the wiki, nope: They'll die in fall/winter. Have not tested it myself. Also, keep in mind that a greenhouse is limited to a 7x7x7 size, which effectively means you would only fit one fruit tree in it...
  20. Topic says it all. They occupy a single inventory slot, and once you have a torch holder become functionally useless. They're made out of sticks and grass, so they should burn, no?
  21. Like in the topic: is it possible? If not, shouldn't it be possible via temporal gears or something? I found a nice spot to build a proper home and animal pens at, but the entire area has negative stability and it's constantly draining. Is there no way to change that?
  22. Hoe sucks as a tool. You use it to hoe farmland once in a while, if ever, and... that's it. There's no reason to use any other hoe than flint. I suggest hoes get a slight modification when used on grassy soil: the first time you hoe it, you "reset" the soil's state to being bare (non-grassy), and then hoeing it again (the earthy soil) will turn it into farmland proper. Why? Simple: farming grass. Right now, grass regrows on earthy soil only during the "patches" regrowth phase - once you cut the grass, but leave the soil block alone, grass will NEVER regrow on it (if it's covered in "block grass", that is the little green on top, not tall grass). In other words, if you want to farm grass, you have to get shoveling and replant entire fields of dirt. This is highly counter-productive and unintuitive - and you NEED a lot of grass as feed for animals. This makes hoes viable as a tool you'd actually use often, alongside the scythe, and gives us a reasonable way to acquire grass instead of moving mountains of dirt.
  23. As in the title: any way to make double fence gates? Animals can quite literally find elevation (I don't know if it's snow piles or whatever) and walk on top of single-block-high fences which is why I need double fence walls to keep them in. Problem is, fence gates don't "stack" and normal doors don't mesh with them at all. Any way to circumvent this?
  24. Actually, the wiki also mentions how grass respawns on tilled soil - I will test if tilling large patches of soil is an efficient method of farming grass. It's gotta be better than replacing the dirt...
  25. Thanks, that explains it. I didn't know the tall grass grows every time the "soil grass" changes texture. Seems kind of unrealistic, considering how lush and tall grass fields are IRL. Not to mention, replacing dirt is a really sub-optimal way of farming grass... now not only do I have to consider breaking scythes, but shovels too. Grinding for grass and sticks (can't just make them out of boards?) are my two biggest gripes with the game at the moment. Ok, no, finding limestone is my biggest gripe in the game. I simply cannot do it.
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