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Everything posted by stony

  1. Apparently it was bad luck that it happened twice in a row. The other trader wagons after that, they all had a resident.
  2. Default is 60 https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=List_of_server_commands#World_Control
  3. Do you know which log file may generates a corresponding record, if this is a bug?
  4. I have found two new wagons since the update v1.12.6, and both are abandoned. So far there was always a trader present. Edit: I found both after repairing and using a translocator...
  5. Bislang hab ich zwei Kalksteinvorkommen entdeckt, beide an größeren Seen. An beiden Stellen gab es auch Kalksteinsand, der auf der Karte sehr weiß erscheint. Nicht so weiß wie Schnee aber deutlich heller als Granitsand.
  6. While walking through the landscape, strange noises can be heard from time to time. For example, squeaking of chests or humming of the translocator. Once I dug down at the spot and after 60 blocks I came across a tin vein. Is that what these sounds mean or was that a coincidence?
  7. It´s no longer set to "auto" but to "horizontal". Did I accidentally press the wrong button?
  8. The GitHub Issuetracker has a workaround: https://github.com/anegostudios/VintageStory-Issues/issues/407 @PrinceOfStrings workaround is functional Some packages are missing mainmenu9.png to mainmenu11.png, causing this problem. Hey, i had the same problem. When i saw your post a quick fix came in mind and the game started again!! I just copied one of the mainmenu*.pngs and renamed the copies mainmenu9, mainmenu10 and mainmenu11 since the original ones were in fact missing. Started VS and is running just fine! Peace just want to add that you can find this folder in your vintagestory installation directory under "assets\game\textures\gui\backgrounds"
  9. I´m asking because the only payment method I can use is PaySafeCard and neither itch.io nor humblebundle have it.
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