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Everything posted by stony

  1. Hello! Would it be possible to develop a device that can be placed next to a broken translocator and that influences its direction when activated? If you place it e.g. on the south side of the TL, the TL looks for a target in the south direction. For some reason, held electric lanterns are noticeably dimmer than placed ones.
  2. Hello, I just tried v0.8.10 & 1.15rc2 and placing the grindstone assembly is crashing the game.
  3. Both modes crash as soon as the chat window should open. Win7, no mods. Running on 64 bit Windows with 16 GB RAM Version: v1.14.0-rc.1 (Unstable)23.11.2020 10:36:31: Critical error occurred System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.HudDialogChat.UpdateText() bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.HudDialogChat.OnTabClicked(Int32 groupId) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.HudDialogChat.OnFinalizeFrame(Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnFinalizeFrame(Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.RenderToDefaultFramebuffer(Single dt) bei _5hCAkcR0qGwiw0p1Od3dkPNJr9m._k0IPcsxgDzTj2TKJ7rcHT9FrHio(Single ) bei _FaGPIoRIMmPde5LK617lMxGGqKO._ew8jFTkG0bv7vcU0TlSh3xJDYqG(Single ) bei _FaGPIoRIMmPde5LK617lMxGGqKO._hnsBUFFLbZEdYv6HeBM3aBRg9abA(Single ) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e) bei System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame() bei OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) bei _tmN9JRMGK1p9Dl3DgNFsY2RcT7g._5B5vSMOrXjTPzrPEOuZxX9h6nsF(_2c8ErjpCBXuzdsmRdi2lVfNAkXQ , String[] ) bei _QJXScnkCUbxSWiShTSbTSz77sLA._5B5vSMOrXjTPzrPEOuZxX9h6nsF(ThreadStart ) -------------------------------
  4. stony

    pre update?

    Did you tried the link at the bottom?
  5. I had the same issue with generation 0 ewes. But it works with gen 3. Haven´t tried gen 1 & 2.
  6. Running on 64 bit Windows with 16 GB RAM Version: v1.14.0-pre.10 (Unstable)19.11.2020 09:48:47: Critical error occurred System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Der Index war außerhalb des Arraybereichs. bei Vintagestory.GameContent.ItemIngot.AddVoxelsFromIngot(ICoreAPI api, Byte[,,]& voxels, Boolean isBlisterSteel) bei Vintagestory.GameContent.ItemIngot.TryPlaceOn(ItemStack stack, BlockEntityAnvil beAnvil) bei Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityAnvil.TryPut(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) bei Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityAnvil.OnPlayerInteract(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) bei Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockAnvil.OnBlockInteractStart(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.TryBeginUseBlock(Block selectedBlock, BlockSelection blockSelection) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleMouseInteractionsBlockSelected(Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnFinalizeFrame(Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.RenderToDefaultFramebuffer(Single dt) bei _7xlAfqflmyNWQv9mVdG48hrpRSs._aS86li9lQseS1QuGss8Xk344pYB(Single ) bei _WkjmC8j5TRq5FD4fN3IUAMzFQ5L._iYRGZcQFGGVxdrosCcPtkE6CagN(Single ) bei _WkjmC8j5TRq5FD4fN3IUAMzFQ5L._jP7cEUjgzwgxB0CAyZR3nm08s6K(Single ) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e) bei System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame() bei OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) bei _ags0bIdhXbC5vqeEZ91JzIwuHNk._YceH1Dy6Vz88mNkEBfGjgoBMUtc(_2SIgCmQkGsBtYr1pBzpXEZcFKLW , String[] ) bei _5o400u19YmSeZDrcQK6AS4zfvaV._YceH1Dy6Vz88mNkEBfGjgoBMUtc(ThreadStart ) -------------------------------
  7. I´ve found a copper metal chain while panning bony soil and wanted to melt it to make black bronze. After adding gold and silver nuggets I got less metal units than expected.
  8. I´ve built a steel refractor and ignited it with 2 black cole piles below. After moving back into the area through a translocator the game crashed. I was not able to replicate the crash a second time. No mods, Win7. Running on 64 bit Windows with 16 GB RAM Version: v1.14.0-pre.8 (Unstable)17.11.2020 03:04:52: Critical error occurred System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. bei Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockCoalPile.GetCollisionBoxes(IBlockAccessor blockAccessor, BlockPos pos) bei Vintagestory.API.Client.ParticlePhysics.<UpdateMotion>b__10_0(Block cblock, BlockPos bpos) bei Vintagestory.Common.BlockAccessorReadLockfree.WalkBlocks(BlockPos minPos, BlockPos maxPos, Action`2 onBlock, Boolean centerOrder) bei Vintagestory.API.Client.ParticlePhysics.UpdateMotion(Vec3d pos, Vec3d motion, Single height) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ParticleGeneric.TickNow(Single lifedt, Single pdt, ICoreClientAPI api, ParticlePhysics physicsSim) bei Vintagestory.API.Common.ParticleBase.TickFixedStep(Single dt, ICoreClientAPI api, ParticlePhysics physicsSim) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ParticlePoolQuads.OnNewFrame(Single dt, Vec3d cameraPos) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemRenderParticles.Render(Int32 poolindex, Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemRenderParticles.OnRenderFrame3DOIT(Single deltaTime) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) bei _VqiJI4DuKgpvydF62e56wP5mRiB._AgvaoVKaZHFSJjs3eINVKRWllvL(Single ) bei _GApKBQhf7bW5aVoKRSUGDZ1viKaA._rMGmCn7H96mcFo2cP4QmrT5sSmv(Single ) bei _GApKBQhf7bW5aVoKRSUGDZ1viKaA._eS99Txb8gRTWDbJkLRADvc56KqX(Single ) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e) bei System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame() bei OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) bei _wRmJCunGLReBEeuv2ORdxS5rsYe._QA4Fg8ecmiKIQ8f6a4VDbpaut44A(_s9PM9DCMG5px7dCqSuuZFFSkn3c , String[] ) bei _ELzVGXP3i3cN7BhAWMfuM85U9tL._QA4Fg8ecmiKIQ8f6a4VDbpaut44A(ThreadStart ) -------------------------------
  9. stony


    Das passiert bei mir sporadisch auch und verschwindet sobald ich die minimap (F6) ausschalte. Mein PC ist allerdings langsamer (i3-4150 @3,5GHz, GTX960, 16GB Ram).
  10. I tried to make meteoric iron arrows, but there is no recipe like for iron arrows. No mods.
  11. I´ve harvested Reeds and after harvesting ~40 Reeds and some grass the Game crashed. Win7, no mods. Let me know if you require more logs. Edit: Moving the crosshair while the scythe animation still plays seems to trigger the ctd, but I'm not quite sure. Running on 64 bit Windows with 16 GB RAM Version: v1.14.0-pre.3 (Unstable)27.10.2020 10:56:25: Critical error occurred System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. bei Vintagestory.GameContent.ItemScythe.OnHeldAttackStep(Single secondsPassed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSelection, EntitySelection entitySel) bei Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.OnHeldUseStep(Single secondsPassed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleHandInteraction(Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) bei _mO1OMh8kncBt6cjOWOIAi4uKXfh._tqCBmo91Iso0C6Z4MxE3pGk9BGm(Single ) bei _bLYKVt0OIIpbDM9s6d78wEvV4kh._T6ntkYAYy93JTmMeUW5BPEb2H9g(Single ) bei _bLYKVt0OIIpbDM9s6d78wEvV4kh._9wnG1I0dv2nE1qiCj4WtSykSuSBA(Single ) bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e) bei System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp) bei OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame() bei OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) bei _Af9KcMdBp4FV1bF3d63CYMzaRzM._hX3i5Vm8yHkCuhYPtFN3CuEBTRN(_Ky6UZsVVbxXy26d1FTibdLqrMyI , String[] ) bei _slFJfYF3pqJDCES83egtGxsoWTD._hX3i5Vm8yHkCuhYPtFN3CuEBTRN(ThreadStart ) ------------------------------- client-main.txt
  12. Hello everybody. I tried copper and tin bronze. Shift - right klicking the mold with the crucible does nothing. Singleplayer, no mods.
  13. Yes singleplayer, no mods. Still the same on 1.13 stable. A person on the discord posted the same issue on sunday. Edit: I´ve rebuild my base at a more windy place and now the helvehammer works. Dunno why, sry for the inconvenience.
  14. Edit: does not happen anymore in 1.13 stable Temperature was within range. At my first harvest I got 1 from 5 mature cabbages, the second try was 5 from 6 and the third 4 from 6.
  15. Anvil does not drop objects after completion by Helvehammer. It is still a work item when picked up manually and turns into 2 ingots when placed again.
  16. Afaik the hens just weren´t ready to mate and therefore could not get saturation levels. Tyron added that status to the animal info hud in 1.12.9. I think sows get pregnant once they reach saturation level 8. Boars don´t get saturation levels. Not quite sure if they're even needed to impregnate sows.
  17. Its working again. I set the time speed to 2400 and waited and after 9-10 days, my gen2 sow started to eat from the troughs. But I have no idea why it took over 10 days before it starts eating after it became an adult. I usually play at game speed 30.
  18. I made this post on monday https://www.vintagestory.at/forums/topic/1730-do-chicken-get-saturation-levels-like-pigs/ Now all other Animals refuse to eat from troughs too, except boars. Rams make the eating sound without actually consuming anything. I generated another world, spawned everything necessary in creative mode and the issue persists. I reverted to version 1.12.6 where it used to work, generated a new world and the issue persists. I updated to version v1.12.9-rc.1 again and went back to places I did animal keeping succesfully and guess what, the sows and ewes I left there eat from troughs as usual. How is that even possible? Please Help! Still no mods. Haven´t messed around with the game files. Singleplayer. Win7
  19. Ich hab das gleiche Problem im Singleplayer mit Version v1.12.9-rc.1. Wenn ich die Waypoints pinne erscheinen sie in der unteren rechten Ecke der Karte.
  20. It looks as if they eat out of the small trough from time to time, but the number of portions remains the same. I've tried flax and rye. Or is there something wrong with my pen? I´m on version v1.12.9-rc.1, no mods. Edit: It's two hens and a rooster.
  21. It may work similiar to chiseling by coloring single Voxels. I would like to use this when exploring bigger caves to leave notes, arrows and the like. Ruins may have lore/messages written on walls...
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