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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by squ1b3r

  1. It works fine with 1.16.3
  2. @Xandu Version 1.16.4 changes the behavior of BlockEntityClayForm.CheckIfFinished which now accepts an additional argument called `layer` so the call to it in the BlockEntityClayForm.CheckIfFinished.OnUseOver fails. Just digging around the code in general I noticed that there is a lot of game code that just copied over to those Harmony patches just to patch a few lines. This is very error-prone and brittle. Any slight change can break things. Using Harmony Transpilers to make very specific changes or maybe looking for a better method to patch would be way more reliable. Won't give you a 100% guarantee ofc but it would be better. Another thing that would help in cases like this would be conditional patching. Harmony provides a "Prepare" method for its patches. This can be used with a config file to turn on and off certain patches. As it is right now I can turn off the "Pottery" skill but it won't cancel the pathing and so even with no "Pottery" skill available it still crashes.
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