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Polraudio Zion

Very Important Vintarian
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Posts posted by Polraudio Zion

  1. The mod has been updated! The config has been changed so you may need to make a few edits to move player homes. Instead of 1 config file for everything i have separated the config into 3 files and gave each world its own folder instead of just tacking on the wold name to the end of the config file, this will make it easier to keep things organized and prevent player homes from getting deleted on accident. Without further ado here is the changelog.

    Updated mod to version 1.2.0

    • Configs are now put into their own world folder instead of being a huge mess.
    • Configs are separated into 3 different files to make it easier to edit without messing up player homes.
    • Added cooldown system for doing teleports. Each type of teleport has its own separate cooldown that defaults to 5sec.
    • Added the following commands(see first post for more info). /players, /uptime, /quit, /warp, /setwarp, /warplist, /delwarp, /heal, and /cooldown.

    As always thank you everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed this mod so far.

  2. Just so everyone is aware im changing where the config is saved and splitting the config up into a few files to make things easier for admins to deal with.


    As you can see there will be a folder for your world instead of it being a config file with the world name attached to the end of it. There will also be a main config file for stuff like setting max homes, repeating message, etc.... then there will be a file for player homes and a file for storing server warps. Yes the next update will have server warps admins can setup.

    I will also be adding a player list feature as requested by Julius van Vern. Its not a GUI but its a command to list the current players on the server. This feature may be broken on release as i don't have enough people to test it with but I'm hoping it will work on release.

    There is no ETA for the update but stay tuned.

  3. 3 hours ago, Julius van Vern said:

    Hey, is there a limit to the number of home points a player can create? If not, is it possible to create such a limit via the config file?

    After you load up your world for the first time with the mod enabled there will be a new config folder inside your ModConfig folder named "PolsServerUtilities" Inside that folder will be a config file named PolServerUtilitiesConfig_[YourWorldName].json. Open that file up in notepad(highly recommend notepad++) or something and it should be obvious what to edit. By default it allows players to have 3 homes(One set via temporal gear and 2 set via /sethome).

    The path should be something like AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModConfig\PolsServerUtilities. OFC this may be different for you if running a server but you get the idea.

  4. Alright everyone the mod has been FINALLY updated after ages. Without further ado lets get that change log.

    Updated mod to version 1.1.0

    • Added the ability to set multiple homes.
    • Added ability to delete homes(with some funny messages(if want some added let me know)).
    • Added ability to see your list of homes.
    • Made the mod able to work only on the server as a standalone mod(no mod needed on the client). The mod also works in single player if you wish to use it there.
    • Added /me for when you feel like talking in the 3rd person.
    • Added ability to save and load the config without shutting down the server(need admin privileges).
    • Added a timed message that shows up in chat that admins can change and enable in the config(disabled by default). This is useful if you want to say something like your site, rules, discord, etc... however often you want.

    More info can be found on the first post as well as the download.

    As always thank you everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed this mod so far. Please let me know if you use this mod on your server(who knows I may visit and play on it.). Also if you have any useful suggestions please let me know.

    • Thanks 2
  5. Just a quick update. Things are starting to slowly go back to normal(i hope it continues to) so I started working on this again. If everything goes according to plan I should have an update out next week sometime with a few new features and fixes.

    Here is what I have planned for the next update(might not get them all but ill try).

    • SERVERSIDE ONLY! Yes finally only the server will be required to have this mod.
    • /me. You will be able to talk in 3rd person with /me. The message will be "[YourUsername] [Message you put]"
    • Timed message. For server owners this will be great for if you have something you wish the server to say every however often you want.
    • Multiple homes. I have a prototype already working and hope to be able to refine it in time.

    As always thank you everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed this mod so far.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 8/14/2020 at 6:23 PM, Palono said:

    Hey are you still working on the Mod?


    On 4/22/2020 at 2:00 AM, Polraudio Zion said:

    Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been working overtime at my job with the COVID since im an essential worker. Every day i get home i feel burned out and don't feel like doing anything. Once this COVID virus comes to an end ill have plenty of free time to take a stab at this mod again.

    Sadly it will be on hold till my hours go back to normal at work due to COVID. I have been working overtime every single day.

    • Cookie time 1
  7. 10 hours ago, Julius van Vern said:

    Is it also possible to create the mod as standalone version for a server? Maybe it is possible to add the command /sethome. Or display the date and time in a HUD. Maybe it is also possible to display the current number of players online in the HUD. :) Thanks for your work :)

    I do want to make it standalone for server also. I do have the sethome command working in my dev version but i dont have a functional delete home command yet so i haven't released it. I also have to figure out saving of homes. As for HUD elements i think that requires the mod to be on the client also so HUD related stuff wont be for the serverside standalone one but could be a separate mod.


    Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been working overtime at my job with the COVID since im an essential worker. Every day i get home i feel burned out and don't feel like doing anything. Once this COVID virus comes to an end ill have plenty of free time to take a stab at this mod again.


    Thank you everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed this mod so far.

    • Thanks 3
  8. Pols Server Utilities 1.2.5

    This mod will add some useful commands for servers such as /home and /spawn.

    Note: This mod works for both server and clients. It also works as standalone version on servers so no need for clients to have it.

    NOTE 2: The mod will no longer be updated here on the forums and will be only updated on the moddb. I will however still respond to issues/bugs posted here as well as post changelogs.

    Everyone Commands:

    This will list commands all players can.

    /home works by teleporting the player to their current spawn point. This can be set by using a Temporal gear.

    /home [name] teleports the player to a home they named.

    /sethome [name] will create a players home with that name.

    /homelist will display a list of the players homes.

    /delhome [name] will delete a player home they named.

    /spawn just teleports you to the world spawn location. AKA where you spawn for the first time.

    /me [message] will let players talk in the 3rd person.

    /uptime shows the servers current uptime since last restart.

    /warp [name] will teleport you to a warp an admin has created.

    /warplist will show all available warps that are on the server.

    /cooldown will show how long you have left to wait to be able to teleport again.

    /quit [message] will show everyone a message then will disconnect you from the server. Very useful for rage quitting with a reason :P

    /players will show online players as well as a count. I know .online exists but i didn't like how it looked and well... discovered it after I already made it lol.

    /rtp will randomly teleport players anywhere on the map at ground level(no more spawning 100+ blocks in the air).

    /myinfo will show you your warnings, homes and deaths.

    /rtime will show you the real time. Useful for those who play in full screen and want to check the time without doing alt-tab.

    /back will bring you back to your last location before you teleported. Yes it works with deaths so you can get back to your body instantly.

    Admin Commands/Info:

    This will list all commands only admins can use.

    /saveconfig will save the config file. Handy to save the config before editing the config file.

    /loadconfig will load the config file. Handy if you made changes to the config file when the server is running.

    /heal will heal the admin for 100% HP and 50%(for some reason) food.

    /setwarp [name] will set a public warp for all players to use.

    /delwarp [name] deletes a warp.

    The config file is saved when the server is shutting down and loaded upon startup.

    There is also a server message you can set to broadcast to all players however often you want(in seconds). This can be set in the config file that is generated on first boot since the mod has been added.

    Config Location: AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModConfig\PolsServerUtilities\[WORLD NAME].

    Note: Location may vary depending on your setup.

    Inside the config folder will be a folder for each wold you have used the mod with. Each world will have its own configs.

    Other Notes:

    There is a cooldown setting for spawn and homes but that isn't actually implemented yet so the settings do nothing for now. Don't remove them tho or you will run into troubles.

    /home without any name still requires you to use a Temporal gear. This is intentional since /home is so fast it should require at least some effort for the speed of going home quickly.

    /home with a name however doesn't require a Temporal gear.

    Mod Version: 1.2.5

    Game Version: 1.16.X+

    Planned Features:

    • A tips system that will show tips every so often(if you have tips to add feel free to private message me).
    • Sleeping will sleep through the entire night.
    • A friends list. Might be used to allow friends to use your home teleports and maybe other things?
    • More as I think of some.

    Next Update Features(1.?.?):


    If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. I'm still new to modding this game but i'm getting better every day.

    How to install: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Adding_mods

    NOTE: The mod will no longer be updated here on the forums and will be only updated on the moddb.

    Download 1.16.X and Higher: Pols Server Utilities 1.2.5.zip

    Download 1.15.X: Pols Server Utilities 1.2.3.zip

    Download 1.14.X and lower:Pols Server Utilities 1.2.0.zip


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    • Amazing! 1
    • Thanks 2
  9. Tested it with the Raspberry Pi 4 4GB version and it ran good for the most part but as soon as you get far from home and die the server just hangs and crashes. Prob because its having a hard time loading all those chunks at once at your spawn location. The chunk loading is fast enough to keep up with one person exploring but if 2 people are exploring it will most likely lag a lot. With the amount of ram it uses you would need at least the 2gb model.

    For my conclusion i wouldn't recommend running a server on a raspberry pi unless you all stick together at all times and don't die at all and also don't teleport anywhere.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Just bought the game and i have a few different models of raspberry pi's laying around. Tried it with the Raspberry Pi 3 and its laggy and chunks take a very long time to load. I wouldn't recommend it on the Pi 3 mainly because of the limited RAM and slow CPU. Ill do more testing once i get my raspberry pi 4 4gb up and running and report back here.

    • Thanks 1
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