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Everything posted by Copperman

  1. I guess I've formed some assumptions about ore generation/distribution that are not correct due to a string of similar fortunes. That copper story is shocking. In every world ive ever made and played on there has always been an at least decent copper generation nearby I'll have to see about survival, but I went back into my experimental world and did eventually find a High Hematite deposit about 5000 blocks away so yeah, bad luck is all. Thanks as always for your insights. As an aside, the prospecting info mod that displays your results on the map is really useful, I know it's abandoned but it still mostly works on 1.17.2 If it ever becomes unusable, I might slide a more codey friend of mine some cash to resurrect it
  2. Previously I've always found great success in "chasing" patches of good ore percentages. That is- finding a chunk with poor readings and methodically moving up/down/left/right/diagonal and seeing where it gets stronger or weaker, ultimately ending up somewhere good. However in my new world post 1.17.2 I've noticed I can't seem to get my readings up. In the past, it was normal to be unfortunate enough to not strike an Ultra high, c'est la vie etc etc but now I am consistently finding that my readings hit a dead end at Poor over and over. Initially, I saw this actually playing but out of curiosity I've been running a creative world and took a lot of readings. and was unable to ever chase a Very Poor reading anywhere higher than Poor 1.0‰ Other ores seem unchanged but Iron Ores, Magnetite and Hematite seem altered I made some simple diagrams I'll attach below
  3. Ah! The man himself haha. Yeah well I guess it depends on how you view the game. From the perspective of looking for a harsh survival environment the large volume of salt you get from barreling is very generous since water is an unlimited free resource, but I could also see it as merely a quality of life change or a supplementation of a halite pillar which is also essentially unlimited
  4. The extended food mod adds an option to refine salt from water. I think it's frankly TOO generous and easy to get in that mod, but in base game the ability to find salt water and boil it down for a little bit of salt might be nice
  5. In my opinion it is not cheating, but merely a form of difficulty setting Without the node search, you must prospect out a chunk with a good per mille and begin semi-randomly digging down and rely on the fortune to actually hit an ore vein directly. WITH the node search you have to do the same, but your luck gets extended out to a larger radius if you remember to take a reading every once in a while. As well, ive had some really tough times trying to find that damn node even with the pick. Sometimes makes you want to just go back to the surface and just blind puncture again haha
  6. If you mean the configuration settings you set up when creating the world then yes. You can find a list of commands under "World Configuration" on the wiki: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=World_Configuration You should find just about every setting there as a command you can type into the chat in-game Ins Deutsche übersetzt: Wenn Sie die Konfigurationseinstellungen meinen, die Sie beim Erstellen der Welt eingerichtet haben, dann ja. Eine Liste der Befehle finden Sie unter "World Configuration" im Wiki: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=World_Configuration Sie sollten dort fast jede Einstellung als Befehl finden, den Sie in den Chat im Spiel eingeben können
  7. I saw the other discussion about this in the thread about coords. So I guess I understand the reason there is no longer an option to opt out of this as its the direction the game is going. Personally it seems counter to the realistic gritty nature of the game, I never minded that NPCs make those noises so maybe Im being too narrow to see it's place but the toots and fweeps come off less as vocalizations and more like cartoon sound effects. While it does make it harder to ignore hunger damage traveling to a food source while hearing that is an annoyance. Ive had friends watching my stream apologize and tell me they have to mute it because the noise is bothersome to them It's their game and their choice though, so rather than demanding a change instead if I could offer a constructive criticism/suggestion I think the sounds could benefit from more variation depending on the event. As I mentioned when you fall or take damage it feels more like a sound effect than a vocalization so perhaps a shorter more guttural sounding toot paired loud cracking or thumping should be added in there as well. This is how I feel, but I'm not a developer, so my suggestions may be ignorant and I apologize if i'm being that way.
  8. .charsel is the command to redesign you character and repick the instrument. However honestly I did not much care for any of them unfortunately. I do not intend to be rude. This is a massive update with a lot of work in it but the sound just doesn't seem right to me compared to the human grunts etc
  9. Just updated my game to 1.70, was surprised by the new voices. From the patch notes it seems like this is a permanent change? I guess I can get used to it but it seems odd to me that now when you take fall damage or take a hit from starvation your character makes musical chirps. Is there still a way to toggle it off? Server command or world config?
  10. I was interested in doing a challenge where it is perpetually extremely cold, snowing, and resources are very very slim. In the World Generation settings you can make the world extremely cold and reduce the forestation but these worlds are not truly playable as the generation of Clay is dependent on soil and the settings universally replace all surface blocks with ice. Essentially halting advancement severely. I'm looking for a way to generate a landscape of normal soil and rock distribution, with minimal trees and animal life, that is always freezing cold. Even just a setting which freezes winter at it's absolute worst so I can generate a normal landscape and then subject it to such conditions Is it possible?
  11. I was pretty meticulous about it yeah, dunno. That server got deleted and updated so it may be a moot point in that specific issue unfortunately As a sort of addendum to my past struggle. On a separate world when hunting for copper I accidentally mined straight down into a dome I guess ultimately the best advice is to stop looking sometimes.
  12. Yeah most people who see me playing it on stream say "Oh is that Terrafirmacraft?" or something. Its hard to really explain what Vintage is and why its different properly. Mostly I just say it scratches the survival itch really well.
  13. Out of obsession I actually ended up mining out the entire 30x30 block area. Sadly there was no Halite haha boy was I mad I eventually ended up discovering the Extended Foods Mod allows you to produce salt so I gave up.
  14. This is really sneaky and cheating but I wrote an Auto Hot Key script to Automatically pan for copper nuggets. It only works until you run out of sand or die of starvation though
  15. I just wanted to express to the community and developers of this game how much I love it. I was introduced to the game by a friend who wanted to try it with people and was skeptical of it but after the first 3 days in-game I was absolutely hooked. I love making stuff in clay and firing it, making charcoal, turning your crappy dirty shack slowly into a real base, prospecting for ores, making an army of molds and mass producing stuff. The game is beautiful and feels really alive with all of the plant life growing and the animals coming and going. I have always itched for a Minecraft mod that felt like true survival and I never really got it but this is it. Thanks to everyone on the forums for helping me out when I have questions and thanks to the devs for their continued work!
  16. Hey thanks that worked! I've also noticed that if there's any incorrect code in the blocktype JSON this also causes the block to just not appear but this time it was what you were describing
  17. Hello, I started dipping into modding and have successfully followed the instructions in this tutorial to create a simple block you can grab in Creative. When I decided however to create my own mod, the block does not seem to appear in the Creative Inventory Menu and I just can't seem to figure out why. I have checked my code against working mods and they appear to be identical, I have also carefully re-written all of the json files from scratch with the same result. Obviously I am making some mistake Could someone turn me on to what I might be doing wrong? Attached is the mod. It is supposed to add a very rudimentary block called "Statue of Test" Statue Mod.zip
  18. I think I saw that when I tried unzipping the mod and dragging the files in, where you actually should just drag the whole unpacked zip into the folder
  19. Hey Street thanks again for your reply! I think it probably makes sense that as in reality there will not necessarily HAVE to be equilateral peaks of ore, so I guess its just another element of the challenge, I use a mod which automatically marks ProPick readings on the map that makes it not so bad and also cleans up my map haha! The highest readings ive ever found are Ultra High Hematite 7.7% Decent Halite 40% Ultra High Native Copper 28% High Casseterite 0.2% There are others but I cant remember them off the top of my head unfortunately
  20. Greetings friends. I have another question about ore! As it is in real life, the process of prospecting involves sampling the area, determining if there is a minute amount of what you're looking for and then methodically moving North South East West seeing what direction it gets stronger and stronger. I love this system and it feels really rewarding! The question is about the limits of relative ore density. In the past I erroneously focused in on the percentages when it is the Adjectives (Poor, Decent, High, Ultra High etc) that matter. Bearing that and only that in mind my question is: Does every "vein" of Ore ultimately lead to a patch of High/Ultra High Ore Density- OR Do some ore veins simply peter out to a lower amount? Rephrased another way: I have managed to find Ultra High patches of several ores, however sometimes on the hunt the trail seems to go cold at a Decent. Is this simply how ore generates with some patches getting extremely high and others not reaching that height? Or were those "Cold" Trails just my ineffective sniffing?
  21. Looks like a little better luck, actually managed to bump it up to a decent. Currently set to strip mining this area in 100 block stripes every 10 blocks or so
  22. Alright ill do my best to disregard that number
  23. Hello again, I have yet still to find the Halite, however by total chance I caught onto the trail on an ASTOUNDING 24.8% "Poor" Halite reading I feel one of the pieces of documentation we as players lack is the true meaning of percentages for each ore (Example: 2% copper is terrible, but 0.2% Cassitertite is amazing) so it is important to me to share my progress. I now know for sure that my 16% Very Poor was NOT the upper limit of how good Halite readings can be. Wish me luck friends
  24. I'm wondering - What is a good percentage for Halite? My strip mining has gone badly and I suspect it's because of the "Very Poor" Adjective of my 16%. Is it possible to do better with a "Decent" or "High"?
  25. Oh no I mean strip mining for a salt dome back home. I gave up looking for the salt beds in the desert.
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