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Everything posted by Taska

  1. @KetThe hanging racks always need to have side supports. I think to get them looking like they do in the picture I'm pretty sure I had placed a layer of some solid block, placed the racks on top of those, then removed the layer of solid blocks. It's been a while
  2. Hey guys! I put out an update for Meteoric Expansion that hopefully fixes a crash that occurred occasionally when falling meteors despawned. I never could replicate the issue, so it is a bit of a guess.... if crashes still do occur please do let me know!
  3. Mmm... but that doesn't really solve the core problem, which is the balancing of the drop rates. You must have been really lucky to get 5/5 brains from rabbits. The chance for each to drop one is 35%. I could probably lower the rate across the board slightly, for all animals, by 5-10%. Don't really want to go lower than 15% as that gets into the territory where it was reportedly too low. (This is @Taska Raine, just replying on a different forum account temporarily as the account used to create this thread is locked from posting due to anti-spam measures currently in place)
  4. This is uuuh...slightly problematic for users that bought the game with a different e-mail account than they use to access the forum. I(Taska Raine) like to hoard e-mails on this one account for purchases and things I may need to refer to in the future via search. But for all my modding and otherwise must-respond-to things, I use a different account and keep it tidy. Thus, the account I use to respond to my mod pages on the forum has lost access. Is it possible to whitelist e-mail accounts that do not have a game purchase associated with them, upon request? Edit: I had changed the game account e-mail address after a purchase, but the forum account associated with the old e-mail account still has the forum access
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