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Very Important Vintarian
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  1. Giciel's post in obsidian help was marked as the answer   
    Hey back on this topic again.
    It's not really complicated, you just need water, lava and slabs.
    The obsidian creation does not consume the water block, the slabs are here for the first obsidian block to be quarried by breaking the second one.
    Then you can put whatever hopper system right under it (You can't place a hopper right under the first obsidian block because water flow through it and it will create an obsidian block, breaking the hopper).
    I'm sure there is optimization to be made be hey you get the basic idea.
  2. Giciel's post in Forum: Dark Mode? was marked as the answer   
    There's no dark mode that I'm aware of. But I know there's 2 different themes on this site :
    The "Vintage Story (default)" with light brown beige color and green for the buttons The "Classic High Contrast" which is pure white. Normaly you should be on the first one by default but it doesn't hurt to check.
    The option for the Theme is at the bottom of the page next to "Privacy Policy".

    If you are already on the default theme then I suggest you to lower the luminosity levels of your screen if it hurts that much.
  3. Giciel's post in Passive Mode drifters/locusts won't attack when hit? was marked as the answer   
    I would say it's by design, since passive mode is made to have a better time playing.
    Drifters and locusts are the enemies in the game so making them harmless seems logical.
    As for the animals, well they're animals so I guess they're not really taken in account.

  4. Giciel's post in Possible to transfer meal from bowl to crock pot? was marked as the answer   
    Not possible from what I've tried. Once a meal is in a bowl, you gotta eat it or wash it out.
    You can only transfer food between cooking pots and crock pots.
  5. Giciel's post in How much VRAM do you REALLY need? was marked as the answer   
    Welp you know your limit now
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