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Everything posted by BigBadBeef

  1. Wait? What? Fish are an edible item now?
  2. According to the patch notes I've read, drifters are now (well not now, but rather most recently) supposed to spawn only near rifts. Well, I got a, shall we say "first stage, low output" underground room for forging, smelting, charcoal making and bloomeries. The thing is that no rifts are around and its a temporally stable area, and also well lit with Lanterns. So why do drifters keep freeloading down there? (I would submit a screenshot with the rampage that took place when I came home to check out my bloomeries, but I don't know where the screeenshot folder for Vintage Story is on Linux. Anyone care to enlighten me?)
  3. Bears aren't OP. Toss a couple of black bronze spears into his skull and he will run like his butt were on fire! Also, many players choose to build actual buildings to house their animals. A predator can be on the roof for what one cares and the animals will be completely safe. Speaking of which, the winter on my playthrough is almost over and I'm overdue for a lupine killing spree. The wolves shall squeal as they flee in terror, BUAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!
  4. I've been doing some tinkering. It would seem that the issue is frametime spikes when you set the view distance above 512, this is at 640 view distance: It makes for constant twitching when moving in a certain direction, so I've dropped the resolution to 75% and enabled FXAA. These two have cancelled each other out and increased performance aside from a barely noticeable fuzziness of the grass at long range, but it almost looks more like ambient blur than any pixel resolution issues. Then I took the view distance down a peg to 608. The spikes have reduced by 90% and now I have a rock solid 45 - 65 fps with vSync and memory optimization Turned completely OFF. It would seem that there is a rule of thumb in regards to view distance that it consumes roughly the view distance multiplied by 8MB at 100% resolution scale. So at 512 view distance x8 = 4GB of VRAM, which is exactly what my old faithful GTX 980 has. Regardless, I have now successfully achieved a bit more than that with an acceptable level of performance loss. This game is HUNGRY for vram at high settings!
  5. Ooooh, didn't see that one, thanks! That trader is really convenient because he also buys empty skeps for the same price!
  6. On my first playthrough, these is a biome just to the north of me, where only pines grow on top of of chert sand. There is no grass whatsoever.
  7. As soon as I select anything above 512
  8. I am about 1 in-game year into my first playthrough and my only source of beeswax is, at present, a trader. But he only sells 7 units. How often do they restock?
  9. I have 4GB of VRAM and I was hoping for more than 512 tiles view distance, Because from high ground, it really doesn't seem all that much of a view. Well, okay, its adequate, but the pc putting out 90fps solid with god rays. I tried more view distance but the frames start spiking!
  10. Its a block game, how much vram do you really need? Is 4GB barely enough for 512 view distance or could I get away with more?
  11. I live in a countryside, surrounded by farms, not far from a forrest. While I do not own a farm myself, pretty much everyone around me does. Here, rabbits are considered pests, like big rats with long ears, they gnaw on crops and breed like lunatics. Throughout the year, I sometimes hear them squealing at night during one of their quite common deranged breeding frenzies.
  12. I heard some growling in my pantry so I opened up a ceiling dirt tile. Turns out my pantry was just below a hole in the ground. I sealed that hole and filled another 2 layers of dirt on top of it from outside. The decay rate stats got worse. I tried putting a door on the entry to the pantry, the decay rate got even worse, tore the door down and the rate got back to the slighty worse stat. According to the wiki, dirt is the best possible material to use in the cellars. Only the floors are the natural stone tiles. What am I missing here?
  13. Considering the fact that its a low-res voxel game, I would say coding is more like 30% of the work. Which I proposed re-using the code from the volves and bears which already works.
  14. I will BEAR that in mind. You're far more merciful than I, my friend. After I killed the bear, I seized his bush-ridden territory and went on a homicidal rampage, killed everything crawling around in those bushes. By the time all my spears were wrecked, I came out with 40 red meat, 32 bushmeat, 10 fat and a stack of bones. I used the bear fat to light up the cave I live in and the remaining lard to seal crocks with hefty meat stews. If this game were any more realistic, I would get a debuff from my home smelling like burnt bear butt!
  15. Haven't reached the so-called jungle area myself yet, only watched through other people playing it. I would propose it would be relatively easy to add a COUGAR to a jungle area. You could just copy the code base for the wolf, modify it to spawn in the appropriate areas and add a new skin with sound effects. You could also take the code for the bear and slightly modify it to make a TIGER. If its a bit more difficult that how I pictured it, then you'll have to excuse my presumption, its been 16 years since I finished programming school and I never followed up with it since I changed my vocation to something a bit more profitable almost immediately.
  16. My whole base is around 15 tiles underground, and these storage vessels are surrounded by chert and dirt. I got a feeling that such an un-rounded number is not the slowest possible decay rate factor... or is it? (please note that it shows the same decay rates even if I seal the chamber with dirt and stand inside it)
  17. Caught the sneaky, fat bastard out of the bushes. The revenge is mine! Who is eating whom? Hehehe!
  18. By the definition of the Merriam-Webster dictionary, and internationally acclaimed piece of explanatory literature, the word that you so hastily proclaim of being an insult, is an adjective, defined by lacking the qualities needed for effective action or being unable to function properly. Are you implying that this doesn't apply to the topic at hand? Why? Just why? Why the mercy? The pity? Berries are everywhere in this game. Rocks and sticks are literally just lying around on the floor! You can have a spear going in 5 minutes and throw into a rabbit's butt and BANG! Meat! Axe, throw down a tree, make firewood, make campfire - cooked meat! And who on earth doesn't go on Youtube these days to check out a game before buying one? And what could those developers do in an acceptable frame of time that could possibly be on par with what the social media influencers are doing for both promoting the game and teaching people about it? I was recently claimed of insulting people for lacking even the most basic ability to look up a how to guide on the most popular video sharing platform ON THE PLANET, but what of the insults you are dealing to them by the sole merit by not giving them their due credit? I am not some super-pro on a "noob bashing campaign", I am a first timer, It's my first playthrough, I just started last week. I barely got a copper tool or two. And I'm a casual gamer. This game is easy, but it is complicated. Lord forbid people start actually thinking a little bit. Worst above all its all explained very nicely in the handbook... THE FIRST THING YOU SEE WHEN YOU START THE GAME! And if that isn't enough, I don't know what is.
  19. Nor should they. Incompetence should not be incouraged. a loser is NOT "the last winner".
  20. I'm a completely new player. Its my first playthough and I'm surviving just fine in a bear and wolf infested area. I got a farm going and a healthy supply of meat. On my first try.
  21. Agreed. But twice I went there to clear out, twice a bear jumped in my face. If dat' bear were any smarter, he'd follow the brown trail I left behind.
  22. I've watched the youtubers play the game. They all feared the woods. Terror, pain and death is the theme of anywhere there are large clumps of trees. They all agreed - DO NOT BASE IN THE WOODS! Okay so I start my first playthrough. I spawn in the wods... WELL THAT'S JUST GREAT! ... I said to myself. I started to move quickly south, grabbing only mushrooms and berries to subsist on. I advance with the disposition of a germophobe in a covid crisis centre. Twitchy and on edge. The forests just won't end. Regular forests to pine forests, pines to mountain forests, mountain forests to gravel forests, until at last, after two days, I come upon a clearing. It was some sort of bushy plains with swampy lakes full of cattails and caverns to hide in. SAFE AT LAST! Or so I thought. I take shelter in one of the caverns and start to have something a bit more hearty to eat. As I spend my first night getting settled in, I hear it - the howl! Wolves! And the sound came from south, deeper in the plains, not north in the forest. I thought to myself, its probably just a goat with diarrhea, and go investigate. But the foliage is so damn thick I can't see a damn thing. I stack some dirt to gain some altitude and then I see it - a baby wolf, the parents can't be far away. I decide to f** off while I still can and go explore the other direction from my camp. I see something else moving in the bushes. I ready my spears and close in. At first glance its the size of a goat but the color of a pig. Its moving out of the bushes, I get ready to strike. Ooooh, it looks tastyOMG ITS A BEAR! GTFORUUUUUN! The only thing that saved me was that I jumped over a hole into which the bear fell and had to climb out the opposite direction which gave me a chance to loose him. Forests are dangerous the youtubers said, you'll get ambushed and killed in there they said...
  23. Did you know that you have to put one foot in front of the other in order to walk? Its really complicated! Okay, i'm a total newbie, but NOT for voxel games in general. The hardest part for me to realize was that its really not that hard. You already have everything you need to survive, its literally a matter of finding seeds and knocking a couple of rocks together to knap out a hoe. The rest is a matter of discovery, and you have the handbook to hold your hand.
  24. Well, here I am. Wasn't much of a minecraft player, because you could get endgame materials in a matter of hours, anything after that is a dull grind of acquiring materials. And the only thing that has changed over the years was in adding fancy new graphics, many a sin of AAA games these days. And Vintage Story... well... its poetic justice that a group of zealous Austrians could design a block game, superior to what a multimillion euro project can hold, and is, as of yet, unfinished as admitted by the developers themselves. Who could imagine that I'd be thrilled over knocking rocks together, hoping I'd eventually get lucky and knap out something that resembles a useful tool?
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