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Looking for mod testers


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I'm looking for some testers to test my quality crop mod I've been working on. 

I believe I've got it working, I only did 1 crop so far and that is flax, I plan to expand it to all farm crops but I want to make sure it's working with flax before adding all the other crops so I only have 1 crop to deal with if anything isn't working.

from my own testing it seems to work fine but I'm wanting to know if it's working for others too so I know if I've taken care of the problem I've been having.

it's progression will be tweaked over time but I'm more concerned about functionality and that it's working before tweaking the harvest rates.

at this time you will be guaranteed to get the upgraded seed in addition to your normal seed just so it's faster and easier to test but the drop rates will be drastically reduced once I know it's working for other people.


Edited by Sukotto82
removed an extra word that read out of place.
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Could you perhaps tell us what your mod is supposed to do, so those potentially interested in testing know what to look out for? ;)

I get it, no one likes writing documentation. I don't either. But while you can read your mind - we can't! We need it spelled out, fully and in detail, or we risk forming mistaken assumptions about anything and everything.

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Sure. My apologies.

I thought I already did.

20 hours ago, Sukotto82 said:

at this time you will be guaranteed to get the upgraded seed in addition to your normal seed just so it's faster and easier to test but the drop rates will be drastically reduced once I know it's working for other people.

but to add more clarification.

it's a quality crops mod.

it adds a chance to drop higher quality seeds for the crop your harvesting.

right now I've only added flax. just to make sure it's working when everything checks out and everything looks good I'll be making the same changes to all the farmable crops.

This sample mod of what I'm working on simply adds bonus flax seeds to the flax crop.

when harvesting a flax crop that is 9/9 maturity it will drop all of it's normal drops from harvesting it but also drops a bonus seed called flax1 then flax1 will have a chance to drop a bonus seed flax2 then flax3 and so on all the way to crop10

each bonus stage of the flax seed will produce an improved crop of flax dropping more flax string and flax grain as well as improved nutrient absorption making the flax require less K nutrients to grow.

at the moment it's scaled all the way to flax10 require 0 K nutrients. this will be changed and the yields will also be tweaked but for right now I want it to be obvious and easy to tell if it's working or not. the chance of dropping an improved seed is guaranteed for now but later it will be a rare chance. again this is just so you know right away from the first harvest if it's working instead of wondering if you just didn't get lucky enough.

I was also going to tweak the temperature tolerance but I can't find where that is located at the moment so the temperature is the same regardless of the seed grade.

the main purpose of this test mod is to make sure:

1, that it works for other people and not just on my end.

2, that the drop rate increases are working.

3, that the seed will drop a higher quality seed of the same crop.

thank you. I hope this helps clear some things up.

Edited by Sukotto82
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You could move all of the individual flax1/2/3 etc blocktypes into the one file and just have them as a state, would make for a cleaner folder and lets you expand it easily.


"variantgroups": [
		{ "code": "type", "states": ["flax1", "flax2", "flax3", "flax4", "flax5", "flax6", "flax7", "flax8", "flax9", "flax10"] },
		{ "code": "stage", "states": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] },


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3 hours ago, Sean Quinn said:

You could move all of the individual flax1/2/3 etc blocktypes into the one file and just have them as a state, would make for a cleaner folder and lets you expand it easily.


"variantgroups": [
		{ "code": "type", "states": ["flax1", "flax2", "flax3", "flax4", "flax5", "flax6", "flax7", "flax8", "flax9", "flax10"] },
		{ "code": "stage", "states": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] },


thanks I'll check that out.

I was wanting to do something like that originally but wasn't sure it would work because of the different nutrient values and drop rates based on individual flax sate. 

I thought doing that would make them all have the same drop rates and wouldn't allow me to change drop values based on type like flax1 having different drops than flax2 and so on. I thought because of this would have to make each one separately so they would have different drops.

much appreciated.

Edited by Sukotto82
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I found why I couldn't find the cold and heat status of the crops. it turns out flax and spelt don't have a heat/cold damage property but while I was going through the other crops like rice and parsnips I saw the heat damage and cold damage properties.

the heat and cold damage properties will in the other crops have higher temperature resistance as the crop tier increases. 

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flax is done this is closer to what the full mod will be like when it's done as with the first test this only has flax at the moment.

this is what the drop rates are going to be in the full release once all the other crops are done. 

I'm assuming no one has had any problems with it working so far?

I'm still open to suggestions and other feedback.

this is the quality crops (flax only edition)


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