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Simple use for the quiver


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I noticed there is a quiver in the game, but its not used. Such a shame! Maybe we should give it a proper use instead of just occupying a bag slot.
We could "simulate" having quicker access to arrows (which is what a quiver actually does, on top of being a container) by decreasing bow charge time.

I suggest increasing overall charge time for all bows with a value, say 50%.
The quiver is instead equipped in the waist slot, and provides -50% charge time.


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On 2/3/2023 at 7:29 PM, Frepo said:

instead of just occupying a bag slot.

Maybe instead of occupying a bag slot, perhaps one of the cosmetic slots? Alongside that, simply making it a container that can only contain arrows or other throwable weapons would be pretty nice as well.

Edited by maibock
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Exacly! That's why I suggest moving it to the waist slot, it makes more sense. Even the quiver model is there when equipped.

23 hours ago, maibock said:

Maybe instead of occupying a bag slot, perhaps one of the cosmetic slots? Alongside that, simply making it a container that can only contain arrows or other throwable weapons would be pretty nice as well.

It's already a container for arrows only (10 slots). Guess they removed it because noone will be walking around with 10 stacks of arrrows (at least u don't need it in PvE), and lowering the amount of slots makes it just worse than a backpack (that's where giving it a bonus to draw speed comes into the picture).

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  • 1 year later...

I was just messing around in creative and noticed the existence of the quiver.
I think it would be really awesome to see it be implemented in some way!

I think the above mentioned bow charge time nerf and subsequent quiver buff is really cool, though 50% seems a little extreme to me, I'd say maybe it could be more like 25%-35%.

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I just came up with another potential solution.
What if normally arrows only stacked in bundles of 8, but the quiver allowed them to stack to say 16 or 32? That could be interesting.

Edited by ifoz
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What if reload speeds differ if you equip and use ammo from a quiver, versus loading them from the hotbar or inventory?

Like +0.75 seconds if reloading from hotbar.

+1.50 seconds if reloading from 'inventory' (stored in one of the other containers).

Edited by Dra6o0n
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