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Question for a first playthrough

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Hello Vintage Community!

Happy to be here, starting the game in a few hours. That being said I would have some questions for you guys, but first a bit of context :

  • We are 3 experimented survival genre players.
  • We will be hosting our own server.
  • We would like to try this game as vanilla as possible to start off (no mods).

So my questions are :

  1. Do you have suggestion for our server settings / map gen? I haven't had time to look at what the possibilities are, but most of these game have specifics for this. (Ex: taking the pregen map in 7 days to die for a first play haha)
  2. Is there anything (none spoiler-y) we should be aware of for our first shot?  No "go here for a good start". Stuff like, I was told to take the "Commoner"(I think?) class to start off.


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There's a command to make class-exclusive recipes available to all, which I recommend for singleplayer. 
For multiplayer, I recommend that at least one of you choose Tailor profession.  Hunter and Malefactor are also decent for a first playthrough.  Blackguard is good for tanking but brutal for somebody learning how to manage hunger in this game.  

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Use H to open the Handbook, and find the First Steps tutorial.  Make torches and firestarters before sunset.  If you have spare time your first night, read the Starter Guide in the Handbook.  Once you've covered those needs, read the Progression Guide.

There's a Search box in the Handbook but here are two useful ways to check which recipes an item is used for, etc:

  • Hover over an item in your inventory and press H to open its page in the Handbook.
  • Sneak+pressH while aiming at a block/plant in the world to open its page in the Handbook.
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You should each install Prospector Info mod:
Its features are getting incorporated into version 1.19.  With it, finding ore is ~100x harder than in Minecraft.  Without it, finding ore is harder and frustrating.  Its main function is preserving the data of your prospecting samples, so you can analyze it later without resampling those areas.

If you want to share the locations of the ore you find with the other folks on the server, you can use Prospect Together instead:

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For most people, I recommend using the default settings in an Exploration playstyle world.  After getting to winter (and seeing whether you prepared well enough to get thru it), create a Standard playstyle world with settings tweaked to your liking. But it sounds like you all want the harsh learning curve, so go with Standard.
In Discord I posted some specific tweak suggestions. <https://discord.com/channels/302152934249070593/418475092138393600/1167540705267298404>

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  • Beds/sleeping do not set your spawn location.
  • Pay attention to the overhead Block Info Overlay, and read item descriptions.  Most visits to the GameplayHelp channel can be avoided this way.  And of course, search the Handbook.
  • Mark useful sites on your map.
  • Read the guides on Temporal Stability and Agriculture.
  • Learn how to use a prospecting pick.
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Thanks for hints. Our first hours were a lot of fun.

Though the info I was more looking for were things like tweaking the passing of time and making the world bigger/smaller. 😅

For now the only mod we might add is the corpse one where your inventory doesn't explode on death and becomes a chest thing. Does the addition of mods require you to reset your map?

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  • Solution
4 hours ago, teraohmique said:

Does the addition of mods require you to reset your map?

It does not - only a server restart is required.


4 hours ago, teraohmique said:

Though the info I was more looking for were things like tweaking the passing of time and making the world bigger/smaller.

This, however, very well might. World size and height parameters are not something you're supposed to change after starting a map. Trying to find ways to do it anyway is liable to result in a broken save.

Tweaking the passage of time is also not without dangers. The game explicitly forbids going back in time, meaning that while you can jump forwards to a later date, or accelerate the flow of time, the only answer to "oops I went to far, how do I go back?" is "you don't". Again, trying to find ways around that is (not just pretty much impossible but also) likely to ruin the world you try it in.

There are also quite a number of commands that modify the flow of time, and you need to know precisely what you want to achieve in order to choose the right one. Otherwise, a different command might still give you what you want, but come with other effects you didn't want.


So in both cases, I recommend the three of you play around for a bit in a standard world, if only to figure out what you would like changed. It's hard for us to recommend you any particular settings without you specifying at least some part of what you're looking for, because it often depends a lot on your server. For example, large servers that have players on them 24/7 tend to have problems with seasons rushing by and food spoiling while players are offline, so I'd recommand to such a server that they increase their days per month setting and slow down food spoiling speed. On the other hand, small servers do not have this problem, because servers automatically stop time if no one is online. If the three of you only ever log in together, or if your server is actually a singleplayer world shared for public access which will turn off as soon as the host stops playing, then you won't have these issues and don't need to follow the above recommendation.

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On 27/10/2023 at 13:19, tRead said:

Hay un comando para que las recetas exclusivas de la clase estén disponibles para todos, lo cual recomiendo para un jugador. 
Para el modo multijugador, recomiendo que al menos uno de ustedes elija la profesión de Sastre. Hunter y Malefactor también son decentes para una primera partida. Blackguard es bueno para tanquear, pero brutal para alguien que está aprendiendo a controlar el hambre en este juego.  

cual es el comando?

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