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Everything posted by tRead

  1. I've seen many players mistakenly light the dough with their torch. Light firewood in the oven, let it burn out, THEN add the dough to the still-hot oven. It sounds like that's already how you're doing it, though, so I'm stumped.
  2. On my server I had an issue with a mod that seems to have caused insta-crash whenever I try to log in. I could log in as my husband, but when I approached the location (thinking I'd move/remove the offending block) it crashed and now we're both locked out. Reducing my view distance didn't let me log in to that world; other worlds are fine. 1.19.7 I'm interested in the idea of starting fresh, at Spawn, with no inventory. But I don't know if it's possible to do that. Anybody have pointers? Meanwhile, I don't want to disrupt the world for other players (load a week-old backup, etc).
  3. Me gusta lo que leo aquí. Yo recién abrí un sv pequeño, con ajustes muy diferentes que el tuyo. Me gustaría que la comunidad de Vintage Story crezca, y quiero apoyar a la gente de habla Hispana. Qué tal publicitar tu sv en este Discord también? https://discord.gg/7FUFCqXk A propósito, estas instrucciones para reclamar tierras pueden ser útiles para tu comunidad: https://youtu.be/POjAdAOKq64
  4. /worldConfig classExclusiveRecipes [true|false] https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php/World_Configuration Pienso que con /worldConfig classExclusiveRecipes false podrías craftear cualquier cosa.
  5. You do need to exit and re-enter the world. I assume the server needs to go offline long enough to add mods.
  6. Beds/sleeping do not set your spawn location. Pay attention to the overhead Block Info Overlay, and read item descriptions. Most visits to the GameplayHelp channel can be avoided this way. And of course, search the Handbook. Mark useful sites on your map. Read the guides on Temporal Stability and Agriculture. Learn how to use a prospecting pick.
  7. For most people, I recommend using the default settings in an Exploration playstyle world. After getting to winter (and seeing whether you prepared well enough to get thru it), create a Standard playstyle world with settings tweaked to your liking. But it sounds like you all want the harsh learning curve, so go with Standard. In Discord I posted some specific tweak suggestions. <https://discord.com/channels/302152934249070593/418475092138393600/1167540705267298404>
  8. You should each install Prospector Info mod: <https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/1235> Its features are getting incorporated into version 1.19. With it, finding ore is ~100x harder than in Minecraft. Without it, finding ore is harder and frustrating. Its main function is preserving the data of your prospecting samples, so you can analyze it later without resampling those areas. If you want to share the locations of the ore you find with the other folks on the server, you can use Prospect Together instead: <https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/6932>
  9. Use H to open the Handbook, and find the First Steps tutorial. Make torches and firestarters before sunset. If you have spare time your first night, read the Starter Guide in the Handbook. Once you've covered those needs, read the Progression Guide. There's a Search box in the Handbook but here are two useful ways to check which recipes an item is used for, etc: Hover over an item in your inventory and press H to open its page in the Handbook. Sneak+pressH while aiming at a block/plant in the world to open its page in the Handbook.
  10. personally, if I spawn in deep forest or on rock too soft for knapping tools, I'm likely to exit and re-roll
  11. There's a command to make class-exclusive recipes available to all, which I recommend for singleplayer. For multiplayer, I recommend that at least one of you choose Tailor profession. Hunter and Malefactor are also decent for a first playthrough. Blackguard is good for tanking but brutal for somebody learning how to manage hunger in this game.
  12. If you'd like a Spanish translation, let me know. I've seen several other langs posted here but I don't know where they go after that; didn't find an en.json or anything else identifiable as a language file inside the mod's zip folder.
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